SUN Ai-wen,WANG Min,SHU Li-sheng
(School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241003,China)
SUN Ai-wen,WANG Min,SHU Li-sheng
(School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241003,China)
In this paper,we study the boundedness of multilinear fractionalintegraloperators on variable exponent spaces.It is obtained that these operators are both bounded from strong and weak Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent spaces into Lipschitz type spaces with variable exponent,which gives some new results for previous published papers.A simple way is obtained that is colsely linked with a class of fractional integral operator.
Lipschitz spaces;multilinear fractional integral;variable exponent
1 Introduction
Let(Rn)m=Rn× Rn× ···× Rnbe the m-fold product space of Rn,the multilinear fractionalintegrals on Rnare defined by
When The famous Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev theorem tells us that the fractional integral operator Iβis a bounded operator from the usual Lebesgue spaces Lp1(Rn)to Lp2(Rn)when 1 < p1< p2< ∞ andp1
1−Kenig and Stein[1]as wellas Grafakos and Kalton[2]considered the boundedness of a family of related multilinear fractional integrals.Lan[3]presented the boundedness of multilinear fractional integral operators on weak type Hardy spaces.Recently,Yasuo[4] considered the boundedness of multilinear fractionalintegraloperators on Herz spaces.
It is well known that function spaces with variable exponents were intensively studied during the past 20 years,due to their applications to PDE with non-standard growth conditions and so on,we mention e.g.[5,6].A great dealofwork was done to extend the theory offractionalintegralon the classical Lebesgue spaces to the variable exponent case(see[7–9]). However,these articles do not consider the behavior of Iβwhen.Recently,Ramseyer,Salinas and Viviani[10]studied that Lipschitz type smoothness of fractional integral on variable exponent spaces,when.Hence,whenit will be an interesting problem whether we can establish the boundedness of multilinear fractional integral from Lebesgue spaces Lp(·)into Lipschitz-type spaces with variable exponents.The main purpose of this paper is to answer the above problem.
To meet the requirements in the next sections,here,the basic elements ofthe theory of the Lebsegue spaces with variable exponent are briefly presented.
Lp(·)(Ω)is a Banach space with the norm defined by
We say a function p(·):Rn−→ R is locally log-H¨older continuous,if there exists a constant C such that
For brevity,C always means a positive constant independent of the main parameters and may change from one occurrence to the characteristic function of the setdenotes the Lebesgue measure of S.f ~ g means C−1g ≤ f ≤ C g.
Defi nition 1.1[10]Given an exponent function p(·)we say that a measurable function f belongs to Lp(·),∞if there exists a constant C such that for every t > 0.
It is not diffi cult to see that
is a quasi-norm in Lp(·),∞.
Defi nition 1.2[10]Given 0 < β < n and an exponent function p(·)with 1 < p−≤p+< ∞ we say that a locally integrable function f belongs to Lipβ,p(·)if there exists a constant C such that
RemarkIt is easy to see that in definition the average can be replaced by a constant in the following sense
In this paper,we consider the case of bilinear fractional integral.
Defi nition 1.3[4]
where 0 < β < 2n.
Now it is in this position to state our results.
2 Lemmas
Lemma 2.1[11]If p(·) ∈ P(Rn),then for all f ∈ Lp(·)(Rn)and all g ∈ Lp′(·)(Rn)we have
where rp:=1+1/p−− 1/p+.
Lemma 2.2[10]Let p(·)be an exponent function in Plog(Rn)such that 1 < p−≤ p+<∞ and p(x) ≤ p(∞)for|x|> r0with r0> 1.Then there exiZsts a positive constant C depending on r0and the constants associated Plog(Rn)such thatfor every ball B and f ∈ Lp(·),∞.
The following lemma see Corollary 4.5.9 in[12].
Lemma 2.3Let p(·) ∈ Plog(Rn),then for every ball B ⊂ Rn,we have
We remark that Lemma 2.4 were showed in[13]and we willgive the proof of it.
Lemma 2.4Let p(·) ∈ Plog(Rn)and x2∈ 2B(x1,r),then we have
ProofWe consider two cases,by Lemma 2.3.
Case 1|B|≥ 1.
Case 2|B|≤ 1.
where we denote that x′∈ B(x1,r)and x′′∈ B(x2,r).
Indeed,since x2∈ 2B(x1,r),x′∈ B(x1,r)and x′′∈ B(x2,r)we note that|x′− x′| ≤ 4r, we make use of local-H¨older continuity of p(x)and get,
Lemma 2.5Let pi(·) ∈ Plog(Rn)for i=1,2 and,then for every
ball B=B(x,r) ⊂ Rn,we have
ProofWe will give the proof of inequality(2.2),the argument for inequality(2.1)is similar,we omit the details here.We consider two cases,by Lemma 2.3.
Case 1|B|≤ 1.
Case 2|B|≥ 1.
Lemma 2.6Let p(·) ∈ Plog(Rn),then there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all balls B and allmeasurable subsets S=B(x0,r0) ⊂ B=B(x1,r1),
RemarkWe can easily show that inequality(2.4)implies ‖χ2B‖p′(·)≤ C‖χB‖p′(·).
