张爱宁,安沙舟,张蕊思,夏小伟,卡斯达尔·努尔旦别克,董 磊
(1.新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052;2.和静县草原工作站,和静 841300)
张爱宁1,安沙舟1,张蕊思1,夏小伟1,卡斯达尔·努尔旦别克1,董 磊2
(1.新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052;2.和静县草原工作站,和静 841300)
自1917年Joseph Grinnell提出生态位(niche)的定义以来,国外许多生态学者又陆续提出多种定义,并对生态位理论进行系统深入的研究[1-3]。20世纪70年代之后,生态位理论逐渐成为植物生态学中的研究热点[4],生态学家对生态位的概念及测定方法、植物种群对环境资源的利用、物种生态位与种间竞争关系等方面进行了深入研究[5-7]。测定生态位的主要内容包括生态位宽度及生态位重叠[8],在解释植物群落结构形成与变化、物种多样性变化、种间竞争关系、退化演替等问题上有重要作用[9-10]。
1 材料与方法
1.1 研究地区概况
1.2 研究方法
1.3 数据分析
利用ENVI软件对每个样方的照片进行监督分类,计算得出植被盖度,结合高度、密度、生物量计算物种重要值(IV),采用Excel 2007计算植物生态位宽度及种间生态位重叠值。
表1 大尤尔都斯高寒草原草地17种植物名录表
2 结果与分析
2.1 植物种群生态位宽度
表2 不同退化梯度间主要物种的生态位宽度
2.2 植物种群生态位重叠
表3 未退化阶段主要种群生态位重叠值
Note: The number of species (1~17) are same as those in Table 1, similarly for the following tables.
表4 轻度退化阶段主要种群生态位重叠值
表5 中度退化阶段主要种群生态位重叠值
3 讨论与结论
3.1 生态位宽度
表6 重度退化阶段主要种群生态位重叠
3.2 生态位重叠
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(责任编辑 武艳培)
Study on niche characteristics of the plant community in the alpine grassland of Big Youerdusi under a degeneration gradient
Zhang Ai-ning1, An Sha-zhou1, Zhang Rui-si1, Xia Xiao-wei1, Kasidaer·Nuerdanbieke1, Dong Lei2
(1.College of Pratacultural and Environmental Science, XinJiang Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of XinJiang, Urumqi 830052, China;2.The Grassland Workstation in Hejing, Hejing 841300, China)
The Levins niche breadth index (BLi) and Pianka niche overlap index (Qik) were used to study the niche breadth and the niche overlap of 17 main kinds of plants within different degradation gradient in an alpine grassland of Big Youerdusi. Results showed that the niche breadth of dominant speciesStipapurpureawas higher than others in the non-degraded stage, it was decline in the light degradation and moderate degradation stages, and then it increased in the heavy degradation stages. The change of niche breadth of other species changed based on the community structure. There was a phenomenon that plant species with narrow niche breadth had high niche overlap in different degeneration stages; the reason for this change of niche overlap was the interactive effects of different species’ ecological characteristics and grassland degradation on interspecific relationships. In conclusion, overgrazing has led to grassland degradation, and the plant species niche overlap is relatively low, in the alpine grassland of Big Youerdusi.
alpine grassland; degradation intensity; niche breadth; niche overlap
An Sha-zhou E-mail:xjasz@126.com
Zhang A N,An S Z,Zhang R S,Xia X W,Kasidaer·Nuerdanbieke,Dong L.Study on niche characteristics of the plant community in the alpine grassland of Big Youerdusi under a degeneration gradient.Pratacultural Science,2017,34(2):302-309.