陈燕君 周祎 徐琦 黄冬冰 方群
陈燕君 周祎 徐琦 黄冬冰 方群
目的 探讨选择性减胎治疗双绒毛膜双胎( DCDA )之一未足月胎膜早破(pPROM)的妊娠结局及预后。方法 回顾性分析8例DCDA之一pPROM行选择性减胎治疗的临床资料。分析胎膜早破孕周、减胎孕周、减胎距离胎膜早破时间间隔及妊娠结局。以“feticide and prom and twin”为检索词,在PubMed数据库检索相关文献并分析妊娠结局。结果 8例DCDA之一pPROM行选择性减胎孕妇为孕19(13~27)周,减胎距离胎膜早破时间为19(2~42)d;胎膜早破胎在近宫底位置3例,在近宫颈位置5例;足月剖宫产3例,减胎术后至撰稿日晚期妊娠继续妊娠中3例,减胎术后宫内感染引产2例。在PubMed共检索到8篇相关文献。8篇文献加上我院8例共有35例DCDA之一pPROM,其中20例行选择性减胎治疗,15例予期待治疗。结论 选择性减胎术是处理非感染DCDA之一pPROM的一种可行方法,可改善保留胎预后。
未足月胎膜早破(pPROM)是指在妊娠37周前胎膜发生破裂,若pPROM发生在妊娠26周前,胎儿孕周较小,流产、早产、新生儿败血症、窒息、围生期死亡等发生几率相对升高[1]。根据2016年美国妇产科医师学会(ACOG)胎膜早破指南(指南),胎膜早破的处理取决于孕龄和对早产相关风险评估以及期待过程中可能发生的宫内感染、胎盘早剥和脐带意外的相对风险评估结果[2]。单胎孕24周前胎膜早破可选择期待治疗或引产,孕24~33+6周胎膜早破选择期待治疗,34周后终止妊娠[3]。然而,指南中并没有涉及双绒毛膜双胎(DCDA)之一pPROM的处理原则。pPROM单胎发生率约为3%~4.5%,而双胎pPROM发生率高达11%,且双胎pPROM发生孕周较单胎早,预后较差[4-6]。随着辅助生殖技术的发展,双胎妊娠的发生率逐渐增加,DCDA之一pPROM也越来越常见。DCDA 之一pPROM若采用期待治疗,双胎发生感染、流产、新生儿死亡,产妇发生败血症的风险增加;若终止妊娠,胎儿孕周小,各器官功能仍未发育成熟,新生儿死亡的几率也非常高。目前国内外对DCDA之一pPROM的治疗常规仍存在争议,有国外学者报道采用选择性减胎术能提高保留胎的生存率[7-9]。而国内尚无采用选择性减胎术处理DCDA之一pPROM的报道。为此,本研究分析了2012年1月至2016年4月我院收治的8例DCDA之一pPROM行选择性减胎病例资料,以期为DCDA之一pPROM的临床处理提供指导。
分析胎膜早破孕周、减胎孕周、减胎距离胎膜早破时间间隔、孕妇减胎前后白细胞数、孕妇减胎前后CRP、孕妇减胎前后血小板、宫颈分泌物培养、有无宫内感染与妊娠结局。以“feticide and prom and twin”为检索词,在PubMed数据库检索相关文献,分析DCDA之一pPROM的妊娠结局。
结 果
8例DCDA之一pPROM胎膜早破孕19(13~27)周,减胎距离胎膜早破时间为19(2~42)d。病例1、3、8的胎膜早破胎在近子宫底位置,余5例的胎膜早破胎在近子宫颈位置。病例1、3、5分别在妊娠39、37、38周时剖宫产一健康新生儿,出生体质量分别为3 300、2 900、2 800 g, 新生儿阿普加评分均为10分;病例6、7、8继续妊娠中,至撰稿日为止,分别妊娠37、33、28周,无妊娠并发症;病例2、4减胎术后因体温升高,白细胞、CRP、降钙素原上升,诊断为宫内感染予引产,该2例pPROM胎均在近子宫颈位置。详见表1、表2。
以“feticide and prom and twin”为检索词,在PubMed数据库检索相关文献,共检索到45条文献,其中3条为DCDA之一pPROM,再检索这3篇文献的参考文献及引用文献,有5篇为DCDA之一pPROM,共检索到8篇相关文献。8篇文献加上我院8例共有35例DCDA之一pPROM,其中20例行选择性减胎治疗,15例予期待治疗,妊娠结局详见表2~4。
讨 论
根据指南,在孕34周前发生的pPROM孕妇在无母胎禁忌证情况下应当给予期待治疗,建议联合红霉素和氨苄青霉素或口服阿莫西林7 d一疗程治疗以减少母胎感染及早产相关并发症。妊娠32周前发生的pPROM并有早产风险的孕妇应静脉使用硫酸镁作为胎儿神经保护剂。在孕24周(甚至早至23周)至34周前有早产风险的孕妇推荐使用单疗程的糖皮质激素促进胎肺成熟。然而指南中并未涉及DCDA之一pPROM的临床处理原则。
表1 8例DCDA之一pPROM减胎情况及妊娠结局
表2 选择性减胎文献总结(20例DCDA之一pPROM)
表3 期待治疗文献总结(15例DCDA之一pPROM)
表4 35例DCDA之一pPROM妊娠结局
pPROM的发生率为3.0%~4.5%,而双胎pPROM发生率高达11%,且双胎pPROM发生孕周较单胎早。pPROM发生孕周越早,胎儿及新生儿预后越差[4-6]。2015年Wong等[10]对23例孕26周前发生pPROM的双胎妊娠孕妇采用期待治疗,最终获得活婴的只有43%,但其中仅17%没有严重并发症。根据2004年Kristensen等发表的一篇报道,发现与双胎无胎膜早破的新生儿相比较,双胎合并pPROM 宫内死亡风险率为1.88, 7 d内新生儿死亡风险率为3.45, 8~28 d内新生儿死亡风险率为3.26, 均高于同期双胎妊娠未发生pPROM 者, 且双胎妊娠中6%的宫内死胎、15%的7 d内新生儿死亡和16%的8~28 d内新生儿死亡与胎膜早破相关[11]。
