

四川动物 2016年2期

陈会明, 余志刚, 郭轩




陈会明, 余志刚, 郭轩*


记述采自贵州省施秉县贝尔蛛属Belisana一新种,李氏贝尔蛛Belisanaliisp. nov.。该新种近似于沿河贝尔蛛BelisanayanheChenetal.,2009,主要区别有:本种跗前突末端为3层膜片叠加,且顶部形成具2个小的椎形结构,而后者仅有2层膜片叠加,顶部只形成1个三角形结构;雄蛛螯肢末突长而末端强烈向后弯曲,雄蛛螯肢下侧突向内弯曲等特征区分。模式标本保存于贵州科学院生物研究所。


Belisanaliisp. nov. (Plate Ⅰ: 1~4; Plate Ⅱ: 5~9)

Type material. Holotype:♂, Tankan cave, Labatong, Niudachang town, Shibing county, Guizhou province, China, 27°12.495′N, 108°01.884′E, Alt.: 1 051 m, 19 July 2012, collected by H.M. Chen and X. Guo. Paratype: 1♂and 3 ♀♀, same data as holotype.

Etymology: The specific name a patronym in honor of the Pro. Zhumei Li; noun in genitive case.

Diagnosis: Distinguished from those relatives by the shapes of procursus (Plate Ⅰ: 3~4; Plate Ⅱ: 5~6), bulbul projections (Plate Ⅰ: 3, Plate Ⅱ: 5) on the male, and the female genitalia (external aspect and internal structures, Plate Ⅱ: 8). The new species is similar toB.yanheChenetal., 2009 by the tile-shape embolus and membranous end part of procursus. Distinguished fromB.yanheby 3 layered membranes at the end (Plate Ⅱ: 5), and 2 subuliform formations on the tip of procursus (Plate Ⅱ: 6), while inB.yanhe, only 2 layered membranes and 1 triangular formation; the distal apophysis on male chelicerae (DA) bend entad at the end (Plate Ⅱ: 9) and the proximolateral apophysis on male chelicerae (PLA) bend forth at the end (Plate Ⅱ: 9), the DA bend forth at the end and PLA without bend inB.yanhe.

Description: Male holotype. Total length 1.22 (1.32 with clypeus), carapace width 0.36. Leg Ⅰ: 7.45 (2.20+0.15+2.34+2.43+0.33), tibia Ⅱ: 1.52, tibia Ⅲ: 1.70, tibia Ⅳ: 1.36; tibia Ⅰ L/d: 67. Habitus as in Plate Ⅰ: 1. Carapace cream-colored, with dark lateral marks down the carapace. Thoracic furrow absent (Plate Ⅰ: 1). Sternum yellowish, legs yellowish, without darker rings on coxa. Opisthosoma milk-white, with darker spots (Plate Ⅰ: 1), without sparse hairs. Ocular area not elevated, six eyes in two triads, distance PME-PME 0.07; diameter PME 0.05; distance PME-ALE 0.01. Clypeus modified. Sternum 0.29 long, 0.30 wide. Chelicerae as in Fig. 9, with pair of curved apophyses, tips modified, 0.33 apart. Palps as in Plate Ⅰ: 3~4; Plate Ⅱ: 5~6; trochanter with retrolateral apophysis, procursus without spine (Plate Ⅰ: 3~4; Plate Ⅱ: 5~6) and with ventral membranous flap (broad), bulb with hooked apophysis (Plate Ⅰ: 3, Plate Ⅱ: 5). Retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia Ⅰ lost maybe; legs without spines and curved hairs; tarsus Ⅰ with approximately 24 pseudosegments.

Female paratype. In general similar to male. Epigynum simple externally (Plate Ⅱ: 7), dorsal view as in Plate Ⅱ: 8. Opisthosoma milk-white, with some slightly darker spots visible through cuticle dorso-laterally.

