

地质与勘探 2016年2期


(1.大陆动力学国家重点实验室(西北大学),西北大学地质学系,陕西西安 710069;2.中国石油勘探开发研究院西北分院,甘肃兰州 730020;3.中国石油长庆油田分公司,陕西西安 710069)



(1.大陆动力学国家重点实验室(西北大学),西北大学地质学系,陕西西安 710069;2.中国石油勘探开发研究院西北分院,甘肃兰州 730020;3.中国石油长庆油田分公司,陕西西安 710069)


弧形构造带 构造演化 油气成藏 柴达木盆地

弧形构造是造山带尤其是板内碰撞造山带的普遍特征,其形成演化与油气运聚有着密切的关系(Hombergetal., 1999;Affolteretal., 2004; Weiletal., 2004; 王少昌等,2005;李岩峰等,2007)。柴达木盆地北缘西段位于青藏高原东北缘,阿尔金山和祁连山交接部位(图1),是印度板块与欧亚板块新生代汇聚碰撞远程效应作用区(汤济广,2007;关平等,2013)。现今构造组合(褶皱+断裂)呈弧形,关于形成机制,大部分学者认为其是阿尔金断裂新生代晚期左行走滑运动的侧向响应(郑平太等,1983;吴光大等,2007;陈迎宾等,2010),过于强调阿尔金断裂走滑作用的影响,忽略了盆地晚新生代以来在印度板块与欧亚板块汇聚碰撞作用下SW-NE向强烈挤压收缩的构造背景。


1 地质概况

1.1 地层特征

图1 柴达木盆地构造单元划分及研究区位置Fig.1 Location and tectonic sketch map of study area 1-山脉;2-地名;3-井位;4-一级构造单元;5-二级构造单元;6-走滑断层;7-逆冲断层1-mountain; 2-place; 3-well position; 4-first-order tectonic unit; 5-secondary tectonic unit; 6-strike-slip fault; 7-thrust fault

1.2 构造特征

平面上,柴北缘西段弧形构造群落由三排构造带组成,自北向南依次为平台-三台-九龙山构造带(I)、冷湖-南八仙-马海构造带(Ⅱ)和鄂博梁-鸭湖-伊克雅乌汝构造带(Ⅲ),各构造带之间以宽缓的凹陷相隔,表现为隆坳相间的侏罗山式结构特征。纵向来看,组成弧形构造群落的各构造带由一系列自祁连山前向盆地腹部凸出的弧形压扭断裂和挤压断块(主要在第I排构造带)或断背斜(第Ⅱ、第Ⅲ排构造带)组成,从北向南,各弧形构造带中褶皱长宽比依次增加,形成等轴-短轴背斜(第I排)— 短轴背斜(第II排)—线状背斜(第III排)序列(图2a)。横向来看,以冷湖七号、南八仙轴线为界,各构造带东西两侧表现为反“S”型斜向扭动特征,中间部位深部表现为正向挤压逆冲,浅部广泛发育张性断裂,尤以冷湖七号、南八仙一带最为发育。

剖面上,自北向南,第I排构造带以祁连山前向盆地内部的基底卷入式叠瓦状逆冲为特色,形成断阶构造带。地震剖面上生长地层和断裂活动史揭示其形成时间为古始新世,是欧亚-印度两大板块碰撞作用下青藏高原北部地壳增厚的初始响应 (Yin anetal., 2002)。第Ⅱ排构造带出现深层挤压反转、浅层褶皱滑脱的构造样式,深浅褶皱不协调、高点不一致,主控断裂倾向相反,在喜马拉雅运动影响下,青藏高原整体北移,昆仑山向北持续挤压,中生界形成的深部张性断层发生反转,浅层在下干柴沟组下段的软弱岩层中发生滑脱。第Ⅲ排构造带深层表现为“两断夹一隆”的构造样式,浅层下干柴沟组上段及以上塑性地层在喜马拉雅晚期强烈的挤压作用下,向褶皱核部发生了流动,致使加褶皱核部加厚且与第II排构造带一样在下干柴沟组上段发生层间滑脱,盆地向北的推进受到了祁连山的强烈阻挡,两者共同作用促成了第Ⅲ排构造带的形成(图2b)。

表1 柴北缘西段新生代沉积地层表Table 1 Cenozoic stratigraphic chart in west part of the Qaidam Basin

2 构造演化与油气成藏

2.1 构造演化

生长地层是指在前陆或山间盆地生长构造(如生长逆断裂-褶皱带)翼部或顶部与褶皱构造同时沉积的地层,是构造运动与沉积作用同时进行的产物(Suppeetal., 1992; 张广良,2006;郭卫星,2008)。生长地层的发育及程度是对褶皱形成时间和强度的敏感响应生长地层序列在褶皱翼部具有楔状状态,即从背斜脊部至向斜轴部,厚度逐渐增大,而地层倾角逐渐变缓, 生长地层中记录了逆冲相关的褶皱作用过程。此外,断裂发育期次也与构造活动紧密相关,断裂上下盘地层厚度的差异以及断裂断穿层位等是断裂活动的直接记录,可以很好地反映断裂相关构造如断块、断背斜、断鼻等构造的发育的过程。综上,通过精细标定和解释的地震剖面上生长地层和断裂的活动情况可以很好地确定构造发育的初始和定型时间。

