5G Eras Is Coming


中国经贸聚焦·英文版 2016年10期

Shanghai municipal government and China Mobile Communications Corporation signed on the “Internet plus” strategic cooperation framework agreement in September this year. The pilot project of 5G will be released in China in 2018, taking the lead of the industry. The optical fiber will cover 9 million households and 8300 major business build- ings.

The fifth generation mobile communication (5G) is quietly coming with the mature application of the fourth generation (4G) and the rapid development of mobile internet. The thirteenth five-year-plan directly suggests that the fifth generation mobile communication and UWB (ultra wide band) key technology researching shall be actively promoted. The 5G business shall be released soon. Just imagine what changes and industrial reform the Internet of Everything will bring up with the development of the intelligent manufacturing, tele medicine and smart transportation.

During the Boao Forum for Asia this year, senior officers from China Mobile, Korea Telecom ( KT ), Ericsson, Samsung and ZTE talked freely about the technique breakthrough and various application blueprint of 5G during the branch forum of “5G: communication transferred by will, everything reached by hands. ” For a moment, 5G becomes hot issue. Many questioned the necessity of discussion of 5G while the global popularizing rate of 4G is still low. How far is the era of 5G from us?

Why Do We Need 5G

It is mainly the communication between humans from the first to the fourth generation of mobile communication. The fifth generation of mobile communication will find ways to realize communication between humans and human and objects, objects and objects, which refers to the internet of everything. The so called 5G specially refers to the fifth generation of mobile communication technology, which has gone through four generations of development. The character of this kind of technology is the transfer from simulation technique to digital technique to the current high-speed multimedia communications. The number of accessible devices grows rapidly; together with the boost of using rate create the crucial network conditions for the mobile internet and internet of things.

Zhang Jianguo, ZTE wireless business department general manager, pointed out that in the era of 5G, humans are no longer the leading role of connection and communication. Apart from the connection among billions of humans, there will be ten billions or even trillions of new connection among humans and objects, objects and objects. The world of the “internet of everything” includes huge opportunities. Thus, to hold the power of initiative of 5G development is rather important for communication enterprises and the whole na-tion.

Nowadays, the technology of 4G has just popularized, domestic and foreign enterprises including Samsung, Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei and ZTE have all followed the 5G technology researching actively. As is introduced by Samsung, 4G technology is more focused on the promotion of mobile broadband transfer peak rate and spectrum effectiveness. The peak rate goal is 1Gbps. 5G will strengthen mobile broadband peak rate, reaching for 20Gbps. Wang Tong, the global executive vice President, Samsung China product strategy and research and development president said, whats more important, 5G advance the huge amounts of links.

For the connection of huge amounts, mobile communications nowadays is mainly about communication between humans. With the increasing of portable personal devices such as smartphone, tablet, PC, smart watches and VR, the connection and communication between family products, community and public transport and logistics tools will be realized sooner or later. Thus, the linking amounts are rather large required by the mobile communication network. For the traditional network, this is an undoubtedly a huge challenge, which needs innovative technology to realize huge amounts of connections.

When we enter the era of connections of everything, to ensure the safety of personal information and property, and prevent all kinds of criminal and terror attacks, there shall be high-level safety measures. Otherwise, not only personal privacy and financial property face threatens, but also the safety of staff operating driverless cars and remote control. Operation of remote controlled medical, internet of cars, smart industry controlling bears specialty needs reliable information transfer and rather low transmission delay, which can hardly fulfilled by traditional 4G system. 5G system with low transmission delay and highly reliable information transfer is far more reliable for these operations.

Xu Huijun, ZTO communication CTO, said she often sees news of how ambulances miss the time to send patients to hospital because of traffic jam. How can we avoid this kind of accidents? ZTE is trying to build transport data and business connection and communication across industries and regions through wireless communication, cloud computing, internet of products, internet of cars, big data and artificial intelligence, and even actively analyze the real time road condition.

By collecting road information of cars and roads, the best driving suggestion will be given to the drivers after analyzing conditions of different regions. The conditions include location of each car, their speed, goals or whether theres water on the road, whether there is red light in front. Safe driverless driving can also be realized. Xu Huijun said, these all need supports of 5G support so we need to have perception and interaction as much as possible.

5G Network Open Up Era of Internet of Things

According to the current researches in each country, 5G technologys peak rate will be nine times higher than the current 4G technology. With strong communication and broadband capability, 5G networks will bring the internet for cars, internet of things, smart city, and drone network into reality. Now these are still in the planning period. In addition, 5G will also be applied in industry, medical and security areas, which will greatly improve the production rate of these areas. Innovative production methods will also be inspired.

Wu Hequan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and director general of China Internet Association, introduced that all kinds of internet of things are rapidly spread with the application of 5G network. Currently there is no communication between cars. With the introduction of 5G networks, the communication among cars, data centers and other smart devices will be built up. Thus, not only a high level driverless operation can be realized, but also several of transport data will be used, which will provide the best route for car drivers. Once huge amounts of cars enter this internet, the smart transportation will be realized.

Europe union research suggests that remote medical is one of the important application areas of 5G. Currently, remote surgery cross nation has to rent expensive large capacity transmission lines. Sometimes the orders sent by surgery devices still bear transfer delay, which brings huge risk for the surgery. 5G technology will ensure the “order-respond” delay time is near zero. This will largely improve the precision of doc-tors operation. In the soon coming future, patients will get fast surgery through remote medical devices whenever they need a emergency surgery or special surgery.

5G can also benefit normal users a lot. Apart from the diversified, smooth multimedia entertainment, smart family devices will also be accessed into 5G network, providing more convenient services for users. For example, normally the downloading of one 8G HD movie takes 70 minutes in 3G era and seven minutes in 4G era, but in 5G era it will only take six seconds. Countless new opportunities will also be brought into our life together with huge challenges facing traditional modes conservative supporters.