来源出版物:科技导报, 2016, 34(15): 33-41
来源出版物:中国核电, 2016, 9(1): 25-30
来源出版物:价值工程, 2015, 34(2): 30-31
来源出版物:全面腐蚀控制, 2015, 29(11): 55-57
来源出版物:流体机械, 2015, 43(1): 47-50
摘要:三代核电技术是目前在建机组安全性较高的技术,而仪控系统是核电站中重要系统之一。通过对AP1000和 EPR仪控系统的平台总体结构、软硬件等方面进行分析并做了对比,比较了三代核电仪控系统平台的不同点,得出 AP1000仪控系统平台更加安全、可靠。
来源出版物:电力与能源, 2014, 35(6): 757-760
来源出版物:科技创新与应用, 2014 (35): 33-33
来源出版物:制冷与空调, 2015, 16(11): 43-46
来源出版物:Science and Technology of Nuclear
Installations, 2017, 3976049
联系邮箱:Lee, SH; wing088@naver.com
Development and characterization of a fiber-optic monitoring system for the key environment variables of the spent nuclear fuel pool at a nuclear power plant
Kim, R; Park, CH; Yoo, WJ; et al.
Abstract:This study develops and characterizes a fiber-optic monitoring system for the key environment variables of the spent nuclear fuel pool (SNFP) at a nuclear power plant. The three key environmental variables indicating the SNFP status directly are its water temperature, water level, and radiation level. First, this study develops and characterizes the individual fiber-optic sensors for measuring the three key environmental variables and then assembles them into an integrated monitoring system. The individual fiber-optic sensors commonly use optical fibers to transmit the signals delivered from their sensing probes despite their different characteristics. For the fiber-optic temperature sensor (FOTS), two types of FOTS are developed: contact and non-contact types, which are distinguished by whether their sensing probes are in direct contact with water. The contact-type FOTS uses a copper metal cap as its sensing probe, and the non-contact-type FOTS uses an infrared optical fiber, whose peripheral surface is coated with an anti-fog solution as its sensing probe. The fiber-optic water level sensor (FOWS) consists of optical fibers with their ends connected to the sensing probes fabricated with a NaCl solution and stainless steel. The FOWS measures the water level using the Fresnel reflection phenomenon, i.e., reflection of a portion of incident light at a discrete interface between two media having different refractive indices. The FOWS identifies the water level by measuring the amount of light reflected at the interface between the sensing probe and its outside medium, which varies according to whether the sensing probe is in contact with water. The fiber-optic radiation sensor (FORS) measures the gamma radiation in the SNFP. The sensing probe of FORS is a cylindrical-shaped LYSO: Ce scintillator, whose peripheral is wrapped with aluminum foil as the reflector. After characterizing the three individual sensors developed in this study, they are assembled and tested at a model water pool, 500 mm × 500 mm × 500 mm in size. The performance test results shows that individual sensors can measure the changes in each environmental variable in real-time.
关键词:fiber-optic monitoring system; spent nuclear fuelpool; environment variables; water temperature; water level; radiation level
来源出版物:Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017, 99: 183-192
联系邮箱:Moon, JH; jhmoon86@dongguk.ac.kr
Esearch on the attribution evaluating methods of dynamic effects of various parameter uncertainties on the in-structure floor response spectra of nuclear power plant
Li, JB; Lin, G; Liu, J; et al.
Abstract:Consideration of the dynamic effects of the site and structural parameter uncertainty is required by the standards for nuclear power plants (NPPs) in most countries. The anti-seismic standards provide two basic methods to analyze parameter uncertainty. Directly manually dealing with the calculated floor response spectra (FRS) values of deterministic approaches is the first method. The second method is to perform probability statistical analysis of the FRS results on the basis of the Monte Carlo method. The two methods can only reflect the overall effects of the uncertain parameters, and the results cannot be screened for a certain parameter’s influence and contribution. In this study, based on the dynamic analyses of the floor response spectra of NPPs, a comprehensive index of the assessed impact for various uncertain parameters is presented and recommended, including the correlation coefficient, the regression slope coefficient and Tornado swing. To compensate for the lack of guidance in the NPP seismic standards, the proposed method can effectively be used to evaluate the contributions of various parameters from the aspects of sensitivity, acuity and statistical swing correlations. Finally, examples are provided to verify the set of indicators from systematic and intuitive perspectives, such as the uncertainty of the impact of the structure parameters and the contribution to the FRS of NPPs. The index is sensitive to different types of parameters, which provides a new technique for evaluating the anti-seismic parameters required for NPPs.
