王培培 龙惟定
(1同济大学 机械与能源工程学院 上海 200092; 2 同济大学 中德工程学院 上海 200092)
(1同济大学 机械与能源工程学院上海200092; 2 同济大学 中德工程学院上海200092)
1 能源总线系统理想热力学模型
图1 能源总线系统制冷工况理想热力学模型Fig.1 Ideal thermodynamic model of the energy bus system in cooling mode
图2 常规系统制冷工况理想热力学模型(基准模型)Fig.2 Ideal thermodynamic model of the conventional system in cooling mode
2 能源总线系统多源混水过程变计算
2.1 EBS制冷循环能量平衡计算模型
夏季制冷循环的能量平衡计算模型见图3。设定:区域i夏季制冷循环过程低温热源温度由Tli1变化到 Tli2,常规系统区域i的高温热源温度由Thi1变化到Thi2,能源总线系统热源温度由TEBS1变化到TEBS2。系统运行环境温度T0。则有:
图3 制冷循环能量平衡模型Fig.3 Refrigeration cycle energy balance model
图4 制冷循环平衡模型Fig.4 Exergy balance model of refrigeration cycle
3 EBS制冷工况多源混水过程影响变主要影响因素分析
已知 Th21≠Th11,当Th21=Th11时,源侧温度相同,不存在混合变化,即ΔW1=0 。令Th21>Th11,即(Th21-Th11)>0,则有:
选定变量为τ1、τ2、φ1,分析公式(16),设定Tl11=Tl21=273+12=285K,Tl12=Tl22=273+7=280K,Th11=293K,Th21=305K,即两个系统制冷循环低温热源进出口温度Tl1、Tl2相同时,分析不同φ1,τ1,φ2,τ2条件下,源侧进水温度293 K和305 K混合后系统循环相对功耗变化量,此时的ΔW1%是φ1,τ1,τ2的函数(φ2=1-φ1),即ΔW1%=f(φ1,τ1,τ2)。
图5 制冷工况高温热源侧混水过程能量相对变化(切片φ1)Fig.5 Relative energy change in water mixing of high temperature heat source side in cooling mode (Cut φ1)
表1 制冷工况混水能量相对变化极值函数拟合结果
4 EBS热回收过程功率变化及最佳供水温度分析
设定能源总线系统总线热源温度由TEBS1变化到TEBS2i或TEBS2j;有n1个区域进行制冷循环,低温热源温度分别由Tli1变化到 Tli2,常规系统区域i的高温热源温度由Thi1变化到Thi2;有n2个区域进行制热循环,高温热源温度分别由Thj1变化到Thj2,常规系统区域j的低温热源温度由Tlj1变化到 Tlj2;系统运行环境温度T0;设定高低温热源流体比热C相等。设定外界温度T0,此时采用常规热泵系统的i区域中,Thi1=T0;采用常规热泵系统的j区域中,Tlj1=T0。QNi、QKj为各区域冷热负荷,设定δ为全部区域总冷、热负荷之比。
同样设定全部i区域 Tli1=285 K,Tli2=280 K,τi=1,全部j区域Thj2=318K,Thj1=313K,τj=1。可以得到:
图6 供水温度和区域冷、热负荷比例对EBS能耗的影响Fig.6 Influence of supply water temperature and ratio of regional cold load and heat load on EBS energy consumption
5 结论
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About the corresponding author
Wang Peipei, female, Ph. D., School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, +86 13916459060, E-mail: wwwangwangaaa@163.com. Research fields: district energy planning, low carbon building and energy-saving building.
Analyses of Exergy Change in Multi Heat Source Water Mixing and Heat Recovery Process of Energy Bus System
Wang Peipei1Long Weiding2
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China; 2. College of Engineering in Germany, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China)
In the internet era of energy, district heating and cooling system will change from a single form of energy to the various forms of energy, especially renewable energy and untapped energy. Integration of different grades of heat sources will cause system energy change. The energy bus system is a multi-source and multi-user thermal energy system that can make integration of renewable energy sources or untapped energy sources in large scale for district heating and cooling. This paper focus on analysis of exergy change in multi-source water mixing and heat recovering process of energy bus system comparing with the conventional system. The energy bus system can be modeled as integration of a series of Lorenz cycles. Through the theoretical analysis of the ideal thermodynamic model of energy bus systems and conventional distributed systems, exergy change law and its influencing factors in multi-source water mixing process and heat recovering process of energy bus system are analyzed. The results show that the inlet and outlet temperatures of each subsystem low temperature heat sources、inlet temperatures of high temperature heat sources、the mass flow ratio of low temperature heat sources to high temperature heat sources affect exergy change of multi-source system. Different design parameters can cause the energy to increase or decrease, or unchanged. In this paper, heat recovering process of energy bus system is also analyzed theoretically, and the related parameters which affect the heat change of the bus side are obtained and the heat variation law is found, also the way to get the optimum bus water temperatureTEBS1.
energy bus system; energy planning; Lorenz model; heat recovery; exergy
0253- 4339(2016) 04- 0106- 06
10.3969/j.issn.0253- 4339.2016.04.106
简介王培培,女,博士,同济大学机械与能源工程学院,13916459060,E-mail: wwwangwangaaa@163.com。研究方向:区域能源规划及低碳节能建筑。