

安徽医科大学学报 2016年9期

徐 峰,丁西平,殷 实


徐 峰1,丁西平1,殷 实2

目的 探讨白介素-11(IL-11)在胃炎组织和早期胃癌组织中的表达及其与患者性别和年龄的关系。方法 采用免疫组化法检测40例胃炎组织(20例浅表性胃炎和20例萎缩性胃炎)和50例早期胃癌组织中IL-11蛋白的表达。结果 早期胃癌组织中IL-11阳性率较胃炎组织显著增加,其阳性率分别为80%(40/50)和20%(8/40),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);萎缩性胃炎组织较浅表性胃炎组织中IL-11阳性率呈现增加的趋势,其阳性率分别为25%(5/20)和15%(3/20),但差异无统计学意义;IL-11的表达与患者的性别和年龄均无显著相关性。结论 在早期胃癌组织中,IL-11的表达显著升高,IL-11可能成为预测胃癌发生的新分子标志物。


胃癌是我国最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,发病率及死亡率均位于前列[1]。早期胃癌的诊断标准是1962年日本胃癌研究会正式提出的,是指癌组织仅局限于胃黏膜层或者黏膜下层,不论有无淋巴结转移。早诊断、早治疗是目前提高胃癌存活率的唯一有效措施,因而提高早期胃癌的检出率非常重要。IL-11是信号传导与转录激活因子3(signal transducer and activator of transcription 3,STAT3)信号通路的相关分子,通过促进STAT3活化而发挥功能,可促进肿瘤的发展[2]。研究[3]表明,IL-11在胃癌组织中的表达率显著高于癌旁正常组织,并与胃癌的临床分期和预后显著相关。然而,IL-11在早期胃癌患者与胃炎患者组织中的表达差异未见报道。该研究通过检测IL-11在早期胃癌患者与胃炎患者组织中的差异性表达,探讨IL-11在早期胃癌发生中的作用。

1 材料与方法

1.1 病例资料 选取2012年1月~2014年12月安徽医科大学附属省立医院确诊为早期胃癌的50例患者的石蜡包埋标本,2014年1月~2015年8月合肥市第二人民医院确诊为浅表性胃炎和萎缩性胃炎各20例患者的石蜡包埋标本。所有患者在组织收集前未行相关临床治疗且无自身免疫性疾病,并具有完整的临床病理资料。其中男64例,女26例;年龄21~85岁,中位年龄58岁。

1.2 主要试剂 兔抗人IL-11多抗(LS-C177617,稀释度1∶100)购自美国LSBio公司;二抗试剂盒、DAB显色试剂盒购自福州迈新公司;PV-6000试剂盒购自北京中杉金桥生物技术有限公司。

1.3 方法 组织标本均经10%中性福尔马林固定,常规石蜡包埋,3 μm厚连续切片。采用免疫组化PV6000两步法进行染色,具体步骤参照文献[4]进行:切片经脱蜡和水化后,滴加3%过氧化氢消除内源性过氧化物酶,微波加热20 min抗原修复,滴加兔抗人IL-11多抗,4℃孵育过夜,使用PV-6000试剂盒,滴加二抗50 μl孵育后,室温条件下孵育20 min,PBS冲洗3遍,每遍5 min,每张切片上滴加DAB显色剂,室温下避光显色,终止显色后苏木精复染,75%的酒精脱水,使用二甲苯浸泡透明,最后中性树胶封片。

1.4 结果判定 参考文献[5]标准,IL-11免疫组织化学阳性结果为细胞质内出现棕褐色颗粒或棕黄色颗粒,任意选择5个高倍视野(×400),每个高倍镜视野计数100个细胞,高倍镜下计数阳性细胞比例,以>20%为阳性表达。所有免疫组化切片由2名资深病理科医师双盲独立观察评估。

1.5 统计学处理 采用SPSS 13.0软件进行分析,采用χ2检验比较早期胃癌组与胃炎组IL-11表达差异;采用χ2检验和Fisher确切概率法对IL-11表达与早期胃癌和胃炎组织的性别和年龄参数的组间差异进行检验。

