Alan Rickman: Much More Than Hollywood’s Go-To Villain


疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年4期

by Bob Mondello

Alan Rickman: Much More Than Hollywood’s Go-To Villain

by Bob Mondello

Track 5


David Greene (Host): And we are remembering Alan Rickman this morning. The British actor on stage and on screen has died at age 69. Maybe the best way to describe him is Hollywood’s1)go-to2)villain. Many people might remember him from his role in “Harry Potter.” I remember him most for his role in “Die Hard.” If Bruce Willis was the hero in that movie, Hans Gruber was Bruce Willis’3)enemy. And Hans Gruber was played by Alan Rickman.

(Soundbite of film, “Die Hard”)

Alan Rickman (As Hans Gruber): Now I have a4)machine gun. Ho, ho, ho.

Greene:5)Haunting—6)taking over that Los Angeles7)skyscraper on Christmas. I’m joined by NPR8)film critic Bob Mondello, who’s in the9)studio with me. Hey, Bob. Bob Mondello: Hi.

Greene: So Alan Rickman, I mean, is that the way to describe him? I mean, just he played a villain better than anyone else?

Mondello: Well, he sure1:诺丁汉,英国中北部的一个郡。0)proved it right from the11)getgo.12)Apparently, he was13)hired to play Hans Gruber after he’d been in Hollywood exactly three days.

Greene: Oh my God.

Mondello: He went there after he, he’d done about 10 years of television in, eh, in Britain, and he14)came over to Los Angeles and was hired almost immediately to play Hans Gruber. And of course, he had a British15)accent, there, there he sounded16)sort of17)vaguely German—um, but eh, really an18)extraordinary villain. And they…very shortly19)thereafter, he was playing the20)Sheriff of Nottingham1:诺丁汉,英国中北部的一个郡。in “Robin Hood.” He…he just seemed disturbing and21)worrisome. And then he had this other side that we discovered. You know, just within two years, he was22)cast in a romantic comedy. And it was extraordinary. It was called “Truly, Madly, Deeply.”

Greene: Which we have some tape of here. Let’s listen to that.

(Soundbite of film, “Truly, Madly, Deeply”)

Rickman (As Jamie): Talking was the major23)component. You played that piano. And I played. Then we both played something—a24)duet, something—I can’t remember. And then you danced for about three hours until I fell asleep. But you were fantastic.

1) go-to <口>关键的,可靠的,热门的

2) villain ['vɪlən] n. 坏人,恶棍,反派角色

3) enemy ['enɪmɪ] n. 敌人

4) machine gun 机关枪

5) haunting [hɔːntɪŋ] adj. 萦绕于心头的

6) take over 接管

7) skyscraper ['skaɪskreɪpə] n. 摩天大厦

8) film critic 电影评论家,影评人

9) studio ['stjuːdɪəʊ] n. 播音室

10) prove [pruːv] v. 证明

11) get-go 开始,开端

12) apparently [ə'pærəntlɪ] adv. 显然地

13) hire ['haɪə] v. 雇用,聘请

14) come over 从远方(或克服障碍后)过来

15) accent ['æksənt] n. 口音

16) sort of 有几分地,在一定程度上

17) vaguely ['veɪglɪ] adv. 模糊地,含糊地

18) extraordinary [ɪk'strɔːdɪnərɪ] adj. 非凡的,突出的

19) thereafter [ðeər'ɑːftə] adv. 此后,从那时以后

20) sheriff ['ʃerɪf] n.(英)郡长,(美)县治安官

21) worrisome ['wʌrɪsəm] adj. 烦人的,折磨人的

22) cast [kɑːst] v. 为(戏剧、角色)选派演员

23) component [kəm'pəʊnənt] n. 成分,部分

24) duet [djuː'et] n. 二重奏,二重唱

25) pretty much 几乎,大致上

26) versatility [ˌvзːsə'tɪlətɪ] n. 多才多艺

27) sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 老练的,久经世故的

28) wrap up 总结,概括

29) hesitate ['hezɪteɪt] v. 犹豫

30) celebrity [sɪ'lebrɪtɪ] n. 名人

31) powdered ['paʊdəd] adj.(弄成)粉末状的

32) asphodel ['æsfədel] n. 日光兰,水仙

33) infusion [ɪn'fjuːʒən] n. 浸液,冲剂

34) wormwood ['wзːmwʊd] n. 苦艾

Greene: What’s the role he’s playing there?

Mondello: He’s a ghost. And it’s a lovely romance, and he’s lovely in it. And I think everybody saw that he had another side. Ah, Ang Lee hired him to play a part in“Sense and Sensibility2:《理智与情感》,1995年李安执导的电影,改编自英国女作家简·奥斯汀所著的同名爱情小说。” shortly thereafter. He was an actor—I mean, you know, he was a classically trained actor in Britain and had done a lot of stage roles. And so he could25)pretty much slip into something rather quickly. And he actually won a Tony Award3:托尼奖,全称是安东尼特·佩瑞奖(Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre),设立于1947年,是美国话剧和音乐剧的最高奖,有24个常设奖项。, I think, for“Les Liaisons Dangereuses4:《危险的关系》,1985年由艾伦·里克曼担任男主角的英国舞台剧,改编自法国作家拉克洛所著的同名小说。” on Broadway, playing another villain. But then he was also very funny in shows like “Private Lives” on stage. So he was just all over the place.

Greene: And is it the26)versatility that makes him special and that you’ll remember him for?

Mondello: No, it’s his voice. That voice—oh my gosh. There’s something really—I mean, yeah, sure he was versatile. He could do all these things. But that voice was27)sophisticated and communicated, um, enormous feeling. You know that, even when he was playing—you heard that “ho, ho, ho” at the beginning. You knew what he was thinking when he did something as simple as that.

Greene: Oh, yeah. It was evil and funny and sort of all28)wrapped up into one emotion.


Mondello: Yeah. He did really…extraordinary.

Greene: Remind us about his role in “Harry Potter.” I wanna play just a bit of that.

Mondello: He played Severus Snape, a very worrisome character. I…I29)hesitate to call him a villain, but he was a very worrisome character, and, and scary.

(Soundbite of film, “Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone”)

Rickman (As Severus Snape): Mr. Potter—our new30)celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if added31)powdered root to32)asphodel to an33)infusion of34)wormwood?

Greene: Well, we’re going to miss that voice. Bob, thanks a lot.

Mondello: It’s great to be here, but sad for this.




























弗瑞德里克·桑格(1918-2013 )