Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Shi-Min Hu
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped to make Computational Visual Media a success in its second year of 2016.In particular,my thanks go to the authors,the reviewers,and the Editorial Board members,as well as the staf fof Tsinghua University Press and Springer.Your combined ef f orts have helped to ensure that all four issues for 2016 were published on schedule,before the end of the year.31 papers were published in 4 issues in 2016,including regular papers and papers recommended to us by the CVM conference and Pacif i c Graphics.The acceptance rate for regular papers was 37.5%.
Following last year’s success,Tsinghua University Press has sponsored an annual award for the best paper published in Computational Visual Media.After careful selection by the Editorial Board amongst the 31 papers published in 2016,the paper:An interactive approach for functional prototype recovery from a single RGBD image[1]has won the best paper award,and three other papers:User controllable anisotropic shape distribution on 3D meshes[2],Comfort-driven disparity adjustment for stereoscopic video[3],and VoxLink—Combining sparse volumetric data and geometry for efficient rendering[4],have won honorable mention awards.
The Editorial Board,Tsinghua University Press,and Springer of f er their congratulations to the winners, who in addition to the prestige conferred upon them by the award,will also share a cash prize of US$2500: the best paper will receive US$1000,and each honorable mention paper will receive US$500.
We look forward to receiving further excellent papers in 2017,and selecting next year’s winners!
Shi-Min Hu
Department of Computer Science and Technology,
Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
Award-winning articles
[1]Yuliang Rong,Youyi Zheng,Tianjia Shao,Yin Yang,and Kun Zhou.An interactive approach for functional prototype recovery from a single RGBD image.Computational Visual Media Vol.2,No.1, 87–96,2016.
[2]Xiaoning Wang,Tien Hung Le,Xiang Ying,Qian Sun,and Ying He.User controllable anisotropic shape distribution on 3D meshes.Computational Visual Media Vol.2,No.4,305–319,2016.
[3]Miao Wang,Xi-Jin Zhang,Jun-Bang Liang,Song-Hai Zhang,and Ralph R.Martin.Comfort-driven disparity adjustment for stereoscopic video.Computational Visual Media Vol.2,No.1,3–17,2016.
[4]Daniel Kauker,Martin Falk,Guido Reina,Anders Ynnerman,and Thomas Ertl.VoxLink—Combining sparse volumetric data and geometry for efficient rendering.Computational Visual Media Vol.2,No.1, 45–56,2016.
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