本次展览的最初构想是围绕动态、多元以及希腊艺术家与世界其他艺术家共有的个人价值观,试图强调个体的主观叙述、经历与对人类境况的诠释是如何融入社会与具体的现实之中的,从而形成一种独特视角以展现世间的全部存在。这也是为什么我们选择“身体”“灵魂”与“地方”这三个具有根本性意义的词汇来诠释艺术实践。“地方”是指文化背景,可以跟出生地有关,也可以随着艺术家游民般的迁移而变动 ;“灵魂”是指情感与主观性 ;而“身体”,不仅是一种基本的创作主题,同时还成为一个强有力的自我表达的工具,从而愈来愈受到行为艺术的关注。
The exhibition was conceived around the axis of dynamism,pluralism and personal values that Greek artists share with global environment. It tries to highlight how subjective narrations,experiences and interpretations of the human conditions are immersed into the social and physical reality, giving forms to unique positions that reveal the totality of existence. This is the reason why the words “body”, “soul” and “place” were chosen,as signifiers of the fundamental parameters that inform artistic practice. “Place” is a signifier for cultural background, which has to do with birthplace and in the same time with artists’choice to move around places as nomads. “Soul” is connected with emotion and subjectivity, whereas “body”, except from being a basic subject matter, also becomes a strong vehicle for self–expression, attracting more attention in the context of performative arts.
——Maria Tsantsanoglou Director of Greek State Museum of Contemporary Art Curator of Greek Special Exhibition
——Syrago Tsiara Director of the Thessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art Curator of Greek Special Exhibition