

海洋渔业 2017年3期


(1.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090;2.上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306)




(1.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090;2.上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306)




1 ARGs的产生及传播途径



2 ARGs污染的危害性




3 国内外ARGs污染研究现状


针对水产养殖水环境中抗生素及ARGs污染的问题,国外的研究起步较早。水产养殖中抗生素的大量使用,致使鱼类致病菌产生耐药性,从而导致难以有效的治疗鱼类甚至动物、人类的疾病。LALUMERA等[36]对意大利2个鲑鱼养殖场和3个鲈鱼养殖场的底泥进行检测分析时发现,抗生素的使用,导致环境中ARGs的富集,其中土霉素和氟甲喹的最高浓度分别达到了246.3μg ·kg-1和578.8μg·kg-1,在水产养殖中持续使用抗生素,会造成抗性基因和耐药性细菌的持续性增加。这种状况也会促使多重耐药性基因和携带菌株的产生、增加及传播。经研究发现,水产养殖不仅会导致附近水域富集各种具有多重耐药性的细菌[37],还会使远离水产养殖区域的环境中同样具有非常高的多重耐药性的细菌检出率[38]。由于抗性基因可以在水生菌、陆生菌、人类致病菌之间流动、散播,因此水产养殖产业大的国家和地区,水环境中的细菌会携带大量的抗性基因[39],并且这些抗性基因转移到陆生菌和人类致病菌的可能性会大大增加,抗性基因的密度也会大幅度上升。抗生素会筛选出那些具有抗性基因的细菌,使其数量大量增加,并诱使抗性基因的产生或传播,促使水体中的抗性基因向陆生菌或人类致病菌散播。大量的实验数据及野外证据表明,水生菌可以频繁的通过基因的水平转移[40],使新型的抗性基因成为陆生菌(包括人类致病菌)基因的一部分,从而导致抗生素无法有效的治疗人类疾病。基因的水平移动,使水生菌的遗传基因可以传播和分散,并且遗传片段也会呈现出多样性。比如人类肠道拟杆菌可以从水生菌中获得降解海藻多糖的基因,从而使其自身具有降解海藻多糖的能力[41]。近年来,随着人们对食品安全问题的重视,养殖水环境中抗生素及ARGs污染影响水产品质量安全的问题也日益突出[3]。KANG等[42]在从韩国西部海域贝类样品中分离筛选的24株腐败希瓦氏菌(Shewanella putrefaciens)对16种抗生素具有耐药性。CIZEK等[43]从鲤(Cyprinus carpio)皮肤中也分离培养了出了具有多重抗药的气单胞菌(Aeromonas spp.)。HAMMAD等[44]研究也发现,生鱼片是肠球菌(Enterococcus spp.)的富集库,且携带多重抗性因子。

我国针对水产养殖环境中ARGs污染问题的研究起步较晚,但近年来的研究也取得了一定的进展。我国是世界第一水产养殖大国,养殖产量约占世界总产量的60%以上[45]。然而,产量上的飞速发展与健康养殖的可持续性却存在着严重的矛盾。在沿海的广东[46-47]、河北[48]、上海[49]等许多地区均存在不同程度的ARGs污染。LING等[50]在南、北方的江河中均检测出了磺胺类、四环素类ARGs。我国是抗生素生产和使用大国,抗生素年生产量接近21×104t,其中有9.7 ×104t用于畜牧水产养殖业,占年总产量的46%[51]。在水产养殖业中,大量使用抗生素不仅会使抗生素残留在水产品体内,导致我国水产品在国际市场上面临巨大的绿色贸易壁垒,而且水体及底部沉积物中大量残留的抗生素会诱导产生携带ARGs的抗药菌株。DANG等[52]在中国北方的一个海参和海胆的养殖场内,从海参和海胆中分离出了抗氯霉素菌株,而氯霉素在1999年就被禁止用于海水养殖。在我国天津的6个水产养殖场检测的四环素类和磺胺类抗生素的抗药性基因,均普遍存在磺胺类抗药性基因[53]。此外,陈琳琳等[54]对分离自水产养殖中的四环素耐药菌、ARGs进行检测发现,ARGs与耐药菌的基因无直接关联,表明四环素ARGs可以在水产养殖环境中传播扩散。

