Bonus soared 890% since 1985! That's the reason why people want to Wall Street On Wall Street, bonuses never sleep. Since 1985, they have soared 890%, seven times the rise in the federal minimum wage. The average Wall Street bonus rose 1% to $138,210 last year, but fell 15% the year before, more than twice the median U.S. household annual income of $55,775. (奖金30 年涨9 倍,难怪人人都想去华尔街!华尔街奖金池从来没有躺着睡觉。自1985 年以来,华尔街奖金上涨890%,相当于联邦最低工资涨幅的7倍。美国华盛顿的智库机构政策研究所得出,华尔街人均奖金2016 年上涨1 %至13.8 万美元,此前一年则缩水15%。
Women are better investors than men
The big investment flrm Fidelity says that female investors outperformed males last year by 0.3%. In fact, Fidelity found that females outdid men in the past decade. "Women are doing better than men and with a lot less risk," says Kathy Murphy, president of personal investing at Fidelity. (CNN Money)女性比男性更擅长投资美国富达投资集团最新调查结果显示,2016 年,女性投资者的业绩超过男性投资者0.3%。调查发现,女性投资者的业绩在过去十年间优于男性投资者。富达个人投资部总裁凯西· 墨菲说:“女性不仅投资业绩超过男性,而且连带更低投资风险。
Fragranced products are making us sick! From our hand soap to our surface spray, our body wash to our perfume, air fresheners and candles, household cleaners and laundry liquid; scents are all around us. In fact, 98.5 per cent of us are exposed to fragranced products on a daily or weekly basis and they may be making us sick. (The Sydney Morning Herald)用香水吗?小心“香水有毒”澳大利亚墨尔本大学一项最新研究显示,大约三分之一的澳大利亚人在使用香氛制品后会出现健康问题,包括呼吸问题、偏头痛、皮肤敏感甚至哮喘发作等。这里所说的香氛制品还包括香皂、喷雾、家居清洁剂、洗衣液、香氛蜡烛等。
Being a Parent Help You Live Longer According to a new study from Sweden, at age 60, men with children were expected to live another 20.2 years, while men without children were expected to live 18.4 more years. Among 60-year-old women, those with children were expected to live another 24.6 years, while those without children were expected to live 23.1 more years. (Yahoo News)养娃让你更长寿!不少有了宝宝的父母会把“累”这个字挂在嘴边,时常感觉“身体被掏空”。可你知道吗,瑞典研究显示,养育孩子能让你更长寿!研究结果显示,与没有孩子的人相比,有孩子的男性平均寿命长近两年,女性平均寿命长18 个月。