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Selective feticide in dichorionicdiamniotictwin pregnancy with preterm premature rupture of membrane in one sac
Objective To evaluate the perinatal outcome and prognosis of selective feticide in dichorionicdiamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancy with preterm premature rupture of membrane (pPROM) in one sac. Methods Clinical data of 8 DCDA women with pPROM in one sac undergoing selective feticide were retrospectively analyzed. The gestational week at PPROM, gestational week at selective feticide, time interval between PPROM and selective feticide and pregnant outcome were analyzed. Literature review was performed from PubMed database using the keywords of “feticide and prom and twin” to analyze the pregnant outcomes. Results The mean gestational age at pPROM was 19 weeks (range from 13 to 27 weeks), and the mean time interval between pPROM to selective feticide was 19 days (range from 2 to 42 days). pPROM was noted proximal to the fundus of the uterus in 3 cases and adjacent to the neck of the uterus in 5. Three patients had full-term delivery via cesarean section. Three cases were ongoing pregnant from selective feticide until the day of manuscript drafting. Two patients received abortion due to intrauterine infection after selective feticide. Forty five articles were retrieved from PubMed database and only 3 reported DCDA women with pPROM in one sac. Another 5 relevant articles were identified from the references of the 3 articles above. In total, 8 relevant articles (27 DCDA cases complicated with PPROM in one sac) were finally retrieved. Among a total of 35 DCDA cases complicated with pPROM in one sac, 20 patients underwent selective feticide and 15 received expectant management. Conclusion Selective feticide is a viable approach for non-infectious DCDA cases complicated with pPROM in one sac and improves the unfavorable pregnancy outcome of the unaffected fetus.
Preterm premature rupture of membrane; Dichorionicdiamniotictwin pregnancy; Selective feticide
510080 广州,中山大学附属第一医院妇产科
,周祎,E-mail: zhouyifm@163.com