关键词:uncertain parameter; floor response spectra (FRS); soil-structure interaction (SSI); seismic analysis and structural design; nuclear power plant (NPP)
来源出版物:Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2017, 16(1): 47-54
Caesium-rich micro-particles: A window into the meltdown events at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Furuki, G; Imoto, J; Ochiai, A; et al.
Abstract:The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) in March 2011 caused partial meltdowns of three reactors. During the meltdowns, a type of condensed particle, a caesium-rich micro-particle (CsMP), formed inside the reactors via unknown processes. Here we report the chemical and physical processes of CsMP formation inside the reactors during the meltdowns based on atomic-resolution electron microscopy of CsMPs discovered near the FDNPP. All of the CsMPs (with sizes of 2.0–3.4μm) comprise SiO2glass matrices and~10-nm-sized Zn–Fe oxide nanoparticles associated with a wide range of Cs concentrations (1.1–19wt% Cs as Cs2O). Trace amounts of U are also associated with the Zn–Fe oxides. The nano-texture in the CsMPs records multiple reaction-process steps during meltdown in the severe FDNPP accident: Melted fuel (molten core)-concrete interactions (MCCIs), incorporating various airborne fission product nanoparticles, including CsOH and CsCl, proceeded via SiO2condensation over aggregates of Zn-Fe oxide nanoparticles originating from the failure of the reactor pressure vessels. Still, CsMPs provide a mechanism by which volatile and low-volatility radionuclides such as U can reach the environment and should be considered in the migration model of Cs and radionuclides in the current environment surrounding the FDNPP.
来源出版物:Scientific Reports, 2017, 42731
联系邮箱:Utsunomiya, S;
联系邮箱:Li, JB; jianboli@dlut.edu.cn
Polymeric seal degradation in nuclear power plants: Effect of gamma radiation on sealing properties
Porter, CP; Edge, R; Ogden, MD
Abstract:An effort has been made to bridge the gap between academic knowledge of polymeric seal degradation and industrial practices. A series of physical and mechanical properties that can be related to the sealing behavior of three commercial samples of nitrile rubber have been studied for their degradation when exposed to gamma radiation. For all samples the glass transition temperature (Tg) and retention factor (RF) were found to increase with total dose whilst percentagechange in mass (ΔM%) was found to decrease. The ultimate uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) did not appear to change with radiation dose but the kinetics of the absorption process were found to decrease, suggesting the formation of crosslinks. The crosslinks formed appear to be dependent on the original material composition and comparison against degradation of material properties supports the theory behind butadiene, BDN, content being linked to a propensity for crosslink clustering.
关键词:CO2uptake; degradation; glass transition; mechanical properties; swelling
来源出版物:Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134(12)
联系邮箱:Ogden, MD; m.d.ogden@sheffield.ac.uk
Internal structure of cesium-bearing radioactive microparticles released from Fukushima nuclear Power Plant
Yamaguchi, N; Mitome, M; Kotone, AH; et al.
Abstract:Microparticles containing substantial amounts of radiocesium collected from the ground in Fukushima were investigated mainly by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray microanalysis with scanning TEM (STEM). Particles of around 2μm in diameter are basically silicate glass containing Fe and Zn as transition metals, Cs, Rb and K as alkali ions, and Sn as substantial elements. These elements are homogeneously distributed in the glass except Cs which has a concentration gradient, increasing from center to surface. Nano-sized crystallites such as copper- zinc- and molybdenum sulfide, and silver telluride were found inside the microparticles, which probably resulted from the segregation of the silicate and sulfide (telluride) during molten-stage. An alkali-depleted layer of ca. 0.2μm thick exists at the outer side of the particle collected from cedar leaves 8 months after the nuclear accident, suggesting gradual leaching of radiocesium from the microparticles in the natural environment.
来源出版物:Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 20548
联系邮箱:Yamaguchi, N; nyamag@affrc.go.jp
Flow boiling heat transfer in a helically coiled steam generator for nuclear power applications
Santini, L; Cioncolini, A; Butel, MT; et al.
Abstract:Forced convection boiling of water was experimentally investigated in a 24 m long full-scale helically coiled steam generator tube, prototypical of the steam generators with in-tube boiling used in small modular nuclear reactor systems. Overall, 1575 axially local and peripherally averaged heat transfer coefficient measurements were taken, covering operating pressures in the range of 2–6 MPa, mass fluxes from 200 to
800 kg m−2s−1and heat fluxes from 40 to 230 kW m−2. The heat transfer coefficient was found to depend on the mass flux and on the heat flux, indicating that both nucleate boiling and convection are contributing to the heat transfer process. Seven widely quoted flow boiling correlations for straight tubes fitted the present helical coil databank with a mean absolute percentage error within 15%–20%, which was comparable with the experimental uncertainty of the measured heat transfer coefficient values, thus indicating that curvature effects on flow boiling are small and negligible in practical applications.
