新目标英语九年级Unit 9 STEP BY STEP随堂通


中学生英语 2016年11期

新目标英语九年级Unit 9 STEP BY STEP随堂通



1.The l______of this song are wonderful.

2.A lot of young students like c_____gums.

3.He felt a s______pain in his leg.

4.The picture r_____me of my school days.

5.Please open the door g______.Don't make so much noise.


()1.—That's______he told me the other day.

—Thanks for telling me the truth.

()2.The city______we visited a few years ago has changed a lot.

()3.The young woman______we met just now is our English teacher.

()4.The money will be used to help the people______lost their homes in the tsunami.

()5.I have to say Beijing is a good place ______.

()6.I can't stand hamburgers!They make me______sick.

()7.I like gentle,traditional music,so this concert______me fine.

()8.He prefers classical music______pop music.

()9.He drives______than he did two years ago.

A.much careful

B.much carefully

C.more much careful

D.much more carefully

()10.—Did you see the football match last night?

—Yes,I had never seen______ exciting match before.


A:The weekend is coming again.What are you going to do?


A:Yesterday I saw an ad when I walked in the square of the city.It said that some famous singers from CCTV would give a concert this Saturday evening.Would you like to go with me?

B:(2)_______________.Is Song Zuying at the concert?

A:Yeah.She is a singer who has the sweetest voice.By the way,there are some singers who can write their own lyrics.

A:That's great.(3)_________________?

B:It starts at 7:30 p.m.Let's meet outside the cinema gate on Saturday evening.




1.He has much e______.He can keep working for twenty hours.

2.The photos r______us of our childhood.

3.The concert s______me just fine last night.

4.The TV play really has a few good f______.

5.He collected a lot of information about some world c______artists.

6.These are many old things on show in the e______.

7.Most of my friends like l______music that they can dance alone with.

8.Many people in the southeastern countries died of bird flu according to the l______ news.

9.I have to be h______and say that I perfer Beijing.

10.I find Fan Bingbing the most beautiful in the e______circle.


1.The weather was______(special)cold.

2.John______(like)different kinds of music.

3.She is a______(success)writer.

4.Yao Ming is one of the best______(know)Chinese basketball players in the world.

5.I listened to a piece of music______(call)Heart Strings.

6.The people living in the hotel are________(main)foreign visitors.

7.Beethoven was one of the greatest________(music)in the 19th century.

8.More and more people prefer________(send)e-mails to writing letters to their friends.

9.Henry likes the________(Australia)music best.

10.I like to listen to different________(kind) of music in my spare time.


()1.No matter______the weather is,you can find him______on the farm.

()2.The man______is smoking is looking for______he lost yesterday.

()3.I hate people______talk much but do little.

()4.The skirt______is made of silk is very expensive.I can't afford.

()5.The bus______I went to Shanghai broke down on the road.

()6.Mary likes______.

A.two pieces music

B.two pieces of music

C.two pieces of musics

D.two piece of music

()7.She prefers______at home rather than______out.

()8.______Lei Feng is no longer living,his spirit lives on today.

()9.He is______honest student.We all like him.

()10.The good news______them happy.



1.Do you know the______(最新的)news about the sport?

2.He is full of e______.He is never tired.

3.Amy Kim is one of the best known p______ in the world today.

4.Most children need eight h______sleep each night.

5.Let's go to the museum and look at the pictures on d______.

6.My brother prefer I______food to French food.

7.His cousin is an h______boy.

8.What i______you so much?

9.I don't think this sweater s______you.It's too big and the color is too dark.

10.The meat t______bad.


()1.He's made some great movies______ the years.

()2.The hero died______a cold winter evening.It made people______sad.

()3.All these______overweight people unhappy.

()4.She______swimming to skating.

()5.I saw him______football on the playground yesterday.

()6.He lost his car license.He is______ it everywhere.

()7.It's not good to sleep less than eight hours,______for children.

()8.Did you enjoy the days______you spent in Beijing during the Beijing Olympic Games?

()9.Some of the students are afraid of the teachers______strict with them in their studies.

()10.I heard more than 20 percent of the boys in this class______overweight.


1.One of my classmates was very glad to ______Bill Clinton.

2.The policeman arrived just______to save the boy.

3.This book is very popular with the students ______.

4.When the doctors learned about the accident,they______to the spot.

5.People who are watching football games sometimes______.They might fight with each other.



I1a great time in Hong Kong now,2I have to say that I prefer Shanghai. Still,it is a great place to visit and I am3 to be here for my six month English course. 4students are learning Japanese.I like Japanese,too.

What5would you like to learn?

There is so much to see and to do here. Last night,I6to a Chinese musical concert. Some of my friends like7music that they can dance8with9,but I10quiet,traditional music.So the concert suited me just fine.

What kind of music do you like?


The Music in Germany

你也许听说过大名鼎鼎的贝多芬(Ludwing Van Beethoven)和他的交响曲,实际上舒曼(Robert Schumann)、巴赫(Johan Sebastian Bach)等一大批音乐家也出生于德国,那个国家怎么孕育出这么多的天才音乐家呢?其音乐氛围如何呢?下文将帮你揭开谜底。

No matter what kind of music you like,in Germany you'll find something to enjoy.

Music is very important to German people.One out of every four Germans plays a musical instrument(乐器).Many famous musical names are from Germany,like Ludwing Van Beethoven,Robert Schumann and Johann Sebastian Bach.Their music is still played across the world.

Many German kids have music lessons at school.They have lessons twice a week for two to four hours each time.Piano lessons can be even longer!What do children do in their music lessons?Sit down and sing?Some German music lessons are different.Students walk around and can try any instrument they like.Sometimes teachers ask them to listen to music and then act it out.

Music is everywhere in Germany.Don't forget to sit for a while in a restaurant.You can enjoy light music there.Remember to visit a church or asquare(广场);there you can listen to people playing music.Many German kids enjoy music with their parents;there are more than 100 music festivals in Germany each year.



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