Brief Discussion on Advantages of Studying Abroad


校园英语·下旬 2017年1期


【Abstract】Education systems are different in different countries. More and more students are studying overseas. Studying abroad is a big business and has aroused wide public concern. This paper focuses on advantages of studying abroad and provides some tips of making the most of a studying abroad experience.

【Key words】advantages; overseas; study abroad; opportunity

Nowadays, with the development of the society and the remarkable improvement of peoples living standards, no one can disagree that education is the most important aspect of peoples life. Education is very important thing in everyones life. Many people even think that is their priority and I definitely agree with that.

How does a future full of opportunities, excitement, and traveling the world sound? It almost seems too good to be true, but it isnt at all. Studying abroad can be a major benefit to students.

Now, it is quite common for students to study abroad. They travel to other countries to carry on their studies. Chinas Overseas Study Development Report (2012) shows that from 2000 to 2011, the total number of Chinese students who had studied overseas reached 1.91 million.There are many advantages of studying abroad.

First, studying abroad is the best way a person can learn a foreign language. We have chance to improve your language. Nothing is better than to learn language with the native speakers. Because we can practice with the local people what you study at school, so it is very useful to improve our listening and speaking skills. Spending a semester or a year studying abroad is a popular and valuable experience for college students all around the world. College is a time for personal and educational growth and studying abroad provides and excellent catalyst foe this growth. The benefits and advantages of these courses are many for those who desire to do so. These classes provide information and a foreign educational process that may be very different than what the students would receive in their own countries, creating an advantage of broadening horizons and perspective.

Second, our eyes are opened to the world. We often grow up thinking that our way of doing things is the only way, or sometimes the best way. But living in a new culture helps us realize new ways of doing things, and also helps us to see that even though we are different, we are all human. Owning to study abroad we can learn a lot about given country. We can get to know foreign culture and customs. It can give us a closer look at how other people live, how they are different from us. And in many cases, not only will you get to know the natives of the country you are visiting, you may get to know classmates from all over the world. Friendships and contacts you develop overseas allow you to understand views other than your own. These friendships, both with locals and students from other programs, can serve as future networking opportunities. College is a time for personal growth, as students explore and expand their own goals, purposes, desires and opinions. Studying abroad provides broadened horizons in a way truly unlike anything students would receive in their home country. Students have the chance to participate with foreign cultures, experiencing alternative opinions and ways of thinking and even interacting with multiculturalism beyond just that of their host country.

Third, you learn to take care of yourself. Living in another country, even if it is with a host family, means you might be doing things you may not have done in your home country. These include cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, washing clothes, figuring out transportation, making living arrangements, setting up accounts for cell phones and utilities, etc. You may think of this as a disadvantage, but many international students go home proud that they have become very self sufficient.

Fourth, we have opportunities to study the new technologies and most recent science achievements. In addition, we are equipped with the valuable and updated knowledge which may help us find jobs easily after graduating. In most professions, a global perspective is very important today compared to the past. You cant get it from books, you must spend time in a foreign country. It is common for people to think that studying abroad is a luxury that wont help you in finding a job. But today an overseas experience can be something that many employees will have needed to do. Although this is not exclusively true, employers tend to look favorably upon periods of studying abroad for all the reasons above. Living, working and / or studying abroad shows independence, initiative, resilience, and that most prized of characteristics in the workplace, adaptability. Employers favor students with experience abroad since it shows they are able to handle new experiences and sometimes a foreign language. People who develop a global perspective gain a competitive edge in the world marketplace. It has been proven that students who go abroad are more able to view the world from new perspectives, hold further concern with international politics, and show more cross-cultural interest than other students who do not go abroad. Chances are the potential employer, when seeing that the candidate has undertaken a period of studying abroad, will see the applicant as somebody who is not afraid to undertake a challenge–somebody with a sense of adventure, and somebody who is not afraid to step out of their comfort zone in order to broaden their horizons.Studying abroad provides students with an advantage in the workplace. As employers seek college graduates who are adept at communication, fearless, with strong problem-solving skills, they are often drawn to candidates whose resumes boast a study abroad experience. Employers appreciate candidates who are bold, open to new opportunities, with flexibility and curiosity and time spent studying abroad is often a strong indicator of those qualities.

Sixth, your life will be forever changed. One of the greatest things that happens when you do something as big as live in another country is- you become a changed person- your outlook on life is different. Your new maturity can help lead you to new places in your life. Seventh, you make memories that will last a lifetime. Your pictures, journals, and souvenirs will help you remember your time abroad, but your memories and emotions of this special time will also be a part of your life until you are very old.

Summing up, I think that studying beyond country borders is really great because we have amazing opportunity to learn much more than in our country. Its not only about learning itself, but also about culture and languages. Do you have a dream place that youve always wanted to visit? If so, then you have a wonderful chance to get out and achieve the goals that you have always dreamt of doing. Studying abroad can really change your life. And hopefully if you decide to do it, it will be a wonderful experience for you.


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