“险象”的第一个意思是“危险的迹象或征象”,英语译为dangerous sign。例如:1. 这个拉美国家已显露出经济持续衰退的险象。This Latin American coun⁃try has shown dangerous sign of pro⁃longed economic recession.
“险象”的第二个意思是“危险的现象或情形”,英语译为dangerous phenom⁃enon, hazardous phenomenon。例如: 2.当今困扰这个亚洲国家的险象是遍布各级政府的官员腐败。The dangerous phenom⁃enon gripping the Asian country today isthe official corruption, which is pervasiveat all levels of government.
“险象环生”或“险象迭生”的意思是“危险的情形一次又一次出现”,英语译为(dangerous phenomenon) to appear
one after another, to be exposed to dan⁃ger on all sides, with repeated occur⁃rence of hazardous phenomenon。例如:3. 这队志愿者在前往地震灾区的途中,遭遇了一系列没完没了的余震、塌陷和阻断的道路、山体滑坡和堰塞湖,险象环生。On their way to the quake-strickenarea, this group of volunteers encounteredan endless series of aftershocks, col⁃lapsed and blocked roads, mountain land⁃slides, and barrier lakes, being exposed to danger on all sides. ▲