—— 从2016 WA中国建筑奖看减速时代的建筑思索


世界建筑 2017年3期


—— 从2016 WA中国建筑奖看减速时代的建筑思索

Wait and You Will See: WAACA 2016 and Architectural Ideas in the Chinese Economic Slowdown


2016 WA中国建筑奖印证了一个观点,即经济减速对中国当代建筑来说未尝不是一件好事。减速使我们有理由、也有机会摆脱业已疲惫的形式美消费,于建筑的美学与伦理间寻找一种阔别已久的平衡。


在经历了长时间的高速增长之后,中国经济在近20年来第一次进入增速放缓的调整期,中国建筑师也在近20年来第一次得到群体化的相对冷静,从而有时间对前面留下的“更快、更新、更奇特”的遗产(或后果)进行再思考。从参评2016 WA中国建筑奖的项目中,我们不难发现中国当代建筑的一些微妙但却颇具揭示意义的变化:纪念性的符号化图示少了,平民化的日常空间多了;纯粹的形式操作少了,积极的人类学介入多了;对输入价值观的模仿或取悦少了,对文化归属的琢磨与诠释多了;以答案定制问题的少了,以问题推导答案的多了;将美学与伦理割裂、或以牵强的解释在美学之上附会伦理的少了,在美学与伦理间建立连贯关系的多了。







我们相信,2016 WA中国建筑奖所体现的仅仅是中国当代建筑在经济减速时代冷静思索的开始。我们希望这种思索能够继续并产生出影响建筑文明的灵感。□

If there is one thing that WAACA 2016 proves, it is the opinion that the Chinese economic slowdown might not necessarily be bad news to Chinese architecture. The slowdown gives us a temporary departure from the all-too-hungry consuming of forms, indicating a return to a longlost balance between the ethics and aesthetics of architecture.

The relationship between ethics and aesthetics in architecture is a tricky one. So much so that today most of the architectural schizophrenia around us can be traced back to it. In the early times, this relationship used to be a harmonious connection between the signified and the signifier, one of inherent unity. Vitruvius' principle of commodity, firmness and delight, and Chinese Ying-Zao-Fa-Shi of the Song Dynasty, were both sound examples of this early unity. It was after industrialisation that the unity became broken by the excessive power of technology and capital. Along with the cycles of economic growthrecession-recovery, the relationship between ethics and aesthetics in architecture also changes in a Hegelian thesis-antithesis-synthesis pattern. Sustained growth would encourage consumerism and iconography, resulting in radical aesthetics. The following recession would evoke austerity and overhauls, resulting in ethical over-reactions. Then, the following recovery would bring up temporary balancing and reconciliations. The loop would go on.

After a long and continuous high growth, Chinese economy has for the first time in two decades, entered a time of adjustment and slowdown. Chinese architects, as a community, has for the first time in two decades, embraced a time of sombre and calm. This facilitates a thorough rethinking of the legacies, or the consequences of the "faster, newer and stranger" approach of the previous time. We are clearly witnessing this rethinking through WAACA 2016. The 300+ projects reveal subtle yet unmistakable changes of direction in Chinese architecture today: monumentality and iconography is being replaced by the focus on the everyday life of normal people; self-referential formal operations are being replaced by active contextual and anthropological investigations; the pursuit and pleasing of imported values is being replaced by the exploration and interpretation of cultural roots; backward question-follows-answer approach is being replaced by forward answerfollows-question approach; and, the separation of ethics and aesthetics (or more often, farfetched stories trying explain certain aesthetics) is being replaced by the unity of the two.

Obviously, the word "achievement" in WA Achievement Award sounds a little bit intimidating to some. That said, as an award that honours buildings that has been occupied for at least five years, it is without doubt capable of bringing tried and tested buildings under spot light. To some degree, the OCT Lofts in Shenzhen is representative of its city. In its physicality and in the life it contains, the OCT Lofts register the progress, confdence and anxiety of Shenzhen. It is a worthy stage of the culture identity evolution in this open southern Chinese city.

WA City Regeneration Award fares similarly well in the sense of delivering convincing results. As the Achievement Award, it celebrates a project that explores the potentials of a high-density mixeduse complex. The West Village Yard in Chengdu skilfully orchestrates territorial identity and permeable public life into a hybrid megastructure. Nuisances of daily life is presented in every corner, as is traditional local craft. There is a clear sense of human attachment in this compound, one that scarcely seen in a building of this type.

WA Design Experiment Award extends the prolonged interest in autonomous design experiment. Surprisingly, in 2016, it brings up a project of historical conservation. The Protective Structure for Qianfoya Cliff Inscriptions is certainly a risk taking project. It has carried out a series experiments in structure, day lighting and re-interpretation of the "historic image". It simply refuses to repeat the solutions of similar preservation projects, and it does this by providing an exciting alternative. We do admire this attitude.

WA Social Equality Award points to the line between the powerfulness and powerlessness of architecture. On one hand, all contemporary buildings claim to have embodied some kind of progressive social ideal. On the other hand, the result of such buildings in real use is greatly limited by the architect's understanding of the community he or she is working for. The winner of this category in 2016 is a building deeply embedded in normal life. It comes from a normal village located in a normal environment, and features a universal environmental-educational subject. What it excels in is the way things are put together.

For the second time, WA Housing Award acknowledges a project that does typological experiments. The Third Space in Tangshan opens up new possibilities for the usually dreadful vertical interface of high-rise apartments. It proves that a city-friendly high-rise is not impossible. What we are still keen to see is how this experiment is going to affect the life of the people living in it. We also eagerly anticipate more Chinese architects taking deeper design thinking in social housing, the building type that speaks to the absolute majority of Chinese citizens.

Unsurprisingly, WA Technological Innovation Award brings up a project of structural expression. The Gymnasium in the new campus of Tianjin University is by no means a structurally challenging project by modern standard. It is not one of those engineering-intensive structures that competes for "the biggest, the widest, the tallest" titles. But it does one thing wonderfully: the unity of form and function of the concrete roof. In a time of radical parametric design and digital fabrication, it is simply reassuring to see the beauty and honesty of the early modernists being revisited.

We have good reasons to believe that what we are seeing from WAACA 2016 is just the beginning of a time of reflection in contemporary Chinese architecture. We expect this refection to make some serious contributions to the story of architecture today.□




塞翁失马,焉知非福 关于战“疫”专题的思索与展望