

科技创新导报 2016年23期


摘 要:该研究通过AIE小分子/高分子的官能化,形成基于AIE原理的化学与生物检测技术,观察到修饰后的AIE分子对蛋白质、酶、DNA、RNA等生物分子的特异响应,实现了深红/近红外荧光的AIE材料在活性细胞与生物体内的应用,同时开展了AIE材料新结构的开发以及应用领域的扩展研究工作。

关键词:聚集诱导发光 化学传感器 生物传感器

Abstract:In this year, we achieved the following progresses:(1)the introduction of the functional groups into AIE compounds;(2)the fabrication of novel AIE system with the mechanochromic properties;(3)the application of AIE compounds for studying the motions of polymeric chains;(4)the application of AIE compounds as biosensors for detection of proteins, enzyme, DNA, RNA and etc.;(5)the application of carmine/NIR AIE compounds for active cells and biosystems. We published 14 peer-reviewed papers and wrote 3 chapters for a Wiley book “Aggregation-Induced Emission”. We gave 3 invited talks on international conference. 4 PhD and 6 MS students graduated.

Key Words:Aggregated-Induced emission; Chemosensors; Biosensors
