·Managing corneal foreign bodies in office-based general practice 全科门诊角膜异物处理方法
·Burns dressings 社区医生处理烧伤时如何选择敷料
·Implanon NXT: expert tips for best-practice insertion and removal 依托孕烯植入剂单根皮下埋植及移除:专家的建议
·Editorial: procedural skills remain an intrinsic component of office-based general practice in the 21st century 编者寄语: 21世纪外科技巧仍是全科医生的必备技术
·A suspicious pigmented lesion in a transplant patient 肾移植后并发可疑色素性病变一例报道
·The short synacthen test and laboratory assay inter-ference 应用短效替可克肽检测肾上腺皮质功能及实验室检测干扰因素
·Lisfranc injuries 跖跗关节损伤文献综述、临床评估、影像检查与治疗
·An unusual cause of pleuritic pain 罕见原因导致的胸膜痛一例报道
·A case of double vision 一例复视病例报道
·Projectile fly larvae: a potentially under-reported cause of ocular foreign body sensation and inflammation in Australia 弹蝇幼虫:在澳大利亚可能未被报道的导致眼异物感及眼睛发炎的一种因素
·Older people and knowledge of epilepsy: GPs can help 全科医生可以帮助老年人提高对癫痫的相关认识
·Comparison of efficacy and tolerability of pharmacological treatment for the overactive bladder in women: a network meta-analysis 几种药物治疗女性膀胱活动亢进的效果及耐受性: 网状Meta分析
·Parental attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and concerns towards childhood vaccinations in Australia: a national online survey 父母对给孩子接种疫苗的态度、信任、做法和关注:一项基于澳大利亚全国在线调查的研究
·Undescended testes: diagnosis and timely treatment in Australia (1995-2014) 澳大利亚对隐睾的诊断与及时治疗综述(1995-2014年)
·Teaching rational prescribing to general practice registrars: a guide for supervisors 给全科医学教务员的合理教育方法指南
·Echocardiography and clozapine:is current clinical practice inhibiting use of a potentially life-transforming therapy? 澳大利亚精神分裂症患者中氯氮平的应用和超声心动图检查的关系:目前的临床实践是否抑制了潜在的改善患者生活疗法的使用?