4 ARGs污染研究的必要性


由于各种抗生素的过度使用,细菌对抗生素的抗药性已由单一抗药逐渐发展为多重抗药。细菌具有多重抗药性的主要原因在于各种ARGs可以在环境微生物之间进行连锁传播[60]。因此,ARGs污染已经成为21世纪威胁人类健康的重大挑战之一,由此产生的潜在生态风险也日益引起了人们的广泛关注。有资料显示,2010年,超级细菌新德里金属β内酰胺酶-1(New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1,简称NDM-1)的发现,曾一度引发全球恐慌。2011年德国爆发的“毒黄瓜”事件,短期内使得欧洲至少有9个国家受到了疫情的侵袭,确认的死亡人数有33人,超过3 000人受到了感染,其中包括至少470人出现肾功能衰竭并发症。2013年,美国疾病和预防控制中心发布的报告《美国2013年抗生素耐药威胁》显示,美国每年至少有200万人感染耐药菌,其中2.3万人死亡,感染导致250亿美元的医疗支出和350亿生产损失,耐药菌产生的速度远远超过新药研制的速度,若不加以严格控制,未来人类的某些病症将处于无药可救的境地。以上这些均表明抗生素污染及由此导致的耐药菌株的产生已对人类健康构成了严重威胁,应引起人们的高度重视。目前,我国水产养殖环境中ARGs的污染问题尚未引起人们的足够重视,抗生素滥用现象比较普遍,直接导致了环境中ARGs的产生和传播扩散。作为一个水产养殖大国,为实现水产养殖业的健康可持续发展,在当前抗生素与ARGs污染日趋严峻的形势下,加强ARGs这一新型环境污染的研究力度、探清其污染机理、制定相应的控制措施及监管制度已刻不容缓,也责无旁贷。

5 ARGs污染的研究展望


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Current status and prospect ofantibiotic resistance genes(ARGs)pollution in the aquaculture

LIYun-li1,2,GAO Quan-xin1,ZHANG Chen-jie1,SHIZhao-hong1,PENG Shi-ming1,WANG Jian-gang1
(1.East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Shanghai 200090,China;2.College of Fisheries and Life Science,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China)

In aquaculture,aquatic products is often affected by bacterial diseases,which leads to the decline in production,while antibiotics are the most effective drug to treat the bacterial diseases.However,recent studies have found that the excessive use of antibiotics did not get to increase the expected economic output.On the contrary,it induced a series of pathogenic bacteria carrying the resistance genes,which seriously restricted the development of aquaculture.Currently,there are two sources for the antibiotic resistance genes(ARGs).One is intrinsic resistance of bacteria in the environment which is the prototype of the resistance gene and quasi resistant gene existing in the bacterial genome or genes not expressed normally.The other is exogenous inputwhich refers to the bacteriawith resistance gene excreting through human or animal feceswith the intestinal bacteria,and then entering the environment.The resistance gene can enhance the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics.So when the antibiotics enter the aquatic environment,the bacteria carrying the resistance gene will quicklymultiply and become the dominant flora.In the water environment,because the genomes of aquatic bacteria are complex and diverse and they contain the genetic elements or genes that are capable of producing and spreading resistance genes.The resistance genes can transfer to the bacteria that do not contain resistance genes by horizontal gene transfer,and then through the food chain enrichment enter the human body eventnally.The majority of antibiotics in the environment will finally enter the water environment,therefore it is the most serious problem for the water environment and has become the most concerned environmental pollution.In some eastern coastal cities of China,aquaculture industry has become the pillar industry.And many breeding sites are located in the tidal flat,so the resistant strains and resistance genes is prone to diffusing into the Gulf and the waters of high seas.Once the resistance genes is transmitted to the aquatic organisms,it will cause irreversible damage to the whole aquatic ecosystem and even the neighboring countries can be polluted by the resistance genes,which will directly affect the our country’s image in the international import and export trade and the economic benefits.Existing studies have indicated that the presence of resistance genes led to themultiple drug resistance in bacteria.Aquatic ecosystem is the enriched library of the multiple antibiotic resistance genes,and the pollution of exogenous antibiotics to aquatic ecosystem is the important factor to induce ARGs’accumulation and dissemination.Researches about the pollution of the antibiotics and ARGs in the aquaculture environment stated relatively earlier abroad.A large number of antibiotics usage in aquaculture resulted in the emergence of drug resistance to the pathogens in fish,which led to the difficulies to be effective in the treatmentof fish and even animals or human diseases.Though China is the largest country in aquaculture in the world,the relevant research still lagged behind.Thus,with the rapid development of China’s aquaculture industry and the continuous expansion of the scale of aquaculture,resistance gene not only led to the continuous decline in aquaculture production,but also had caused great pressures on the environment.Moreover,withmore andmore attention paid on the food security,the possible problems brought by ARGs pollution in the aquaculture have been worried about in recent years.Therefore,it should systematically carry out antibiotics and ARGs pollution research in aquaculture environment,and establishmethods for screening and identifying the resistant strains in aquaculture organismsand their environment,and analyze the environmental factors’(antibiotics,temperature,pH,dissolved oxygen,etc.)influence on ARGs diffusion and the relevant mechanisms,and reveal the diffusion and propagation reguations of ARGs in aquaculture environment,and establish the method for the control and removal of antibiotics and ARGs in aquaculture environment.The paper summarized the research progress of the resistance gene pollution in cultured waters from four aspects,which were production and transmission of ARGs,the formation and harm of ARGs pollution,research status of ARGs pollution at home and abroad and the necessity of strengthening the study of ARGs pollution.The future research keynoteswere also discussed at the end of this paper.

antibiotic;antibiotic resistance gene;aquaculture

S 949







