

中国学术期刊文摘 2017年14期









来源出版物:交通运输工程学报, 2006, 6(1): 1-9






来源出版物:铁道学报, 2006, 28(4): 89-94






来源出版物:机车电传动, 2010, (1): 8-12




摘要:叙述日本、法国、德国、意大利、西班牙等国高速列车发展沿革,重点分析日本500系、700系、E2系1000型;法国TGV A型、TGV TMST型、TGV 2N型、AGV型;德国 ICE350型;意大利 ETR500型;西班牙 AVE型、Talgo350型;韩国KTX型、KHST型等新型高速列车的技术特征及新技术应用情况。指出当前世界高速列车发展目标是最高运行速度300~330 km·h-1、试验速度350 km·h-1及以上,基本采用动力分散方式,并更多采用智能化交流传动技术、轻量化技术、动力原性能优化技术,复合制动技术,更流线型的车头车身等新技术。


来源出版物:中国铁道科学, 2003, 24(4): 1-11






来源出版物:铁道建筑, 2008, (12): 82-86




摘要:讨论了高速列车所处的动态环境。指出高速列车与普通列车的根本不同在于列车所处的动态环境发生了质的变化,由机械、电气作用为主,变为以气动作用为主。正是由于这一巨大变化,才产生了一系列高速列车技术的特点。例如,由于需要特大牵引功率来克服地表稠密大气所产生的阻力,高速列车必须放弃机车牵引,采用动车组模式;对高速列车必须进行“噪声设计”,才能分别按环保要求决定高速通道不同区段的最高限制速度。本文根据上述观点得出一些不同于通常所理解的关于地面高速交通的结论。比如:指出磁浮列车只有在低速下运行,才能凸显其低噪声的优点,高速度并不是它的特长。本文还进一步指出,地面开敞式高速交通,最高速度不宜高于400 km/h,超过这一限速必须采用真空管道高速交通。


来源出版物:铁道学报, 2006, 28(4): 1-5






来源出版物:铁道工程学报, 2007, (1): 41-54






来源出版物:中国铁路, 2010, (12): 5-8




摘要:铁路智能运输系统(RITS)集成了现代通信技术、信息处理技术、控制与系统技术、自动化技术、管理与决策技术等多门现代高新科技,以实现信息采集、传输、处理和共享为基础,通过高效充分地利用与铁路运输相关的所有移动的、固定的、空间的、时间的以及人力的资源,以较低的成本达到保障安全、提高运输效率、改善经营管理和提高服务质量目的。其框架体系突出规范性和可拓展性的特点,为中国特色的 RITS的发展提供规划、设计、实施、标准和管理的依据和指导。其技术关键在于铁路移动体与固定设施一体化安全检测网络系统、分布式的国家铁路安全数据中心体系、基于无线和卫星定位导航的列车调度与指挥系统、基于GPS的物流监测与追踪系统、基于列车总线的数字列车系统、高速铁路一体化通信信号系统的建设,以及高速宽带的车地双向数据接入系统技术、铁路现有业务系统的互联与信息共享技术、特殊地区列车运行控制与运输保障综合技术方面的突破。


来源出版物:中国铁道科学, 2002, 23(2): 15-20


CRH2型200 km/h动车组


摘要:介绍CRH2型200 km/h动车组的主要技术参数,阐述了车体、转向架、牵引系统、网络控制系统、辅助电源系统、制动系统、空调系统及车内装饰等的基本特点。

关键词:200 km/h动车组;技术参数;E2-1000系动车组

来源出版物:机车电传动, 2007, (3): 39-45


来源出版物:Engineering Structures, 1997, 19(11):936-944


Vehicle-bridge interaction element for dynamic analysis

Yang, YB; Yau, JD

Abstract:The objective of this study is to develop an element that is both accurate and efficient for modeling the vehicle-bridge interaction (VBI) in analysis of railway bridges carrying high-speed trains, which may consist of a number of cars in connection. In this study, a train is modeled as a series of sprung masses lumped at the bogie positions and a bridge with track irregularities by beam elements. Two sets of equations of motion that are coupled can be written, one for the bridge and the other for each of the sprung masses. To resolve the problem of coupling, the sprung mass equation is first discretized using Newmark’s finite difference formulas and then condensed to that of the bridge element in contact. The element derived is referred to as the vehicle bridge interaction element, which has the same number of degrees of freedom (DOF) as the parent element, while possessing the properties of symmetry and bandedness in element matrices. For this reason,conventional assembly procedures can be employed to forming the structure equations. The applicability of the VBI element is demonstrated in the numerical studies.

来源出版物:Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE,1997, 123(11): 1512-1518


Position-based modeling for wireless channel on high-speed railway under a viaduct at 2.35 GHz

Liu, Liu; Tao, Cheng; Qiu, Jiahui; et al.

Abstract:This paper presents a novel and practical study on the position-based radio propagation channel for High-Speed Railway by performing extensive measurements at 2.35 GHz in China. The specification on the path loss model is developed. In particular, small scale fading properties such as K-factor, Doppler frequency feature and time delay spread are parameterized, which show dynamic variances depending on the train location and the transceiver separation. Finally, the statistical positionbased channel models are firstly established to characterize the High-Speed Railway channel, which significantly promotes the evaluation and verification of wireless communications in relative scenarios.

Keywords:high-speed railway; position-based wireless channel; path loss; K-factor; doppler frequency; time dispersion

来源出版物:IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2012, 30(4): 834-845


Automatic train control system development and simulation for high-speed railways

Dong, Hairong; Ning, Bin; Cai, Baigen; et al.

