Unit 8 STEP BY STEP 随堂通


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2016年12期



( )1. When is your birthday? A. She is fourteen years old.

( )2. How old is Vera? B. Childrens Day.

( )3. What festival do you like best? C. Its great!

( )4. How is your school trip? D. I like music.

( )5. What do you like better, music or art? E. Its December 31st.


1. ——你的生日是在8月10号吗? ——是的。

—Is your birthday on ________ ________? — Yes, ________ ________.

2. 我爸爸的生日在7月。

My ________ birthday is ________ ________.

3. 五月的第二个星期天是母亲节。

The ________ Sunday in ________ is Mothers Day.

4. 你们学校这个月有哪些活动?

________ ________ does your school have ________ ________?

5. 四月份,我们学校有郊游活动。

In April, we ________ a ________ ________.

6. 篮球比赛是在3月9号。

The ________ ________ is ________ March ________.

7. 琳达,祝你在英语派对上玩的开心!

Linda, ________ ________ ________ ________ at the English party!

8. 这真是无聊的一天!

This is ________ ________ ________ day!

9. 你可以找她要那两本英语词典。

You ________ ________ ________ ________ those two English dictionaries.


Mary likes dogs very much. On her way home every 1 , she always stops to look at the dogs in a pet shop. One of them is a white dog. Mary 2 it very much. She often forgets(忘记) the time and gets home very late. Her parents 3 her why she is late. Mary tells 4 about the dog in the pet shop.

This afternoon Mary comes to the pet shop again. She 5 to look at her favorite little dog. 6 she cant see the dog. She is very sad and goes home early. When Mary 7 home, her parents give her the little white dog. 8 today is her birthday, they buy the dog for her. Mary is very happy and 9 her parents. After that she doesnt go home late. She gets home early to play 10 the little dog. She thinks the little dog is her good friend.

( )1. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. night

( )2. A. watches B. buys C. sells D. likes

( )3. A. give B. ask C. play D. meet

( )4. A. him B. her C. it D. them

( )5. A. finds B. thinks C. wants D. helps

( )6. A. But B. Then C. Or D. So

( )7. A. leaves B. gets C. makes D. takes

( )8. A. So B. And C. Such D. Because

( )9. A. has B. thanks C. takes D. lets

( )10. A. with B. in C. and D. at


It is the last day of May today. It is Grandmas birthday. Father, Mother and I go to see her.

She lives with my uncle in a village. Early in the morning, we buy a birthday cake and some fruit and go to her home by bus.

Grandma and Uncle are very glad to see us. We give the presents to Grandma and I say “Happy birthday to you, my dear grandma!” She is so happy. Then we sit down to talk. Uncle goes to prepare(准备) lunch for us. The meal is very nice. We all enjoy it very much. At 4 oclock, we say goodbye to them and go back home. Yeah,if we love the old, lets go to see them.

( )1. Grandmas birthday is ________.

A. May 28th B. May 31st C. May 30th D. May 29th

( )2. Grandma lives ________.

A. with the writers parents B. with the writers uncle

C. far away D. in a big city

( )3. What do the writer buy for Grandmas birthday?

A. Some books. B. A birthday cake. C. Some fruit. D. Both B and C.

( )4. We ________ with Grandma in her home.

A. talk and have a nice lunch B. talk and play

C. enjoy the birthday cake D. play cards

( )5. Which sentence is NOT TRUE?

A. The writer go to see my grandma in the morning.

B. Grandma is very happy to see the writer.

C. The writer go back home late.

D. Uncle makes the lunch for us.


( )1. My uncle often comes to see me ________ August.

A. in B. on C. at D. of

( )2. I come home ________ five ________ the afternoon.

A. on; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; in

( )3. —Whats the date today? —________.

A. Its six now B. Its Monday C. Its July D. Its July 5th

( )4. —When is Womens Day in China? —It is in ________.

A. September B. March C. January D. July

( )5. —________ do you have a School Day at your school? —________ April.

A. How; In B. When; In C. When; on D. How; on

( )6. —How are you at your birthday party?

—I am very ________ but really ________.

A. nice; busy B. busy; happy C. bad; busy D. busy; tidy

( )7. —What about the picture over there?

