宋智孝:Running Man只是我的一面
文◎读者-武文慧 译◎Jojo
宋智孝:Running Man只是我的一面
文◎读者-武文慧 译◎Jojo
Song Ji Hyo:Ji Hyo in Running Man Is Just One Side of Me
Song Ji Hyo, as the only hostess in the variety show Running Man, is very popular among the audience due to her no make-up healthy image. She doesn't mind showing her sleepy face, and can also eat and drink regardless of image. But Ji Hyo explains, "There is a big difference between me in Running Man and in my movie. In fact, 'adorkable①adorkable呆萌 (详见p52)Ji Hyo' is a built image. I try to maintain the image of the character, because I feel I have a duty to do so. But Ji Hyo in Running Man is just one side of me. "
宋智孝是综艺节目《Running Man》中唯一一个女主持人,她以素面朝天的健康形象收获了大量人气。她可以毫不介意地展示睡眼惺忪的素颜,也可以完全不顾及形象地大吃大喝。但宋智孝解释道:“《Running Man》中的我和电影中的我有着天壤之别。‘懵智孝’其实也是塑造出来的形象。我很努力地维持角色的形象,因为我觉得有义务这么做,但《Running Man》中的智孝只是我的一面。”