关键词:helical coil; convective flow boiling; steam generator; curvature effect; small modular nuclear reactor
来源出版物:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 92: 91-99
联系邮箱:Cioncolini, A; lorenzo.santini@enel.com
Numerical simulation and experimental verification of microstructure evolution in large forged pipe used for AP1000 nuclear power plants
Wang, SL; Yang, B; Zhang, MX; et al.
Abstract:AP1000 primary coolant pipe is a large special-shaped forged pipe made of 316LN stainless steel. Due to the non-uniform temperature and deformation during its forging, coarse and fine grains usually coexist in the forged pipe, resulting in the heterogeneous microstructure and anisotropic performance. To investigate the microstructure evolution during the entire forging process, in the present research, the database of the 316LN stainless steel was established and a numerical simulation was performed. The results indicate that the middle body section of the forged pipe has an extremely uniform average grain size with the value smaller than 30 μm. The grain sizes in the ends of body sections were ranged from 30 μm to 60 μm. Boss sections have relatively homogeneous microstructure with the average grain size 30 μm to 44 μm. Furthermore, a full-scale hot forging was carried out for verification. Comparison of theoretical and experimental results showed good agreement and hence demonstrated the capabilities of the numerical simulation presented here. It is noteworthy that all grains in theworkpiece were confirmed less than 180 μm, which meets the designer’s demands.
关键词:microstructure evolution; numerical simulation; integral forging technology; 316LN stainless steel
来源出版物:Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2016, 87: 176-185
联系邮箱:Yang, B; byang@ustb.edu.cn
Detailed source term estimation of the atmospheric release for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident by coupling simulations of atmospheric dispersion model with improved deposition scheme and oceanic dispersion model
Katata, G; Chino, M; Kobayashi, T; et al.
Abstract:Temporal variations in the amount of radionuclides released into the atmosphere during the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (FNPS1) accident and their atmospheric and marine dispersion are essential to evaluate the environmental impacts and resultant radiological doses to the public. In this paper, we estimate a detailed time trend of atmospheric releases during the accident by combining environmental monitoring data with atmospheric model simulations from WSPEEDI-II (Worldwide version of System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information), and simulations from the oceanic dispersion model SEA-GEARN-FDM, both developed by the authors. A sophisticated deposition scheme, which deals with dry and fogwater depositions, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation and subsequent wet scavenging due to mixed-phase cloud microphysics (in-cloud scavenging) for radioactive iodine gas (I2and CH3I) and other particles (CsI, Cs, and Te), was incorporated into WSPEEDI-II to improve the surface deposition calculations. The fallout to the ocean surface calculated by WSPEEDI-II was used as input data for the SEA-GEARN-FDM calculations. Reverse and inverse source-term estimation methods based on coupling the simulations from both models was adopted using air dose rates and concentrations, and sea surface concentrations. The results revealed that the major releases of radionuclides due to FNPS1 accident occurred in the following periods during March 2011: the afternoon of 12 March due to the wet venting and hydrogen explosion at Unit 1, the morning of 13 March after the venting event at Unit 3, midnight of 14 March when the SRV (Safely Relief Valve) at Unit 2 was opened three times, the morning and night of 15 March, and the morning of 16 March. According to the simulation results, the highest radioactive contamination areas around FNPS1 were created from 15 to 16 March by complicated interactions among rainfall, plume movements, and the temporal variation of release rates associated with reactor pressure changes in Units 2 and 3. The modified WSPEEDI-II simulation using the new source term reproduced local and regional patterns of cumulative surface deposition of total131I and137Cs and air dose rate obtained by airborne surveys. The new source term was also tested using three atmospheric dispersion models (MLDP0, HYSPLIT, and NAME) for regional and global calculations and showed good agreement between calculated and observed air concentration and surface deposition of137Cs in East Japan. Moreover, HYSPLIT model using the new source term also reproduced the plume arrivals at several countries abroad showing a good correlation with measured air concentration data. A large part of deposition pattern of total131I and137Cs in East Japan was explained by in-cloud particulate scavenging. However, for the regional scale contaminated areas, there were large uncertainties due to the overestimation of rainfall amounts and the underestimation of fogwater and drizzle depositions. The computations showed that approximately 27% of137Cs discharged from FNPS1 deposited to the land in East Japan, mostly in forest areas.
