Enlightening the future by thoughts: Beijing CBD Business Festival Roundtable Meeting 2016


环球市场信息导报 2016年35期

Enlightening the future by thoughts: Beijing CBD Business Festival Roundtable Meeting 2016

During the Beijing CBD Business Festival 2016, three roundtable meetings kicked off with respect of development of three high-end industries—finance, business service and cultural & creative industry. Experts, scholars, government officials and enterprise representatives gathered there. Though each presenter had different view of points, they were all involved in keywords such as innovation, vigour, linkage and inclusion, echoed with G20 Hangzhou Summit.

Beijing CBD Roundtable Meeting 2016

Advocating a theme of the “innovative leading and service supporting to boost CBD transformation and upgrading”, the Beijing CBD Roundtable Meeting 2016 explored how a city taking CBD as an engine serves scientific and technological innovation, deeply carry out innovation-driven development strategy, speed up transformation of development mode, and lead sustainable sound economic development.

Beijing CBD International Financial Roundtable Meeting 2016

The Beijing CBD International Financial Roundtable Meeting 2016, following G20 Hangzhou Summit, started with a theme of“global economic regulation and RMB internationalization”, and involved in development situations and concerns in current world and China economy.

National Cultural Innovation Trial Plot High-end Summit 2016

The National Cultural Innovation Trial Plot High-end Summit 2016, taking a theme of “innovation, Integration and Synergy”deeply explored and exchanged the innovative development patterns and policy measures of cultural and creative industries, jointly advanced the innovative development of trial plots for national cultural and creative industries, and provided experience and paths for innovative development of the whole national cultural industries.

The China’s CBD Federation officially joining in CCOIC

The international economic and trade activities link China and the world, while the CBD represents the leading edge and high end for the communication between China and the world. During the Beijing CBD Business Festival 2016, China’s Business District Federation joined the CCOIC officially.

Successful structure capping of Z13 project in Beijing CBD core area

As a key development item and project in CBD core area in Beijing, the major structure of Z13 project is capped successfully after 18-month construction, and becomes the second structural capping project following the Qinghua project in CBD core area.

Building intelligent and efficient “Wisdom CBD” at the leading edge of the time

We are standing at an information era currently, and the information technology is deeply changing people’s production methods and life style. The socialized mass production goes no longer by single physical and mechanical work, whereas the brainpower will dominate and become the core resources and advanced productivity. The so-called “Wisdom CBD means collecting, sensing, analyzing and integrating all kinds of information in CBD daily operation and management by the advance information technology, and make the intelligent response timely to such all demands as economic activities, enterprise services, society and people’s livelihood, public security and environmental protection, so as to realize wise, efficient and sustainable development of CBD.