A Brief Introduction to the Buddhism Translation Rules in Tubo Kingdom
【Abstract】As knowing to all, Buddhism is the main component of Tibetan Culture and translation of scripture has played a very important role in development of the Buddhism culture. This article is going to discuss the regulations of Buddhist Scripture Translation mainly in Tupo Kindgom.
【Key words】Translation; Rules; Buddhism
1. Origin of Buddhist Scripture Translation
After about two centuries of translation, a completed set of translation theory and regulations had been formed. One can see from believable records that during the reign of Trisong Destan some rules about translation were instituted, for instance, the regulation of using terms of respect when translating Buddhas name. They actually became the basis of the regulations, which were laid down.
2. According to the historical records in Tubo Kingdom translation rules:
2.1 Adjust the sentence order, if the original meaning isnt impaired and the translation goes easily and smoothly, we can translate it in the light of its original sentence order. Otherwise we should read just the sentence order for better understanding.
2.2 For a word with many distinct meanings, when the translation cannot express its whole meanings, when the translation can be used, on the matter of those words that can be translated in many different ways, we cant translate it only according to one of its meanings. We should ponder it from all sides.
2.3 About the translation of special terms. We translate the names of places, animals, flowers, plant and trees, etc. If it is apt to be misunderstood in free translation and the translation of influent, we should combine transliteration with free translation.
2.4 About translation of numeral, classifier compounds. In that case according to the habit of Tibetan language, free translation should be used.
2.5 About translation of connection words and modifiers. These words, which are either true to the original meaning or are able to play a connection role, can be translated into Tibetan Function words; for those having no different meanings, literal translation should be used.
2.6 About the translation of synonyms. If combing the meanings of the words, some generally used and smooth words in Tibetan language can be adopted.
2.7 About the translation of terms of respect. Use polite expressions for Buddha.
The above-mentioned seven rules were laid down simply according to the criteria of translation theory, be true to the original, and use easy and smooth writing to convey ones ideas and elegance. Obviously, this set of translation theory an rules were summed up from long term practice, having a high theory and rules can guide other language translation. Perhaps language standardization has ben raised during the reign of Trisong Destan, but never carried out exactly. As a result, many Tibetan historical materials also describe the contribution of language standardization the brilliant laurel to the person who instituted translation rules.
3. Conclusion
Translation played a very inestimable and important role in developing process of the Tibetan Culture during the period of the Tubo Kingdom. Tibetan Buddhism is one of the main parts of Tibetan Culture. It is reflected in every aspect of the social and culture life. Furthermore, translation played the most essential function when Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism were introducing to the Tubo Kingdom. It is impossible that Buddhism, would be introduced to Tubo Soceity effectively without the culture disseminating medium translation, hence the Tibetan culture which took Tibetan Buddhism its main part couldnt be formed.
[1]A general Record of Tibetan Kings by Sayka Sonam Gyaltsn, Beijing,Nationlities Press.1987.pp 220-221.
[2]Wang Furen,A Brief Introduction of the History of Tibetan Buddhism,Qinghai Peoples Publishing House,Xining,1982,P37.
[3]Buton Rinchendrub:The History of Buddhism,Tibetology Publishing House,Beijing,1988,pp.206-211.
作者簡介:卓玛措,女,藏族,四川若尔盖县人, 在读研究生,西南民族大学藏语言文学专业, 研究方向:翻译。