
科技创新导报 2016年25期


摘 要:在Higgs粒子研究、SUSY粒子尋找和top夸克物理研究中完成了多项物理成果。在VBF过程的Higgs粒子研究中,率先使用多变量分析法应用到Higgs粒子衰变到双光子过程的物理分析中,显著提高了分析的灵敏度,使得我们能够首次在VBF过程中观测到Higgs粒子存在的证据,进一步确认了已发现的Higgs粒子。在超对称SUSY粒子寻找研究中,率先开展了在含双tau粒子的末态中寻找stau的等SUSY粒子,并在一个软轻子过程中寻找SUSY粒子,研究了信号区域的选取和优化、本底过程的详细分析以及实验数据的统计解释。还在H→WW过程的研究和top物理研究,包括单top事例的产生、top夸克的自旋关联等重要工作中做出了主要贡献的工作。

关键词:大型强子对撞机 ATLAS 希格斯粒子 超对称

The Report of the ATLAS Physics Study at LHC Experiment

Jin Shan

(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Abstract:ATLAS Chinese Cluster (ACC) made leading contributions in many important physics topics, including study of Higgs particle, searches of SUSY particle and study of top quark physics. In the VBF Higgs production studies, ACC firstly applied MVA technique, which significantly improve the sensitivity of the analysis so that we observed the first evidence of VBF Higgs boson production in ATLAS experment. ACC firtly performed the analysis to search for SUSY particles in the di-tau final states which is sensitive to the stau particle searches, we also deeply involved in the SUSY search with one soft lepton final state. We played leading role in the above two SUSY analyses, including in the signal region definition, background study and statistical interpretation of physics results. ACC members are the editors of physics papers of the above Higgs and SUSY papers. ACC also made major contributions to the H→WW decays and top phsycis studies, including the single top production and top spin correlation measurements.

Key Words:LHC; ATLAS; Higgs boson; SUSY