Life Is Education Itself
The first lesson I taught was a bad dream. My passion turned out to be sleeping pills making the students fall asleep. One student even said: “Its too boring.” I thought I would never be a good teacher.
Fortunately, life education came to my life. After reading books, observing classes and talking with my colleagues, Ive found the most important thing of life education is to provide the students lives with meaningful learning, just as Dewy put it, “life is education itself”. So when teaching the lesson “Do you have a soccer ball”, I dressed like Beckham, even more handsome. As I stepped in, all the students stared at me. They were astonished when I took out a soccer. All the students were active in this class. From this teaching experience, Ive learnt a life-oriented class engages students and makes learning meaningful. In this way, we bring our life experiences into class and create new experiences through activities.
Then I have a question. How do we keep our class alive? William Arthur Ward once said: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” Only when we walk into students life will we know more about our students. As we know more about the students life, well bring life education into our class. In this way, we will inspire our students and become great teachers. Though we are still on the way, hope comes as we know more about life education.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. (平庸的老師照本宣科,较好的老师答疑解惑,优秀的老师亲身示范,杰出的老师启迪激励。)─ William Arthur Ward (威廉·阿瑟·沃德)