—It ________ nice.

A. looks B. gets C. hears D. sounds

( )8. Today is little Toms ________ birthday and he is very happy.

A. five B. the fifth C. fifth D. the five

( )9. —Do you have a pop concert? —Yes, ________.

A. we have B. we do C. we are D. I am

( )10. Wheres ________?

A. Toms pants B. Toms pens C. Toms pen D. pen of Tom


A: Whens the 1 (篮球比赛)? B: Its on 2 (4月3日).

A: Whens the English 3 (演讲比赛)? B: Its on 4 (10月7日).

A: 5 Daves birthday party? B: Its on March 19th.

A: Whens the 6 (艺术节)? B: Its on November 26th and 27th.

A: Whens the volleyball game? B: Its on 7 (12月31日).

A: Do you 8 a Chinese Contest? B: Yes, we do.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________

5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________


Today is 1 . This is 2 day of school for Li Ping. He 3 back to school. He 4 his classmates. He wants to meet his new teachers. He gets up (起床) early in the morning. He

5 breakfast, then he rides his bike to school. He sees his classmates at school. He plays with them 6 . Then the bell (铃声) 7 . Everyone 8 the classroom. Li Ping 9 his new teacher. Her name is Zhao Ling. She 10 them Chinese this term. Li Ping likes Miss Zhao. He thinks she is a nice teacher.

( )1. A. september 1 B. September 1ed C. September 1st D. September 1th

( )2. A. last B. the first C. first D. the last

( )3. A. want to go B. want go C. wants to go D. wants go

( )4. A. wants to see B. want see C. want to see D. wants see

( )5. A. wash and eats B. washes and eat C. washes and eats D. wash and eat

( )6. A. happy B. easy C. very D. happily

( )7. A. rings B. ring C. sing D. sings

( )8. A. run to B. runs C. runs to D. run

( )9. A. meets B. meet C. look D. looks

( )10. A. likes B. has C. says D. teaches


Its nine oclock. Mother is not at home. Little Peter has to look after his little brother Eddy. Peter is eleven years old. And Eddy is only eight months old. At first, everything is fine. Eddy plays his doll happily with Peter. But at ten oclock, Eddy begins to cry because he is hungry (饥饿的). Mother tells Peter to feed (喂) Eddy milk when he cries. Peter does so. And Eddy stops crying. When Eddy is drinking milk, he falls asleep (睡着). Peter carefully puts him on the bed and puts his doll beside him. When his mother comes back, Peter is very happy and he tells her, “Mother, its so easy to look after a baby.”

( )1. How old is Eddy?

A. 13 years old. B. 6 years old. C. 8 months old. D. 4 months old.

( )2. Where does the story happen (发生)?

A. At school. B. At home. C. In the shop. D. In the hospital.

( )3. What time does Eddy begin to cry?

A. At 8 oclock. B. At 9 oclock. C. At 10 oclock. D. At 11 oclock.

( )4. What does Mother tell Peter to do when Eddy cries?

A. To tell him a story. B. To give him a doll.

C. To sing a song for him. D. To feed him milk.

( )5. How does Peter feel when his mother comes back?

A. He is very happy. B. He is very angry.

C. He is very tired. D. He is too hungry.


Everyone likes festivals, because we can do some interesting things on these days. I have a

f 1 . His name is Mike. He loves New Years Day. Its a big festival in China. It often c 2 in January. His mother loves Womens Day. It is on M 3 8th. She often has a good rest, eats some d 4 food and watches a movie (电影) on that day. Mike has a b 5 and a sister. Theyre David and Anna. David is twelve years old and Anna is o 6 ten years old. David likes April 1st. It is April Fools Day (愚人节). He likes to play jokes (开玩笑) on his friends on that day. Anna likes to eat moon-cakes s 7 she loves the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节). It often comes in S 8 . What festival do I like? Its the C 9 Day, June 1st!Its an i 10 festival and I think every child loves it!

1. f________ 2. c________ 3. M________ 4. d________ 5. b________

6. o________ 7. s________ 8. S________ 9. C________ 10. i________


Taking Meals(就餐)