Several tributaries gather in the Pearl River, Guangzhou while sunlight pours down on its surface, creating a luminous shaped “人”(Chinese character, meaning“people”).阳光照射下的珠江水面,多条支流从几面汇入干流,形似一个舞动的巨大“人”字织锦,壮美无比。
Boats are moored at the Lei Yue Mun Typhoon Shelter in Hong Kong. Coastal mansions turn their lights on, adding glamour to the more traditional side of Hong Kong.入夜时分,天色渐暗,一艘艘渔船停靠在鲤鱼门避风塘,岸边的高楼大厦窗户星星点点亮灯,璀璨无比。前卫时尚与传统旧忆完美融合,毫无违和感。
A Chinese man flshes with cormorant flshing birds on a small river in Yangshuo, a city in the southern Guangxi province. (Photo taken by Matthew Szechenyi)广西阳朔,当地渔民用鸬鹚来捕鱼。
The Plateau in western Sichuan boasts a rich, natural and cultural landscape. It's a must-go-to location in Sichuan province.四川西部高原洪荒世界涤荡身心。川西自然和人文景观丰富,是四川最值得去的地区;这里山高谷深,温和多雨.独特的地形和气候条件,造就了川西奇丽秀美、如梦如幻的自然景观。