来源出版物:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2015, 15(2): 1029-1070
联系邮箱:Katata, G; katata.genki@jaea.go.jp
Assessment of thermal embrittlement in duplex stainless steels 2003 and 2205 for nuclear power applications
Tucker, JD; Miller, MK; Young, GA
Abstract:Duplex stainless steels are desirable for use in power generation systems because of their attractive combination of strength, corrosion resistance and cost. However, thermal embrittlement at intermediate homologous temperatures of ~475°C and below, limits upper service temperatures for many applications. New lean grade duplex alloys have improved thermal stability over standard grades and potentially increase the upper service temperature or the lifetime at a given temperature for this class of material. The present work compares the thermal stability of lean grade, alloy 2003, to standardgrade, alloy 2205, through a series of isothermal agings between 260°C and 482°C for times between 1 and 10000 h. Aged samples were characterized by changes in microhardness and impact toughness. Additionally, atom probe tomography was performed to illustrate the evolution of the α–α′ phase separation in both alloys at select conditions. Atom probe tomography confirmed that phase separation occurs via spinodal decomposition for both alloys, and identified the presence of Ni–Cu–Si–Mn–P clusters in alloy 2205, which may contribute to the embrittlement of this alloy. The impact toughness model predictions for the upper service temperature show that alloy 2003 may be viable for use in 288°C applications for 80-year service lifetimes based on a Charpy V-notch criteria of 47 J at room temperature. In comparison, alloy 2205 should be limited to 260°C applications for the same room temperature toughness of 47 J.
关键词:duplex stainless steels; 475 degrees C embrittlement; spinodal decomposition; atom probe tomography
来源出版物:Acta Materialia, 2015, 87: 15-24
联系邮箱:Tucker, JD; julie.tucker@oregonstate.edu
Nuclear power as a climate mitigation strategy: Technology and proliferation risk
Lehtveer M; Hedenus F
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed renewed interest in nuclear power in large extent due to the need to reduce carbon emissions to mitigate climate change. Most studies of cost and feasibility of stringent climate targets that include nuclear power focus on the currently available light water reactor (LWR) technology. Since climate mitigation requires a long-term commitment, the inclusion of other nuclear technologies such as mixed oxide-fuelled LWRs and fast breeder reactors may better describe the future energy supply options. These different options also entail different nuclear weapon proliferation risks stemming from uranium enrichment or reprocessing of spent fuel. To investigate this relation, we perform a scenario analysis using the global energy transition model. Our results indicate that meeting a scenario with a 430ppm CO2target for 2100 is feasible without the involvement of nuclear power; however the mitigation costs increase by around 20%. Furthermore, a lasting contribution by nuclear power to climate change mitigation can only be achieved by alternative fissile material production methods and global diffusion of nuclear technologies. This in turn bears important implications for the risk of nuclear proliferation for several reasons. First, knowledge and competence in nuclear technology becomes more accessible, leading to the risk of nuclear programmes emerging in states with weaker institutional capacity. Additionally, even if the reprocessing step in a fast breeder cycle proves to be essentially proliferation resistant, the build-up of breeder reactor systems necessitates a long transition period with large-scale use of enrichment technology and its related proliferation risks. Our study does not include the costs posed on society by nuclear accident risk and by the need to upscale safeguards and regulatory capacity to deal with increased proliferation risk.
关键词:nuclear weapon proliferation; nuclear power; energy system model
来源出版物:Journal of Risk Research, 2015, 18(3): 273-290
联系邮箱:Lehtveer, M; mariliis.lehtveer@chalmers.se
Separation of transformers for class 1E Systems in nuclear power plants
Lee, SH; Chang, CK
In order to supply electric power to the safety related loads, safety and reliability of onsite power have to be ensured for the safety function performance in nuclear power plants. Even though the existing electric power system of APR1400 meets the requirements of codes regarding Class 1E system, there is a room for improvement in the design margin against the voltage drop and short circuit current. This paper discusses the amount that the voltage drop and short circuit current occur in the existing electric power system of APR1400. Additionally, this paper studies with regard to the improved model that has the extra margin against the high voltage drop and short circuit current by separation of unit auxiliary transformer (UAT) and standby auxiliary transformer (SAT) for the Class 1E loads. The improved model of the electric power system by separation of UAT and SAT has been suggested through this paper. Additionally, effects of reliability and cost caused by the electric power system modification are considered.