

农业工程学报 2016年24期

孙亚朋,董向前,宋建农,刘彩玲,王继承,张 超


孙亚朋,董向前,宋建农※,刘彩玲,王继承,张 超

(农业部土壤-机器-植物系统技术重点实验室,中国农业大学,北京 100083)

振动深松具有降低耕阻的作业优势,但振动对驾驶员造成的负面影响是制约其推广使用的主要因素之一。该文采用二次回归通用旋转设计,考察深松铲振频、振幅、前进速度3个工作参数与耕阻、振动2个试验指标的关系,利用Design-Expert响应面分析法,得到2个指标的回归模型,并进行优化分析。综合分析得到一组减阻减振的优化解:振幅21 mm、振频4.2 Hz、前进速度3.4 km/h,在该组工作参数下,与非振动深松相比,振动深松的耕阻最大值变化较小,耕阻最小值、平均值分别减小46.2%、16.6%。


0 引 言

深松是利用深松部件在不翻转土壤的条件下,疏松土壤、打破犁底层、加深耕作层。深松可以保持地表覆盖物,减少表土翻动,对于北方寒冷的旱区,深松可以提高地温,促进种子发芽,有利于作物的增产[1-5]。深松的作业深度超过犁底层或土壤自然形成的黏盘层分布深度[6],使耕层由翻地的20 cm左右加深到30~35 cm。但深松作业牵引阻力大,需要配备大马力拖拉机,限制其推广使用。


国内外在深松减阻方面开展了大量研究。Shahgoli等[18-19]以单立柱凿式深松铲为试验对象,分别对振频、振动角进行单因素试验,同时考虑耕阻和总功耗,得到最优作业频率为3.3 Hz,最优振动角为1.5°。

在多因素试验方面,李霞选取前进速度、振频、振动角度3个因素,对单立柱振动深松铲进行正交试验,试验得出当前进速度2 km/h,振动频率10 Hz,振动角度12°时,牵引阻力和总功率最小。与不振动深松相比,振动深松机牵引阻力平均降幅为9.09%[20]。

王俊发等[21]选取振频、前进速度、振幅3个因素进行二次正交旋转试验,得到优化参数为振幅20~25 mm,振频2~3 Hz,铲机速比1.7~2.2,牵引阻力降低30%。并且得出振动深松会增加总功耗,振频越高,功耗越大。




1 试验设备与试验方法

1.1 室内振动深松试验台

为进行振动深松试验研究,中国农业大学土壤-机器-植物系统技术实验室设计了室内振动深松试验台(图1)。土壤-机器-植物系统技术实验室主要由土槽、台车和控制系统组成。土槽两侧为台车轨道,台车模拟拖拉机工作,可挂接农机具,并配备动力输出轴(power take off,PTO)。台车上配备六分力测力机构和土壤含水率、紧实度测量仪。通过控制系统设置前进速度、动力输出轴转速、耕深,输出三向力、土壤参数报表[23]。



1.2 土壤制备



2)用振动深松机均匀深松土槽土壤,设置松土深度为300 mm,实际松土深度为330 mm,保证土壤制备范围≥试验松土范围;




表1 试验土壤条件

2 试验设计

2.1 试验因素水平与指标

在对框架式深松铲的振频单因素研究中,以耕阻为优化指标,在低速小振幅条件下(1 km/h,12.7 mm)得到最佳振频4.4 Hz[25];在预试验中,同时增大振幅、振频,则振动加剧,台车稳定性降低,影响试验正常进行。综合考虑耕阻和振动2个指标,得到一组水平范围:振幅水平范围15~43 mm,振频水平范围1~5 Hz,前进速度水平范围1~4 km/h。根据深松要求,设置耕深为300 mm。

以前进方向力的平均值为耕阻指标1(mean of resisting force)。预试验中,竖直方向力的变化最大,为振动的主要来源。以竖直方向力的波幅振动指标2(range of vibratory force),为排除两端极端值的影响,该波幅以四分位距表示。

2.2 二次回归通用旋转设计




表2 因素水平编码表

表3 试验计划与试验结果


Note:1represents mean of resisting force;2represents amplitude of vibratory force.

3 试验结果分析

3.1 回归分析






表4 耕阻F1与振动指标F2的方差分析表


Note: ** means highly significant (<0.01); * means significant (0.01<<0.05).

