摘要:有机硼、硅在合成化学、医药产业以及材料科学中有重要用途,对有机硼、硅元素化学的研究具有重大的战略意义。在硼有机化合物的特性和应用研究方面,我们取得了下面的重要进展:1.发展了制备有机硼化物的新方法;2.结合机理研究,发展了一种方便且高效的合成偕二硼化合物的新方法;3.研究了原位生成的锆-碳硼炔配合物与烯烃的反应性,高收率和高选择性地合成了一系列碳硼烷锆杂环戊烷配合物;4.发展了一个通过三组分[2+2+2]环加成策略高效合成多取代苯并碳硼烷化合物的新方法;5.研究了原位生成的碳硼炔与烷基芳烃的反应性;6.得到了合成一系列官能团化二茂铁基碳硼烷化合物的便利方法。 在硅有机化合物的特性和应用研究方面,我们取得了下面的重要进展:1.开展了过渡金属催化的硅-碳键的选择性活化和重组研究;2.首次实现了过渡金属催化的三甲基硅中碳-氢键的催化活化;3.从烯基硅出发,经过分子内Mizoroki-Heck反应,合成了一系列具有重要用途的含硅杂环化合物。 在此基础上,形成我国硼、硅有机化合物研究的特色研究,同时提升我国硼、硅有机化学在国际上的影响力和竞争力。
Study on Properties and Applications of Organoboron and Organosilicon Compounds
Abstract:Organoboron and Organosilicon compounds, which are widely used in synthetic chemistry, materials and pharmaceutical industry, are of strategic significance in boron and silicon element chemistry. In the research of properties and applications of organoboron compounds, we have made great progress as follows: 1. A new method for preparing organic boride has been developed. 2. By mechanism study, a convenient and efficient synthesis method of gem-boron compounds has been developed. 3. Zirconium-1,2-dehydro-o-carborane complexes generated in situ have been studied and the high yield and high selective synthesis of a series of carborane zirconacyclopentene complexes has been achieved. 4. Through a three-component [2+2+2] cycloaddition strategy, an efficient method to synthesize multi-substituted benzocarborane compounds has been developed. 5. The reaction of 1,2-dehydro-o-carborane complexes generated in situ with alkyl aromatics has been studied. 6. A series of functionalized ferrocenyl carborane compounds have been synthesized in a convenient way. In the research of properties and applications of organosilicon compounds, we have made great progress as follows: 1. Transition metal catalyzed silicon-carbon bond selective activation and reorganization have been studied. 2. The transition metal catalyzed silicon-based carbon-hydrogen activation has been achieved for the first time. 3. A series of important silicon-containing heterocyclic compounds have been synthesized through intramolecular Mizoroki-Heck reaction starting from alkenyl silicon compounds. On this basis, we have formed our own organoboron and organosilicon chemistry system and improve our influence and competitiveness in boron and silicon chemistry in the world.