方爱平,赵述敏,刘 萍,李 荣,高 宏,李宏荣
(西安交通大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710049)
方爱平,赵述敏,刘 萍,李 荣,高 宏,李宏荣
(西安交通大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710049)
中国大学生物理学术竞赛(China Undergraduate Physics Tournament,简称CUPT)是中国借鉴国际青年物理学家锦标赛(International Young Physicists’Tournament,简称 IYPT)模式创办的一项全国性赛事.第七届中国大学生物理学术竞赛于2016年8月13日-18日在西安交通大学举行,西安交大副校长郑庆华,CUPT组委会秘书长李川勇,西安交大理学院党委书记郑元锁、工程坊主任王晶等出席开幕式.西安交通大学理学院副院长高宏主持开幕式.郑庆华副校长、李川勇秘书长、郑元锁书记分别在开幕式上发表了重要讲话.
目前,CUPT的理念和模式得到了全国各高校的广泛欢迎.本届大赛的规模、水平和影响力又有了空前的提升.第七届中国大学生物理学术竞赛共有81所全国高校参加,其中参赛学校64所、观摩学校17所,整个竞赛参与师生达790人.经过 5轮角逐,南开大学、浙江大学、哈尔滨工业大学三支代表队进入决赛,最终南开大学成功夺得第七届中国大学生物理学术竞赛冠军.由于参赛队伍数量激增,经过竞赛委员会全体表决,从第六届中国大学生物理学术竞赛开始,大幅提高了获奖的数量,其中一等奖以上获奖比例提高到不多于 20%,二等奖获奖比例提高到不多于 30%,三等奖获奖比例减少到 50%.2016年最终评出团队特等奖 3项、一等奖 10项、二等奖20项、三等奖 32项、最佳风采奖 2项;个人表现最佳选手 3项、最佳女生 3项、最佳正方 3项、最佳反方 3项、最佳评论方 3项.
本次大赛取得圆满成功的同时,我们也应该注意到大赛存在如下两个问题:1)参赛学生对竞赛宗旨理解不准确.CUPT采用正方报告、正反方辩论对抗的竞赛形式,其最根本的宗旨是希望正反方能够以互相探讨交流的形式就正方报告中存在的问题或者正反方理解偏差的问题进行深入交流,达到双方共同进步的目的.然而很多参赛学生对辩论对抗环节的宗旨理解不准确,导致部分参赛队伍在这一环节中针锋相对,言辞激烈.虽然很多参赛队准备充分,但是由于对这一点理解有失偏颇,在辩论对抗阶段无法有效进行讨论,从而导致正反方成绩都不是很理想.2)裁判打分公平性问题.从去年的CUPT开始增加了领队的数量,各高校的CUPT指导教师更愿意当领队.导致本次大赛的新裁判比例增多(本次大赛裁判数量大约为 130人,其中新裁判将近100人),而且有少部分裁判可能对竞赛题目不太熟悉,对竞赛规则、竞赛宗旨不太了解等原因,导致在打分环节存在偏高或者偏低的问题.裁判组采取了在裁判安排上尽可能多的回避原则和对被投诉的裁判在充分了解情况的条件下采取学习模拟打分和取消裁判资格等方法,有效地保障了裁判的公平公正.整体来说,本次大赛是历届比赛中裁判投诉最少的一次.
努力下,已经落下帷幕.整体来说,竞赛组织圆满成功,来自西安交通大学彭康书院及理学院的 83名志愿者同学参加了本届大赛的志愿者服务工作,他们的热情服务展示了东道主的风采,赢得了参赛学校的老师和同学们的赞誉.第八届中国大学生物理学术竞赛将于2017年8月在哈尔滨工业大学举行.
附录1 2016年中国大学生物理学术竞赛获奖名单
附录2 2017年中国大学生物理学术竞赛题目
1.Invent Yourself
Construct a passive device that will provide safe landing for an uncooked hen’s egg when dropped onto a hard surface from a fixed height of 2.5 m.The device must fall together with the egg.What is the smallest size of the device you can achieve?
2.Balloon Airhorn
A simple airhorn can be constructed by stretching a balloon over the opening of a small container or cup with a tube through the other end (see Figure).Blowing through a smallhole in the side ofthe container can produce a sound.Investigate how relevant parameters affect the sound.
3.Single Lens Telescope
A telescope can be built using a single lens,provided that a small aperture is used instead of an eyepiece.How do the parametersof the lens and the hole influence the image(e.g.magnification,sharpness and brightness)?
4.Magnetic Hills
A small amount of a ferrofluid placed in an inhomogeneous magnetic field forms hill-like structures.Investigate how the properties of these structures depend on relevant parameters.
5.Leidenfrost Stars
In the Leidenfrost effect,a water drop placed on a hot surface can survive for minutes.Under certain circumstances, such a drop developsoscillating star shapes. Induce different oscillatory modes and investigate them.
6.Fast Chain
A chain consisting of wooden blocks inclined relative to the vertical and connected by two threads(see Figure)is suspended vertically and then released.Compared to free fall,the chain falls faster when it isdropped onto a horizontal surface. Explain this phenomenon and investigate how the relevant parameters affect the motion.
7.Spiral Waves
Spiral waves and other types of wave patterns may occur on a thin liquid film flowing over a rotating disk.Investigate these wave patterns.
8.Visualising Density
Schlieren Photography is often used to visualise density variations in a gas.Build a Schlieren setup and investigate how well it can resolve density differences.
9.Ball in a Tube
A sealed transparent tube is filled with a liquid and contains a small ball.The tube is inclined and its lower end is attached to a motor such that the tube traces a conical surface.Investigate the motion of the ball as a function of relevant parameters.
10.Pulling Glasses Apart
Put a thin layer of water between two sheets of glass and try to separate them.Investigate the parameters affecting the required force.
11.Hair Hygrometer
A simple hygrometer can be built using human hair.Investigate its accuracy and response time as a function of relevant parameters.
12.Torsion Gyroscope
Fasten the axis of a wheel to a vertical thread that has a certain torsional resistance(see Figure).Twist the thread,spin the wheel,and release it.Investigate the dynamics of this system.
13.Resonating Glass
A wine glasspartially filled with liquid will resonate when exposed to the sound from a loudspeaker.Investigate how the phenomenon depends on various parameters.
14.Gee-Haw Whammy Diddle
A gee-haw whammy diddle is a mechanical toy consisting of a simple wooden stick and a second stick that is made up of a series of notches with a propeller at its end.When the wooden stick is pulled over the notches,the propeller starts to rotate.Explain this phenomenon and investigate the relevant parameters.
15.Boiled Egg
Suggest non-invasive methods to detect the degree to which a hen’s egg is cooked by boiling.Investigate the sensitivity of your methods.
16.Metronome Synchronization
A number of mechanical metronomes standing next to each other and set at random initial phases under certain conditions reach synchronous behaviour in a matter of minutes.Investigate the phenomenon.
17.Vacuum Bazooka
A‘vacuum bazooka’can be built with a simple plastic pipe,a light projectile,and a vacuum cleaner.Build such a device and maximise the muzzle velocity.
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