但是,要通过地震剖面确定构造发育的初始和定型时间,还要明确各套地层的底界年龄。关于柴北缘各套沉积地层底界的划分和年龄,前人已经做了大量工作,其中底界划分依靠露头、钻井和地震所反映的不整合面、岩性、电性、古生物(主要为介形和孢粉组合)等(杨藩等,2006;王兆明等,2009;路晶芳等,2010;姜营海等,2013),年龄则依据古地磁、裂变径迹、同位素等来确定(Rieseretal., 2006; 张跃中,2006;万景林等,2011;柯学等,2013)。本文地层底界年龄上干柴沟组采用孙知明2005年基于柴北缘大红沟剖面古地磁和国际标准年表进行比对得出的年龄28.5 Ma~23.8Ma(Sun Z.M.etal.,2005),其余地层采用Rieser等人2006年根据40Ar/39Ar得出的结果(Rieseretal., 2006a; 2006b)(表1)。


图2 弧形构造带变形特征Fig.2 Deformation characteristics of arcuate structural belts in west part of the northern Qaidam Basin 1-山脉;2-地面构造;3-断裂;4-剖面位置;5-七个泉组;6-狮子沟组;7-上油砂山组;8-下油砂山组;9-上干柴沟组; 10-下干柴沟组上段;11-下干柴沟组下段;12-路乐河组;13-大煤沟组;14-小煤沟组1-mountain; 2-ground structure; 3-fault; 4-profile position; 5-Qigequan Formation;6-Shizigou Formation; 7-Shangyoushashan Formation; 8-Xiayoushashan Formation;9-Shangganchaigou Formation; 10-Upper Xiayoushanshan Formation; 11-Lower Xiag-anchaigou formation; 12-Lulehe Formation; 13-Dameigou Formation; 14-Xiaomeigou Formation

表2 柴北缘西段弧形构造初始隆起时间表Table 2 Initial uplift time of arcuate structure in the west part of the northern Qaidam Basin

图3 柴北缘西段弧形构造初始隆起时间的沉积响应Fig.3 Sediment response to initial uplift time of arcuate structure in the west part of the northern Qaidam Basin

表3 柴北缘西段主要生烃凹陷烃源岩演化史Table 3 Evolution history of source rocks in west part of northen Qaidam Basin

图4 柴北缘西段弧形构造带含油气系统事件(据注释①修改)Fig.4 Hydrocarbon accumulation events of petroleum systems in arcuate structural belts,west part of the northern Qaidam Basin(after Note ①)

图5 柴北缘西段弧形构造带构造演化与油气藏的耦合关系Fig.5 Coupling between tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation in arcuate structural belts of west part of northern Qaidam Basin 1-钻井;2-地层代码;3-油藏;4-气藏;5-正断层;6-逆断层1-well position; 2-stratigraphic code; 3-oil reservoir; 4-gas reservoir; 5-normal fault; 6-thrust fault

2.2 油气成藏



3 结论



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Evolution History and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Process of the Late Cenozoic Arcuate Tectonic Zone in the West Section of the Northern Margin of Qaidam Basin

MA Xin-min1,2, LIU Chi-yang1, LUO Jin-hai1, CHEN Da-you1, ZHANG Jian-kui3

(1.StakeKeyLaboratoryofContinentalDynamics(NorthwestUniversity),DepartmentofGeology,NorthwestUniversity,Xi’an,Shaanxi710069; 2.NorthwestBranch,ResearchInstituteofPetroleumExplorationandDevelopment,Petrochina,Lanzhou,Gansu730020; 3.Changqingoilfield,Petrochina,Xi’an,Shaanxi710069)

In a long time,“Resverse-S type structural system”model was used to interprete formation mechanism of the late Cenozoic structural deformation in west part of the northern Qaidam Basin. It paid much emphasis on strike-slip effect of Altyn fault, but ignored overall tectonic background of extrusion and contraction in the late Cenozoic. Based on the data from field outcrop, drilling well and seismic interpretation, combined with analysis on the paleogeography and tectonic evolution, this paper put forward the new understanding of arcshaped deformation in west part of the northen Qaidam basin and discussed its formation mechanism and hydrocarbon accumulation in detail. It draw the conclusion as follows: (1) Arcshaped thrust faults and folds make up the late Cenozoic arcuate structural belts in the west part of the northern Qaidam Basin, recent “Reverse-S type”distribution on the plan is the result of the modification of arcshaped structural belts due to the differential sliding of basement fault. (2) Bedrock uplift, basement faults and thickness difference of sedimentary cover are the main control factors for formation mechanism of late Cenozoic arcuate structural belts. (3) Tectonic evolution has the characteristics of extending from edge to abdomen and spreading from both sides to middle. (4) it is paleostructure located at both sides of arcuate structural belts that would be the favorable exploration areas.

arcuate structural belt,structural deformation,hydrocarbon accumulation,Qaidam basin








Ma Xin-min, Liu Chi-yang, Luo Jin-hai, Chen Da-you, Zhang Jian-kui. Evolution history and hydrocarbon accumulation process of Late Cenozoic arcuate tectonic zone in the west section of the northern margin of Qaidam Basin[J]. Geology and Exploration, 2016,52(2):0316-0326

