

计算机应用 2016年9期

何杰 肖琨









Concerning the performance of the Orthogonal Space Time Block Code based MultipleInput MultipleOutput (OSTBCMIMO) system over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) generalizedK fading channels, the system model of the OSTBCMIMO system was established in i.n.i.d. generalizedK fading channel by adopting MQAM modulation scheme. We take full use of the relationship that the receiver equivalent SNR is approximated by the product of two random variables, which are composed of multiple independent Gamma distributed random variables, respectively. Then, the closedform PDF expression of the approximate equivalent SNR is derived and thereafter the expressions of the average symbol error probability, channel capacity and outage probability are derived successively.

The equivalent SignaltoNoise Ratio (SNR) of the receiver was approximated by the product of two variables that composed of multiple independent Gamma distributed random variables. On the basis of that, the probability density function expression of the equivalent SNR was derived as well as the expression of the average symbol error probability, channel capacity and outage probability.

The simulation results show that, in addition to the parameter m, the parameter k also has a significant impact on the overall system performance, which produces the nonnegligible differences on the system performance between the i.n.i.d. generalizedK fading channels and the i.i.d. generalizedK fading channels.

英文關键词Key words:

outage probability; capacity; symbol error probability; generalizedK fading channel; Orthogonal Space Time Block Code (OSTBC)


多径衰落和阴影效应是用来表征一般无线信道的两个特征。在复合无线信道模型中,Nakagamim模型[1]和Suzuki模型[2]广泛地应用于各种无线通信系统中。然而这两种复合信道模型的概率密度函数(Probability Density Function, PDF)得不到闭式,给评估移动通信系统链路性能带来了很大的困难。广义K衰落信道模型不但能很好地模拟无线信道的快衰落和慢衰落效应,而且存在闭式,因而吸引了众多国内外学者的关注。

文献[3-4]分析了广义K衰落信道中多输入多输出(MultipleInput MultipleOutput, MIMO)系统的容量。有关MIMO、单天线系统符号差错概率的研究可以在文献[5-7]中找到。由于正交空时分组编码可以提高系统的可靠性,并且使得接收端的解码相对简单[8-11],因此文献[12]和文献[13]在独立同分布(independent and necessarily identically distributed, i.i.d.)的广义K衰落信道中研究了采用正交空时分组编码的MIMO系统的性能。这些研究的不足在于:1)研究主要基于i.i.d.广义K衰落信道,而不是独立非同分布(independent but not necessarily identically distributed, i.n.i.d.)广义K衰落信道,而现实MIMO系统中,i.n.i.d.广义K衰落信道更具有一般性。本文接下来的研究结果将表明,i.n.i.d.广义K衰落信道和i.i.d.广义K衰落信道中的系统性能表达式截然不同,性能也存在显著差异。2)文献[14]研究了有限i.n.i.d.广义K衰落信道中最大比合并接收机的性能,即只考虑了波形参数m取不同正整数的情况,没有考虑波形参数k在MIMO子信道中的差异性,有较大的局限性,而且该研究不针对正交空时分组编码(Orthogonal Space Time Block Code, OSTBC)MIMO系统。



如图1所示,在i.n.i.d.广义K衰落信道中,具有Nt个发射天线和Nr个接收天线的MIMO系统采用正交空时分组编码。首先,信源被调制成星座大小为M的正交振幅调制(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, QAM)符号集合S,这些符号被OSTBC编码器编成大小为T×Nt的正交分组空时码C,T为正交分组空时码的分组长度。C可以表示为C=∑Ll=1slAl+s*lBl,其中符号{sl}(l=1,2,…,L)选自QAM符号集合S,Al,Bl∈CT×Nr是常数。于是系统输入和输出的关系可以表示为:


其中:信道矩阵Η∈CNt×Nr,并假设在一个分组周期T内信道系数是不变的;信道矩阵中的元素hn, j=αn, jeiφn, j代表第nth根发射天线到第jth根接收天线间的信道系数,αn, j为相应子信道的幅值,服从i.n.i.d.广义K分布,φn, j是相应子信道的相位,服从(0,2π]的均匀分布。n是大小为T×Nr的噪声矩阵,其中的元素假定為服从CN(0,N0)的复循环对称高斯随机变量。







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