摘 要:储层细分对比存在的问题主要表现为两个方面:一是储层细分对比的结果往往是岩性单元,多不具等时性;二是储层细分对比的结果仍不够精细,不能满足高含水阶段剩余油挖潜的需要。其根本原因是对层、地层结构认识的局限性。储层细分对比以传统地层学理论为指导,认为层、地层结构符合“层状”模式,即地层是全区分布、近于水平、相互平行的,并且层与层水平叠置。然而,层序地层学等突破了传统地层学对层、地层结构的认识,认为地层不一定全区分布、不一定水平、不一定相互平行;层的空间位置变化大,相互间可呈超覆、退覆等叠置特点。构型要素分析法更细致地揭示了储层结构特征,认为原来划分的层是复合体,需进一步细分。通过层次界面划分,复合体可以被细分成一系列形态各异、分布复杂的构型单元。从问题根源入手提出相应对策,解决储层细分对比存在的问题需要以沉积学、层序地层学、地震地层学等理论为指导,运用构型要素分析法进行层次界面划分。
中图分类号:P618.130.2+1;TE122.2 文献标志码:A
Abstract: Problems in the reservoir subdivision and correlation mainly display in two aspects: one is that the comparison results are usually lithologic units, which are often not isochronous; another one is that the accuracy of comparison result is not enough, which can not meet the needs of tapping the remaining oil in high water cut stage. The basic reasons are the limitation of the understanding of layer, stratum and the reservoir structures. Based on the traditional stratigraphic theories, the reservoir subdivision and correlation show that the layer and stratum structures accord with the “layer” mode, the layer distributes over the whole area, closing to the level and paralleling to each other, and the layers are stacked horizontally. However, the sequence stratigraphy, which breaks through the understanding of traditional stratigraphy, believes that the layer does not distribute over the whole area necessarily, not close to the level necessarily and not parallel to each other necessarily. The spatial position of layer varies greatly, and the superimposed relationships between layers can be overlap or offlap. Architectural-element analysis is more detailed to reveal the structural characteristics of the reservoir. The layer divided originally is a complex, which should be further divided hierarchically. Based on hierarchical interface division, the complex can be subdivided into a series of architecture units with different shapes and complex distribution. Beginning with the basic reason of problems, the corresponding countermeasure is proposed that taking the theories of sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy and seismic stratigraphy as guidance, the hierarchical interfaces are divided by the means of architectural-element analysis.
Key words: reservoir; subdivision and correlation; stratum structure; architectural-element analysis; hierarchical interface; isochronism; accuracy; Dongxin oilfield
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