中关村科技创新中心落户美国硅谷Zhongguancun Silicon Valley Innovation Center Opens in California
The Zhongguancun Innovation Center officially opened on May 11 in the heart of Silicon Valley. The new Santa Clara space is an important step forward for Chinese startups and their role in the globalization of innovation. The Zhongguancun Silicon Valley Innovation Center was established in a cooperative effort between the Zhongguancun Development Group and American investment company C.M Capital. The center boasts 7,000 square meters of office space for incubators, accelerators, and cross-border office space. There is also an exhibition center and an activities area.
《魔兽》电影在中国卖情怀:上映5天票房破10亿World of Warcraft Movie Flops in the U.S., Earns Big in China
《魔兽》电影上映仅5天,票房就突破了10亿元大关。而该片在美国本土的表现却不温不火。Box Office Mojo数据显示,上映3天,《魔兽》在美国的累计票房仅为2436万美元(约折合人民币1.6亿元),差距可见一斑。分析认为,《魔兽》此次能在中国票房大卖,粉丝的力量功不可没。尤其是70后、80后,他们被称作是中国的“魔兽一代”,而90后也同样承载着《魔兽》情怀。
The World of Warcraft movie “Warcraft” has earned 1 billion RMB at the Chinese box office in five days. The film had much stronger showing in China than it did in the United States. Box Office Mojo reported that the movie only earned $24.36 million (about 160 million RMB) after three days in the United States. The gap is pretty evident. Some analysts believe that “Warcraft”did so well in China because of the large number of Chinese World of Warcraft fans. Those born in the 1970s and 1980s are known in China as the “World of Warcraft generation.” The game is popular with those born in the 1990s as well
中国超级计算机领跑世界China Now Has the Fastest Supercomputer in the World
国际超级计算机“TOP500”组织近期发布的榜单显示, 中国“神威·太湖之光”成为超级计算机的领导者。“神威·太湖之光”的运算速度为此前3年处在该榜单首位的“天河二号”的两倍以上,大约是目前排名第三的美国领先超级计算机系统的5倍。全球超级计算机500强榜单由国际“TOP500”组织每半年公布一次,在德国和美国轮流举行。这是中国首次在“TOP500”榜上的超级计算机台数超过美国。
Chinese supercomputer Sunway TaihuLight has taken the number one spot in the most recent Top500 list of supercomputers published recently. The computer performed three times better than China’s previous top-performing supercomputer which held the number one spot for the past three years. The Taihu Light is five times more powerful than the leading U.S. supercomputer which ranks third.The Top500 list is published every six months and related conferences are held alternatively in Germany and the United States.This is the first time that China has more machines on the Top500 list than the United States. (Source:http://www.echinacities.com/ 来源: http://www.echinacities.com/)