Making Sculptures Out Of Stuff You Use Everyday
导读:来自墨尔本的插画家和摄影师Domenic Bahmann通过无限的想象力,将平淡无奇的生活用品转变为生动有趣的艺术作品。如果我们也能够像他一样善于在生活中发挥创造力,那么每个人都能成为杰出的创意人,至少你会发现生活正在发生微妙的变化。
Domenic Bahmann is an art director and designer based in Melbourne.
By day, he specializes in photography and illustrations for advertising. During his spare time, however, he likes to make art out of household items such as the below “Carrot-Plane”.
“My work is based on spontaneous ideas that come by simply looking at something and thinking: ‘What if...,” Bahmann tells Buzz Feed Life.
He started making his “everyday object art” in 2013, as a personal creative challenge that he called Stop-Think-Make. He decided to create an image based on an idea once a week. The designs are simple yet clever and fun, like this toothpaste man creation.
And this lovely sock panda.
This “Biscuit Chair” is playing with food.
Who knew capsicum could make such a perfect “Healthy M”?
As for Bahmanns favourite artwork? Its this super cute crayon spaceship, “Liftoff”.
illustration n. 插圖,图解
spontaneous adj. 自发的,无意识的
capsicum n. 辣椒
(Have you ever had such an insight to make sculptures out of ordinary items?)