Strictly control risks, steadily set up local cruise fleet


船舶经济贸易 2017年7期

By Wang Jin

Strictly control risks, steadily set up local cruise fleet

By Wang Jin

Cruise fleet is an important link of the cruise industrial chain. With the growing enthusiasm of Chinese tourist participating in cruise travel, how to set up local cruise fleet has become the current hottest topic. Cao Zhiteng, general manager of Italian Classification Society (Rina) China, held ship enterprises should intensify risk assessment on accessing to economy of cruise line and risk response preparation and create necessary conditions for healthy development of Chinese cruise economy.

"Cruise in Europe has a long development history, largely represented in three ways to establish fleet," Cao Zhiteng noted. First, retrofitting from other ship type. In early days of development, many western cruise lines retrofitted cargo vessels into cruise ships with a view to generating operating benefits under the condition of small capital input and short retrofitting cycle. In the opinion of classification societies, the path remains feasible, with ship type limited, though. To meet the requirement of cruise safely returning to the port, ro-ro passenger ship can be chosen for retrofitting. At present, Rina is taking part in a project of retrofitting a ro-ro passenger ship into a cruise.

Second, buying second-hand cruises for retrofitting. Many domestic travel agencies bought second-hand cruises in Europe and successfully put retrofitted cruises into service. A Shanghaibased travel agency introduced a second-hand cruise from Germany and retrofitted it at a local ship enterprise, cruise passenger carrying capacity increased from 922 rated seats to 1300 ones, and it only took half a year for all design and retrofitting. Due to very good operating conditions in Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia routes, the travel agency planned to buy further six second-hand cruises, however, adjustment of importing second-hand cruise policy and changes in overseas second-hand cruise supply made the plan fall into abeyance.

Third, building new cruises. According to Cao Zhiteng CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) predicts 97 new cruises will come out in future ten years with investment totaling $53 billion. Not only Chinese enterprises' aspiration for building new cruises is strong, but cruise investment on the global market stages a great mass fervor. The US became the largest investor in the newbuilding market mainly because of robust demand for luxury cruise construction.

"It's only ten years Chinese tourists contact cruise, leaving large demand differences with overseas tourists," Cao Zhiteng analyzed Costa Cruise Lines "Atlantic" retrofitted 48 compartments at one time in Shanghai after summing up a wealth of experience and lessons. Design in line with European life style is bound to cause low usage rate of