more than的用法


高中生学习·高二版 2016年11期


more than可以看作一个固定词组,后面可跟数词,形容词,名词(或动名词)、动词和从句等不同形式。由于后面所接形式不同,more than的用法和译法也不相同。

[more than+数词]

more than+数词表示“超过”,“多于”(=over)。如:

His report lasted more than three hours.

I have known him for more than twenty years.

例1 Americans eat ______ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice

B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as

D. more than twice as many

解析 D。句意为:美国人均蔬菜的摄入量是他们1910年人均蔬菜摄入量的两倍多。从题干中as可以看出为同级比较,采用排除法,首先排除A项,如果选择B或C项,代入题干后句中将出现3个as, 而且语法不同。

[more than+名词(动名词)或动词]

“more than+名词(动名词)或动词”表示“不仅仅是,不只是”。如:

He more than smiled, but laughed.

My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.

例2 Our English teacher is kind, warm-hearted and wise, we all consider her _____ a teacher but a good friend.

A. less than B. more than

C. much more D. other than

解析 B。句意为:我们的英语老师和蔼,仁慈而且很有智慧,我们不只是把她当作我们的老师,而且把她看成我们的朋友。A项less than意思为“少于,不超过”,C项much more用来修饰比较级,意思为“比……得多”,D项。other than意思为“而不是”,均不符合题意,只有B项more than意思为“远远不止是,胜过”,符合题意。

[more than+形容词/副词/分词]

“more than+形容词/副词/分词”表示“及其,非常,很”(=very, extremely)。如:

He is more than pleased with the result.

I am more than happy to accept your invitation.

例3 — Why did you ask Jack for help?

— He is _______ capable and helpful, I think.

A. no more B. less than

C. more than D. much more

解析 C。A项no more意思为“不再”,表示程度,B项less than意思是“少于”,D项much more修饰多音节形容词比较级,均不符合题意。

[more than ... can(从句)]

“more than ... can (从句)”意思是“难以,完全不能”, 表示超出某人力量、知识等范围。如:

That is more than I can tell.

We admire him more than we can say.

例4 The beauty of our city is _____ I can describe.

A. much more B. many more

C. more than D. less than

解析 C。 句题为:我难以用语言来描述我们这座城市的美丽。A项much more修饰不可数名词,B项many more用来修饰可数名词,more than与后面含有can的从句连用,表示“难以,完全不能”,符合题意。D项less than表示“少于”。

[more than构成主语]

more than在构成主语时对谓语的要求:


The teacher more than the students is interested in the film.

The tourists more than the guide are well familiar with the history of our city.

(2)“more than one+单数名词”用作主语,其谓语动词通常用单数(尽管从含义上看是复数)。如:

More than one worker has been fired.

More than one country is against this draft resolution made by the USA.

(3)“more+复数名词+than one”用作主语,其谓语要用复数。

More workers than one have been fired.

More countries than one are against this draft resolution made by the USA.

例5 More than one of them _____ heard the news that more soldiers than one _____ killed in the war.

A. have; was B. have; were

C. has; was D. has; were

解析 D。包含同位语从句的主从复合句,主句的主语more than one of them要求谓语动词用单数形式,排除A,B项;同位语从句的主语more soldiers than one要求谓语动词用复数,排除C项。

[no more than+名词或基数词]

“no more than+名词或基数词”意思是“不过、仅仅、只有”(=only)。而“not more than+基数词”,意思是“至多,不超过(也许还不到)”(=at most),只是一般地指出数量或程度,没有多或少的感情色彩。如:

I read not more than twenty pages every day.

Not more than twelve students have seen the film.

例6 I dont think he can do the work well because he is _______ 13 years old, I mean, he is still a child now.

A. more than B. much than

C. no more than D. not less than

解析 C。句意为:我认为他干不好这份工作,因为他才13岁,也就是说,他现在还是个孩子。从题干说话人的语气看,他认为这份工作需要成人来干才能干好,如选A项前后语义矛盾,而D项与A项一样,也不能选,C选项结构错误,只有C项最合语义。

[more ... than结构]

“more ... than”结构是对于不同的人或物的同一性质或方面的比较。


He works more and better than he used to.

It is more expensive to go by plane than by boat.


He was more diligent than clever.

I was more sorry than angry at what happened.

例7 — I think he is very wise.

— No, he is ________ than wise.

A. kinder B. more kindly

C. rather kinder D. more kind

解析 D。is为系动词,故排除B项,而表语kind与wise为同一个概念,放在一起进行程度比较,选择D项,其意思为“与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋”,符合语境。

[no more ... than结构]

“no more ... than”意思为“同……一样不”,两件事物比较时,否定两方面。而“not more ... than”的意思是“比不上……,不及……”,在两件事物比较时,二者都有某种特性,但程度不同,其中一件比不上另一件,但两者都是肯定的。如:

Jack is no more diligent than John.

=Neither Jack or John is diligent.

Jack is not more diligent than John.

=Jack is less diligent than John.

例8 — I did not do well in the exam. How about you?

— I did _______ you. Maybe even worse.

A.not better than B. no better than

C. as well as D. not worse than

解析 B。关键信息是Maybe even worse。从语境来看,答话人和问话人一样考得不好,两件事物比较时,否定了两个方面,no better than意为“同……一样不”。


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