中图分类号:TU391 文献标志码:A
Abstract: Based on the full yield of thin steel plate shear wall and the formation of tensile strip, force analysis was conducted for the horizontal boundary elements (middle beam and top beam) of self-centering concrete filled square steel tubular frame with thin steel plate shear walls, which rolled about the pin of the web. The forces of the horizontal boundary elements were studied under the pre-stressing of the strands and the tensile strip of the thin steel plate shear walls, respectively. The calculation formula of the tensile stress was derived under the target drift. Based on the ultimate failure mode of thin steel plate shear wall, the axial forces and shear forces of the horizontal boundary element in the ends were studied. The calculation formula of the bending moment, shear force and axial force of the horizontal boundary elements were proposed. The distribution of the internal force of the horizontal boundary element was defined. The results show that the calculation results of the formula agree well with the finite element results.
Key words: self-centering concrete filled square steel tubular frame; thin steel plate shear wall; horizontal boundary element; force analysis; internal force