Man Holds up Cat to Scare Huge Australian Spider男子举猫吓唬巨型澳洲蜘蛛
浙江省 绍兴市 树人中学 张祖平 选译
Man Holds up Cat to Scare Huge Australian Spider男子举猫吓唬巨型澳洲蜘蛛
浙江省 绍兴市 树人中学 张祖平 选译
An Australian couple found themselves trapped on opposite sides of a glass door when a huge spider with the same size as a human head blocked their paths.
Lauren Ansell of Mount Coolum,Queensland,said her husband was barbecuing Sunday night and she was inside when they discovered the huge huntsman spider on their glass door.
A video captured1by Ansell shows her husband holding up a cat in an apparent attempt to scare the spider—or possibly feed the cat to it as a gift.
“My husband tried to squish2it in the door but the spider was smart,”Ansell said,“The door only claimed two of its legs and it dropped and ran into the garden.”
She said she gave the spider a literary nickname.
“We nicknamed3the spider‘Aragog’fromHarry Potter,and feel the spider has run into the forbidden4forest,”she said.