3.2 影响力主次分析

3.2.1 直观分析







3.2.2 通径分析



表5 振动指标F2通径分析





3.3 多目标优化分析与验证



式中d为单目标满意度;w为每个目标的权值(weight),本文中1、2的重要性相同,因此设置1=2=0.5;F为目标函数试验值,N;F为各目标函数在自变量定义域内得到的最大值,N;F为最小值,N;回归模型(3)、(5)在工作参数[−1,1]编码水平范围内得到1H=4 112 N,1L=1 984 N;2H=2 464 N,2L=577 N。



联立式(8)、(9),得到多目标满意度响应曲面(图6)。低速前进时,在大振幅、大振频(37 mm,4.2 Hz)条件下,满意度最大;随着前进速度的提高,在小振幅、大振频(21 mm,4.2 Hz)条件下,满意度最大。为了实现高速高效作业,选择高速前进、小振幅、大振频(3.4 km/h,21 mm,4.2 Hz)为多目标优化结果,并得到区间估计值(表6)。优化参数下的试验值在区间估计范围之内,表明模型具有较好的准确性。

表6 预测与实际试验指标对比

3.4 振动与非振动深松作业情况对比


表7 振动与非振动深松作业对比

a. 振动深松 a. Oscillation subsoilingb. 非振动深松 b. Non-oscillation subsoiling

图7 深松效果对比
Fig.7 Comparison of operation effect between oscillation and non-oscillation subsoiling

4 结 论




3)在试验条件下,得到耕阻、振动均较小的多目标优化组合方案为:振幅21 mm、振频4.2 Hz、前进速度3.4 km/h。在该组合条件下,与非振动深松相比,振动深松耕阻平均值减小16.6%;最小值减小46.2%;最大值变化较小;振动深松后大土块较少,松土效果提高,实现了在提高振动深松减阻效果的同时降低振动的目的。

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Parameter optimization of vibration subsoiler test bed for reducing resistance and vibration

Sun Yapeng, Dong Xiangqian, Song Jiannong※, Liu Cailing, Wang Jicheng, Zhang Chao


The oscillatory tillage was proved to be more efficient than rigid tillage. Oscillation could reduce the drag resistance during tillage. But the oscillation had a bed effect on the tractor. Oscillation damaged the tractor and was harmful to tractor driver. The goals were to reduce the drag residence and the effect on the tractor. These two goals couldn’t be optimum at the same time. But it had a relative optimum combination. The Six-component test system on the experiment trolley could measure the forces in the directions of heading(), vertical () and crosswise (). Define the mean value of-direction force as the mean of resisting force1, the interquartile range of-direction force as the range of vibratory force2. The working parameter of oscillatory tillage that to be considered were amplitude e(), frequency () and velocity () in the experiments. Using quadratic general revolving combination design with 3 factors, the regression models between1,2and amplitude, frequency, velocity were founded. There were two three-factor quadratic regression models. The influence order could be found in the perturbation graph for non-interaction parameters, but couldn’t be found for interactive parameters, because the trend of perturbation curve changed when the interactive parameters was changed. The path analysis method could find both direct and indirect influences of interactive parameters. Using the interaction analysis method in the Design-Expert and the path analysis method in the SPSS, the influence order of three factors was determined,>>, to both1and2. There were no optimal solutions for this multi-objective optimization problem, but there were relative optimal solutions for it through the method of desirability function method. The higher the desirability value, the better the solution. From the 3D response surface of desirability at different velocities, in order to achieve high speed work, the relative optimal solution of both the goal of low resisting force and that of low vibratory force was small amplitude, high frequency and high speed, the values were 21 mm, 4.2 Hz and 3.4 km/h. The inaccuracy between the predicted value of regression model and the result of verification test was acceptable. The maximums of resisting forces during oscillation and non-oscillatory tillage were similar, but the force reductions of minimum and mean values were 46.2% and 16.6%. Comparing with the single objective optimal solution of1, the multi-objective optimization reduced the vibratory force. It achieves that resisting force decreases and at the same time the vibration on vertical direction decreases during oscillatory tillage.

agricultural machinery; optimization; vibration; subsoiling; response surface








孙亚朋,男,山东济宁人,博士生,主要从事农业机械与农业装备研究。北京 中国农业大学农业部土壤-机器-植物系统技术重点实验室,100083。

宋建农,男,河北藁城人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业机械与农业装备研究。北京 中国农业大学农业部土壤-机器-植物系统技术重点实验室,100083。


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