贝尔蛛属Belisana由T. Thorell于1898年建立,后来Huber(2005)作了全面的修订并描述了一些新的种类。到目前为止,全球已知有贝尔蛛属111种(World Spider Catalog,2015),主要分布于中国(贵州、海南、安徽、广东、广西、云南、福建、西藏),帕劳群岛,日本,韩国,印度尼西亚,泰国,菲律宾,澳大利亚,越南,斯里兰卡,老挝,印度,斐济,巴布亚新几内亚,新加坡,马来西亚,缅甸,加罗林群岛(Thorell,1898;Simon,1909;Komatsu,1961;Paik,1978;王家福,1983;徐亚君,王家福,1984;胡金林,1985;屠黑锁,1994;Huber,2001,2005;Irie,2002;Zhangetal.,2006;Tong & Li,2007,2008,2009;Zhangetal.,2008;Chenetal.,2009;Yao & Li,2013;Yaoetal.,2014,2015),中国已报道30种。


作者在鉴定采自贵州省的幽灵蛛科标本时,发现贝尔蛛属一新种,将其命名为李氏贝尔蛛Belisanaliisp. nov.。本文测量单位均为mm。分类学描述和术语根据Huber(2005)的标准。模式标本保存于贵州科学院生物研究所。

李氏贝尔蛛Belisanaliisp. nov.(图版Ⅰ:1~4;图版Ⅱ:5~9)

正模♂,贵州省施秉县牛大场镇喇叭筒塘坎洞(27°12.495′N,108°01.884′E,海拔:1 051 m),2012年7月19日,陈会明、郭轩采。副模:1♂,3♀♀,采集信息同正模。



描述:正模(图版Ⅰ:1),雄蛛,体长1.8(包括额1.9)。头胸部宽0.36。步足Ⅰ:7.45(2.20+0.15+2.34+2.43+0.33),胫节Ⅱ 1.52,胫节Ⅲ 1.70,胫节Ⅳ 1.36;胫节Ⅰ长:宽=67。体形如图版Ⅰ:1。背甲乳黄色,具暗色侧斑,无中沟(图版Ⅰ:1);胸板乳黄色。步足淡黄色,基节无暗色环。腹部乳白色,具暗色斑(图版Ⅰ:1),无毛。眼域不隆起,6眼2丛;眼距,PME-PME 0.07;眼径,PME 0.05;眼距,PME-ALE 0.01。额末特化。胸板长0.29,宽0.30。螯肢如图版Ⅱ:9,具1对曲突,末端特化,相互距离为0.33。触肢如图版Ⅰ:3~4,图版Ⅱ:5~6;转节具后侧突;跗前突无刺(图版Ⅰ:3~4,图版Ⅱ:5~6);具宽阔的腹膜;生殖球具钩状突(图版Ⅰ:3、图版Ⅱ:5)。胫节Ⅰ后侧听毛可能脱落;步足无刺和曲毛;跗节Ⅰ具约24个伪节。



胡金林. 1985. 西藏六眼幽灵蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:幽灵蛛科)[J]. 动物分类学报, 10(2): 148-151.

屠黑锁. 1994. 中国六眼幽灵蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:幽灵蛛科)[J]. 动物分类学报, 19(4): 419-421.

王家福. 1983. 中国六眼幽灵蛛属(Araneae: Pholcidae)[J]. 湖南师院学报(自然科学版), 增刊: 6-8.

徐亚君, 王家福. 1984. 中国六眼幽灵蛛属(Araneae: Pholcidae)[J]. 湖南师院学报(自然科学版), 增刊: 6-8.

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One New Spider Species of GenusBelisana(Araneae: Pholcidae) from Guizhou, China

CHEN Huiming, YU Zhigang, GUO Xuan*

(Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550009, China)

A new species,Belisanaliisp. nov., collected from Shibing county, Guizhou province, was described, photographed and illustrated. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, China. All measurements are given in mm.

Pholcidae; new species; Guizhou

图版Ⅰ 李氏贝尔蛛, 新种Belisana lii sp. nov.

图版Ⅱ 李氏贝尔蛛, 新种Belisana lii sp. nov.

2015-09-09 接受日期:2015-11-21 基金项目:贵州省社发攻关项目; 贵州科学院人才团队经费项目; 贵州科学院人才引进经费项目

陈会明(1971—), 男, 博士, 副研究员, 主要从事动物学研究

*通信作者Corresponding author,





多个兰科植物新种被发现 等
图版II Plate II
图版 Ⅰ Plate Ⅰ