

世界建筑 2016年11期











该岛形似网状结构的山丘,为瑜伽、普拉提、冥想等活动提供了室内空间,也为商务会议创造了休闲环境。在这片隐蔽的小型绿洲里,所有感官均被激发出来。湖泊周围的各个主题均对应了一种感官,而中央的禅宗区则象征了5种感官。激发不同感官的各类植物被种在湖泊周围和岛状建筑上,久而久之它们将形成感官花园,当人们穿过该区域时其感官知觉也随之变化。(王单单 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Kildebjerg Ry

面积/Project Size: 2235m²

施工/Construction: Danjord

摄影/Photos: Mikkel Frost/CEBRA

1 脉动公园由三个区域构成:脉动区,娱乐区,禅宗区/The Pulse Park consists of three zones: The Pulse Zone, The Play Zone and The Zen Zone.

2 娱乐区/The Play Zone.

3 脉动区,这个区域主要满足跑步者、滑冰者、小轮车和山地自行车骑手的运动需求,由小丘、凸起和碗状洼地构成,以鼓励使用者进行障碍赛跑和技艺训练。/The Pulse Zone. This zone primarily addresses runners, skaters, BMX and mountain bikers. The zone consists of hills, bulges and bowls that incite to obstacle races and artistic exercises.

4 脉动区平面/Plan of the Pulse Zone

5 脉动区剖面/Sections of the Pulse Zone

6 脉动区/The Pulse Zone

The Kildebjerg area in Ry is a rapidly growing and very popular business and residential area for families, mainly because of the beautiful surrounding countryside that lends itself to a wide variety of outdoor activities. Since the community wished to expand this attractive system of leisure and sports facilities, CEBRA was asked to design a series of accessible, inclusive and innovative activity zones – each aiming at a different type of activity.

The aim of the project was to create optimal conditions for physical activity, which invite users of all ages to exercise, play or just hang out and relax. At the same time, the zones were laid out to form an integral part of the landscape, the area's additional leisure activities and the residential area itself. The Pulse Park design is based on a user involvement process, which included residents, sports clubs and local companies and resulted in three distinctive zones with individual identities and functions.

The Play Zone invites to both play and physical exercise in a forest of different functions that relate to organized as well as freestyle activities. This forest is made up from three concentric circles. The centre is primarily for play, climbing and exercise in large tree-like elements. The intermediate circle is for outdoor fitness and offers a series of primitive versions of well-known training devices.The outermost circle consists of a recreational zone for social activities and gives room for meeting, relaxing, picnicking etc. close to a fire place.

People of all ages can visit this forest right next to the local gym to either climb, swing, jump, balance or train with weights. There are several continuous obstacle courses through the trees to challenge the users on different skill and intensity levels.

The Pulse Zone is a literal bulge on the existing paths as it prompts horizontal movement and primarily addresses runners, skaters, BMX and mountain bikers, who use the network of tracks around Kildebjerg Ry for exercise. The Pulse Zone is surrounded by a mountain bike and BMX track. Its asphalt surface flows into the zone's centre area in the form of hills, bulges and bowls that incite to obstacle races and artistic exercises.

The tracks surround a series of circular bowls for both runners and bikers. These bowls can also be used by runners, who can challenge themselves with gravity as an alternative training partner. A centrally placed bulge is made from steps with different gradients -ideal as both stair master for pulse training and resting area. The zone includes several levels of difficulty and thus appeals to all ages and skill levels.

The third zone complements these active zones and provides a more contemplative space: The Zen Zone is all about relaxation and activating all your senses. The zone is located between two "fingers" of Kildebjerg Ry's built-up area, with an upcoming business park on one side and a residential area on the other. The zone itself provides a green and quiet environment partly shielded under trellises and is placed on an artificial island in a small lake, which supports its meditative purpose and relaxing atmosphere.

The island is shaped like a hill from a grid structure that creates an interior space for activities like yoga, Pilates and meditation as well as informal surroundings for a business meeting. In this small secluded oasis all senses are stimulated. Individual themes around the lake each focus on one of the senses, while the central Zen Zone represents all five senses. Different type of plants, which appeal to different senses, are planted around the lake and on the island structure so that they over time will form a sensory garden that changes the sensory perception as you move through the zone.

7 娱乐区位于吕镇体育馆的设施和开放的景观之间的过渡地带, 这个区既可用于娱乐活动又可用来健身,各种不同的功能应有尽有,供人们进行有组织的活动或自由活动。中央的大型树状设施主要用于玩耍、攀爬和锻炼。/The Pla Zone is located in the transition between the facilities of the Ry sports hall and the open landscape. The zone invites to both play and physical exercise in a forest of different functions that relate to organized as well as freestyle activities. The center is primarily for play, climbing and exercise in large tree-like elements.

8 娱乐区平面/Plan of the Play Zone

9 禅宗区是放松和唤醒所有感官的地方,它位于一片小湖的人工岛上,创造了绿色平和的环境,局部由格状棚架遮盖。/The Zen Zone is all about relaxation and activating all your senses. The zone itself provides a green and quiet environment partly shielded under trellises. It is placed on an artificial island in a small lake.

10 禅宗区平面/Plan of the Zen Zone




YUAN Ye: The activity area of the Pulse Park is well integrated with the surrounding rural environment, attracting people of all ages, and thus forming the outdoor activity center of the community. The play, pulse and Zen zones have different characteristics but all emphasize the participation and interaction of people of all ages, reflecting the social value orientation emphasized in the design of the activity area. The shape, designed on the basis of geometry, combined with geomorphic and environmental characteristics, intends to create a spatial environment for multiple use and lead to unique experience for different sensory perception, with a view to realize the regulation of body functions, stimulation of vitality and ideal of harmonious coexistence with natural environment.


ZHUANG Ziyu: The pictures are so beautiful because of the amused people – although the park facilities look so modesty, the participants' faces were filled with a smile of satisfaction. These pictures are reminiscent of the pictures of the swinging boys under the Jin-Mei Plank by Sheng-Yuan Huang – in these cases, integrated/fascinating form and appearance of the environments are not the key reason for people making their choices. Like the Pulse Park, Ry, Denmark, the collection of each actual experience constitutes the park as whole – a few woods bring in climbing and swing, a few bumps bring in roller skating and cycling, and a few pieces of rust iron bring meditation and contemplation. Less operation in the design brings more creativity and possibilities to the users. Therefore, such lightsome park design is something worth to think about in the experience redundant era.

The Pulse Park, Ry, Denmark, 2012

Architects: CEBRA Architecture

11 禅宗区里老老少少在专注地冥想/At the Zen Zone people of different ages are concentrating in mental exercises.

