Rice Is Rather Nice
by Lorraine Lee
Rice Is Rather Nice
by Lorraine Lee
Rice is rather nice.
You can boil it.
You can steam it.
You can fry it.
You can make dumplings.
You can make congee.
You can make rice cakes.
You can eat it with vegetables.
You can eat it with curry.
You can eat it with fried chicken.
rather ['raːðə] adv. 相当,颇为
boil [bɔɪl] v. 煮
steam [stiːm] v. 蒸
fry [fraɪ] v. 炒,油煎,油炸
dumpling ['dʌmplɪŋ] n. 团子,文中指的是粽子(复数:dumplings)
congee ['kɒndʒiː] n. 粥,稀饭
curry ['kзːrɪ] n. 咖喱菜肴
yummy ['jʌmɪ] adj. 美味的,可口的
You can eat it with steamed fish.
You can eat it for breakfast.
You can eat it for lunch.
You can eat it for dinner.
You can eat it for supper.
You can even make a “rice-cream.”“Yummy, yummy.”
dinner 和supper都有晚餐的意思。dinner一词常用来表示一天中的正餐(main meal),它既可以是晚餐,也可以是午餐。英语国家中,晚餐一般是一天中最为丰盛的一餐,因此,dinner常用来指晚餐。此外,dinner一词比较正式,常指宴请亲朋好友的晚宴。supper所指的晚餐没有dinner正式、丰盛。supper也可能指临睡前吃的宵夜。