Abstract:Research and development on high-speed railway systems and particularly its automatic control systems, are introduced. Numerical modeling of high-speed trains in the Chinese high-speed train system and its associate automatic control systems are described in detail.Moreover, modeling and simulation of train operation systems are analyzed and demonstrated.

来源出版物:IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 2010,10(2): 6-18


Challenges toward wireless communications for high-speed railway

Ai, Bo; Cheng, Xiang; Kuerner, Thomas; et al.

Abstract:High-speed railway (HSR) brings convenience to peoples’ lives and is generally considered as one of the most sustainable developments for ground transportation.One of the important parts of HSR construction is the signaling system, which is also called the “operation control system,” where wireless communications play a key role in the transmission of train control data. We discuss in detail the main differences in scientific research for wireless communications between the HSR operation scenarios and the conventional public land mobile scenarios. The latest research progress in wireless channel modeling in viaducts, cuttings, and tunnels scenarios are discussed. The characteristics of nonstationary channel and the line-of-sight (LOS) sparse and LOS multiple-inputmultiple-output channels, which are the typical channels in HSR scenarios, are analyzed. Some novel concepts such as composite transportation and key challenging techniques such as train-to-train communication, vacuum maglev train techniques, the security for HSR, and the fifth-generation wireless communications related techniques for future HSR development for safer, more comfortable, and more secure HSR operation are also discussed.

Keywords:channel modeling; composite transportation;cuttings and tunnels; high-speed railway (HSR); operation control system; train control data; viaducts

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15(5): 2143-2158


Dynamic analysis of railway bridge under high-speed trains

Xia, H; Zhang, N

Abstract:The dynamic interaction between high-speed train and bridge is studied by theoretical analysis and field experiment. A computational model of train-bridge system is established. Each vehicle is described by 27 degrees of freedom. The bridge is modeled by modal superposition technique. The measured track irregularities are taken as the system excitation. The whole histories of the China-Star high-speed train running through a bridge with 24 m-span PC box girders on the Qin-Shen Special Passenger Railway in China are simulated. The dynamic responses of the bridge such as dynamic deflections, lateral amplitudes, lateral and vertical accelerations, lateral pier amplitudes, and the vehicle responses such as derail factors, offload factors, wheel/rail forces and car-body accelerations are calculated. The proposed analysis model and the solution method are verified through the comparison between the calculated results and the in situ measured data.

Keywords:high-speed railway; train-bridge system;dynamic interaction; experiment

来源出版物:Computers & Structures, 2005, 83(23-24):1891-1901


Dynamic analysis of high speed railway bridge under articulated trains

Xia, H; Zhang, N; De Roeck, G

Abstract:The problem of vehicle-bridge dynamic interaction system under articulated high speed trains is studied in this paper. A dynamic interaction model of the bridge-articulated train system is established, which is composed of an articulated vehicle element model and a finite element bridge model. The vehicle model is established according to the structure and suspending properties of the articulated vehicles. A computer simulation program is worked out. As an example, the case of the Thalys articulated train passing along the Antoing Bridge on the Paris-Brussels high speed railway line is analyzed. The dynamic responses of the bridge and the vehicles are calculated. The proposed analysis model and the solution method are verified through the comparisonbetween the calculated results and the in situ measured data. The vibration behaviour of the articulated trains is discussed.

Keywords:articulated trains; vehicle-bridge system;dynamic interaction; experiment

来源出版物:Computers & Structures, 2003, 81(26-27):2467-2478


An empirical path loss model and fading analysis for high-speed railway viaduct scenarios

He, Ruisi; Zhong, Zhangdui; Ai, Bo; et al.

Abstract:Based on the narrowband 930-MHz measurements taken along the “Zhengzhou-Xi’an” highspeed railway in China, an empirical path loss model is proposed. It is applicable to high-speed railway viaduct scenarios, considering the influences of viaduct height H and base station antenna relative height h, which are not well-covered by existing large-scale models. The path loss exponents are investigated, based on which the influence of viaduct on propagation is discussed. The fading depth up to 15.96 dB and the Ricean K-factor with mean value of 3.79 dB are obtained.

Keywords:fading depth; high-speed railway; path loss exponent; path loss model; viaduct

来源出版物:IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2011, 10: 808-812


Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis under high-speed trains

Zhang, Nan; Xia, He; Guo, Weiwei

Abstract:The dynamic interaction between high-speed train and simply supported girders is studied by theoretical analysis and field experiment in this paper. The dynamic interaction model of the train-bridge system is established,in which the rigid-body dynamics theory, finite element method and wheel-rail displacement corresponding assumption are adopted for the vehicle model, bridge model and wheel-rail interaction model, respectively. The measured track irregularities are taken as the system excitation. The responses of a 24 m-span PC box girder bridge are calculated. The proposed analysis model and the solution method are verified through the comparison between the calculated results and the measured results.

来源出版物:Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008,309(3-5): 407-425

Vibration of simple beams due to trains moving at high speeds

Yang, YB; Yau, JD; Hsu, LC

To investigate the vibration of simple beams subjected to the passage of high speed trains, a train is modeled as the composition elf two subsystems of wheel loads of constant intervals, with one consisting of all the front wheel assemblies and the other the rear assemblies.By an analytical approach, the key parameters that govern the dynamic responses of the beams are identified, using the moving load assumption. To evaluate the inertia effect of moving vehicles, numerical solutions are obtained using Newmark’s beta method. Based on the condition of resonance and the condition of cancellation for the waves generated by continuously moving loads on the beam,optimal design criteria that are effective for suppressing the resonant responses are proposed, In designing a high speed railway bridge, such criteria should be considered in selecting the span length and cross-section of the beam,given the car length, axle distance and operating speed of the train.

bridge; high speed train; moving load; simple beam; railway; resonance; vibration