2 结果

2.1 IL-11在胃炎和早期胃癌组织中的表达IL-11在早期胃癌组中的阳性表达率为80%(40/ 50),显著高于浅表型胃炎组的15%(3/20)(χ2= 25.474,P<0.01)和萎缩性胃炎组的25%(5/20)(χ2=18.822,P<0.01);萎缩性胃炎组中的IL-11阳性表达率与浅表性胃炎组相比,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.625,P=0.693)。见图1。

图1 IL-11在胃炎和胃癌组织中的表达 免疫组化×400

2.2 IL-11的表达与胃炎和早期胃癌患者组织中性别和年龄参数间的关系 胃炎与早期胃癌组织中IL-11的表达与患者的性别和年龄均无显著相关性。见表1。

表1 IL-11的表达与年龄和性别因素的关系(n)

3 讨论


胃癌的发生发展是由多因子参与调控的复杂过程,与幽门螺杆菌感染、慢性胃炎以及炎性信号通路密切相关[6],STAT3信号通路是胃癌发生中最重要的炎性信号通路之一[7],IL-11作为STAT3信号通路的上游因子,在肿瘤的发生发展中起到至关重要的作用。IL-11属于造血因子超家族gp130家族,主要来源于间质细胞和骨髓基质细胞,研究[8]显示IL-11与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。一方面,IL-11与其特异性受体结合,诱导gp130的同源二聚化,而后激活 STAT3信号通路,致使肿瘤的发生及发展[9-10];另一方面,IL-11通过增加多功能蛋白聚糖的表达,促进肿瘤的形成[11]。



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Abstract Objective To investigate the correlation between the expression of interleukin 11(IL-11)in gastritis and early stage of gastric cancer and with features of sex and age.Methods The expression of protein IL-11 was detected using immunohistochemistry in tissue of 40 cases of gastritis and 50 cases of early stage of gastric cancer.Results The positive rate of IL-11 was remarkedly increased in early stage of gastric cancer compared to gastritis,with 80%and 20%,respectively(P<0.05).The positive rate of IL-11 increased in the atrophic gastritis compared to that of the superficial gastritis,but not reached to significant level,with 25%and 15%respectively.Meanwhile,IL-11 expression was not evidently correlated with features of sex and age.Conclusion IL-11 are overexpressed in early stage gastric cancer tissues,suggesting that it might be used as a new biomarker to predict the pathogenesis of the disease.

Key words interleukin 11;gastric cancer;superficial gastritis;atrophic gastritis;immunohistochemistry

Dental caries status of 3~17 year-old orphan and disabled children in Hefei

Liu Na1,Zhao Jun2,Han Xiaolan1,et al
(1Dept of Oral,The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230022;
2Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Hefei Dental Hospital,Hefei 230001)

Objective To investigate caries status among 3~17 year-old orphans and disabled children in Hefei assist in planning of the oral health programs.Methods A sample of 210 3~17 year-old orphans and disabled children were selected from children's welfare home and special-education center in Hefei.According to the third national oral health investigation of epidemiology,the dental caries,the index of decayed missing filled tooth(DMFT/ dmft)and constituent ratio was examined and recorded among 210 orphans and disabled children.Results In primary and permanent teeth,the prevalence of dental caries and mean DMFT(dmft)had no significant difference between females and males.But there was significant difference of prevalence of dental caries and mean dmft of primary tooth caries between the primary dentition and mixed dentition(P<0.05).Caries filling ratio of deciduous teeth was 1.2%,and caries filling ratio of permanent teeth was 3.43%.The caries filling ratio between deciduous and permanent teeth showed no significant difference.There was no significant difference of prevalence of dental caries and mean dmft of the first permanent molar caries between different gender and dentition groups.None of the first permanent molars was sealed.Conclusion This study reveals a high level of dental caries status,low level of caries filling ratio and no pit and fissure sealing in the first permanent molar of 3~17 year-old orphans and disabled children in Hefei.So the caries disease prevention and treatment work in orphans and disabled children have a long way to go.

orphans and disabled children;dental caries;caries prevalence rate;DMFT

Expression and clinical significance of IL-11 in early gastric cancer

Xu Feng1,Ding Xiping1,Yin Shi2
(1Dept of Gastroenterology,2Dept of Geriatrics,
The Affiliated Provincial Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230001)

R 735.2



时间:2016-8-1 14:07




徐 峰,男,硕士研究生;丁西平,男,主任医师,责任作者,E-mail:dingxipingyx@