ProofWe will prove inequality(2.3),the argument for inequality(2.4)is similar,we omit the details here.We consider three cases,by Lemma 2.3.
where we denote that xS∈ S and xB∈ B.
Indeed,since|xB− xS|≤ 2r1,we make use of local-H¨older continuity of p′(x)and get
Lemma 2.7Let p(·) ∈ Plog(Rn)such that 1 < p−≤ p+< ∞,B=B(x0,R)and k < n − n/p−,then there exists a constant C > 0 such that
ProofUsing Lemma 2.1,we obtain
Lemma 2.6 gives
Lemma 2.8Let p(·) ∈ Plog(Rn)such that 1 < p−≤ p+< ∞,B=B(x0,R)and k > n − n/p+,then there exists a constant C > 0 such that
ProofApplying Lemma 2.1,we derive the estimate
Lemma 2.6 implies that
Lemma 2.9Suppose pi(·)then
ProofFor y1,y2∈ 2B,one can obtain the following inequality in[4]
When n < β < 2n,using Lemma 2.1 and 2.5,we obtain
When 0 < β < n,we write
when j > −1 we define D3=0.
For y1∈ Aiy2∈ Aj,we have|y1− y2|≥ |y1|− |y2|> 2i−2R.Then
Now Lemma 2.1 yields
By Lemma 2.5,we get
Next we estimate D2.
Noting that|y1− y2|≤ |y1|+|y2|< C2iR for y1∈ Ai,y2∈ Aj,using Lemmas 2.1 and 2.7,we have
By Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5,we arrive at the inequality
Finally,we estimate D3.
We note y1∈ Ai,y2∈ Aj,|y1− y2|≥ |y1|− |y2|> 2j−2R and derive
Hence,we apply Lemma 2.1 and 2.5 and obtain
When β =n,the proof is similar.Therefore we omit the details.We use the following inequality
As long as we change the conclusion of Lemma 2.1 into the conclusion of Lemma 2.2 in the proof of Lemmas 2.7–2.9,we can obtain the corresponding conclusions in Lp(·),∞space.
Corollary 2.1Let p(·) ∈ Plog(Rn)such that 1 < p−≤ p+< ∞,B=B(x0,R), p(x) ≤ p(∞)for|x|> r0with r0> 1 and k < n − n/p−,then there exists a constant C > 0 such that Z
Corollary 2.2Let p(·) ∈ Plog(Rn)such that 1 < p−≤ p+< ∞,B=B(x0,R), p(x) ≤ p(∞)for|x|> r0with r0> 1 and k > n − n/p+,then there exists a constant C > 0 such that Z
Corollary 2.3Let pi(·) ∈ Plog(Rn)such that 1 < p−i≤p+i< ∞ ,pi(x) ≤ pi(∞)for i=1,2 and|x|> r0with r0> 1.Suppose B=B(x0,R)andthen
3 Proof of Theorems
We will give the proof of the Theorem 1.1 below.In Corollary 2.1–Corollary 2.3,we obtain the corresponding results in Lp(·),∞space.The argument for Theorem 1.2 is similar, we omit the details here.
Proof of Theorem 1.1We write
And we need to estimate four terms ˜Iβ(f1χ2B,f2χ2B),˜Iβ(f1χRn2B,f2χ2B),˜Iβ(f1χ2B,f2χRn2B) and ˜Iβ(f1χRn2B,f2χRn2B).
Hence,we arrive at the inequality
Next we estimate ˜Iβ(f1χRn2B,f2χ2B)and ˜Iβ(f1χ2B,f2χRn2B).
We only estimate ˜Iβ(f1χRn2B,f2χ2B)and the estimate for ˜Iβ(f1χ2B,f2χRn2B)is similar,we omit the details here.
Let c= ˜Iβ(f1χRn2B,f2χ2B)(x0),then for x ∈ B,we have
Applying Lemma 2.8,2.1 and 2.5,we obtain
Thus we get that
Finally we estimate I˜β(f1χRn2B,f2χRn2B).
By Lemmas 2.8 and 2.5,we havewhere we can take s1and s2such that s1< n/p+1,s2< n/p+2and s1+s2= β − 1.
Hence,we obtain
Consequently we prove Theorem 1.1.
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变指数空间上多线性分数次积分的 Lipschitz 光滑性
孙爱文,王 敏,束立生
(安徽师范大学数学计算机科学学院,安徽芜湖 241003)
本文研究了多线性分数次积分算子在变指数空间的有界性.利用多线性分数次积分转化为相对应的分数次积分的方法, 获得了它从变指数强和弱Lebesgue空间到变指数Lipschitz空间的有界性, 推广了先前的研究结果.
Lipschitz空间; 多线性分数次积分; 变指数
A < class="emphasis_bold">Article ID:0255-7797(2017)02-0315-10
∗Received date:2015-09-09 Accepted date:2016-04-27
Foundation item:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(11201003; 11301006);and University NSR Pro ject of Anhui Province(KJ2015A117;KJ2014A087).
Biography:Sun Aiwen(1982–),female,born at Bengbu,Anhui,associate professor,major in harmonic analysis.