

世界建筑 2017年3期





Qianfoya Cliff Inscriptions in Guangyuan, Sichuan Province date back to about 1700 years ago in Northern Wei Dynasty. Due to severe deterioration, the client firstly approved an experimental project of conservation architecture to protect a small portion of the inscriptions, the aim of which was to explore an efective method to prevent the grottos from erosion caused by wind and rain. This project is the frst attempt to provide a solution for protecting clif inscriptions by adopting a comprehensive method of modern architecture and its technologies in the professional field of conservation in China, which is most challenging. As far as the monitoring statics show, the structure is quite effective in its purpose of protection. It also provides better and more views for people to appreciate the heritage, and has become an enjoyable scenery itself that attracts many young people to visit the site and beneft from the ancient clif inscriptions.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 广元千佛崖石刻艺术博物馆/The Museum of Qianfoya Clif Inscriptions

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 崔光海/CUI Guanghai

设计团队/Project Team: 安心默,马智刚,李京,汪静,揭小凤/Andrea Gianotti, MA Zhigang, LI Jing, WANG Jing, JIE Xiaofeng

建筑面积/Floor Area: 410m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2012

建成时间/Completion Time: 2015

摄影/Photos: 五季/WU Ji

2 剖面/Section

3 外景/Exterior view

4 建筑与山崖关系和谐/Harmonious relationship between architecture and clif



Jury Statement

The structure for the conservation of the Qianfoya Cliff Inscriptions is a sensitive example of what contemporary architecture can do when activates an open dialogue with the existing landscape.The semitransparent fabric of the tile-curtain system which defines the structure ensures a sophisticated permeability and a new experience for the visitors. Tradition and modernity match together generating an experimental design process which can be considered a relevant reference for the next future.□

The Experimental Structure of the Conservational Architecture of Qianfoya Cliff Inscriptions, Sichuan, China, 2015

Architects: CUI Guanghai, Andrea Gianotti, MA Zhigang, LI Jing/Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University

5 建筑掩映在植被中/Architecture hidden in vegetation

6 内景/Interior view

7 瓦幕墙细部/Tile-curtain wall detail

8 内景/Interior view

9.10 瓦幕墙系统形成柔和光影效果/Soft light created by tile-curtain system

11.12 建筑顶部与崖面脱开以披檐隔绝表面径流雨水/The top of the structure is kept away from the clif with the eaves blocking the surface runof

13 多媒体盒子/Multimedia box

14 内景/Interior view


Designing the Exhibition Space for "The New Normal", Beijing, China, 2017
广元:治理黑臭水体 再还水清岸美