目的 评价对比磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)与扩散峰度成像(DKI)在鉴别宫颈癌病理类型及分化程度的价值。材料与方法 搜集39例经病理确诊的宫颈癌患者,包括鳞癌组(31例)与腺癌组(8例),鳞癌组分为高、中、低分化组(分别为7、19、5例)。所有患者行常规、DWI和DKI序列扫描,对比ADC、MK及MD值在鳞癌、腺癌与高、中、低分化宫颈鳞癌内的差别,经ROC曲线评价对比ADC、MK及MD值鉴别宫颈鳞癌、腺癌与高、中、低分化鳞癌的能力。结果 (1) ADC值与MD值鳞癌均低于腺癌, MK值鳞癌高于腺癌,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。MK鉴别宫颈鳞癌与腺癌的ROC曲线下面积AUC (0.968)最大,其次为MD (0.940)、ADC (0.915)。(2) ADC、MK、MD值在低中高分化鳞癌中差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05 )。在低、中与中、高分化鳞癌的鉴别中,MK具有最佳鉴别诊断效能,ROC曲线下面积AUC (0.905,P=0.003;0.940,P<0.001),其次是MD (AUC=0.884,P=0.009;AUC=0.887,P=0.002)、ADC (AUC=0.853,P=0.012;AUC=0.842,P=0.003)。结论 在宫颈鳞癌与腺癌、高中低分化鳞癌的鉴别上,DKI优于DWI。
扩散加权成像(diffusion-weighted imaging,DWI)能通过测量表观扩散系数(apparent diffusion coefficient, ADC)值对异常病变组织内水分子扩散变化进行定量分析进而反映病变组织特征。现今关于ADC值与宫颈癌病理特点的研究不多且存在较多差异,因此ADC值在宫颈癌病理类型及病理分级中的鉴别价值有待商榷。DWI技术的理论基础是假定水分子扩散符合高斯分布模型[5]。然而在人体大多数复杂的组织结构中,由于细胞自身及细胞内外复杂微环境等多种因素的影响,水分子的扩散呈现非高斯分布特征[6-7],以高斯模型为基础的DWI并不能真实的观察复杂微环境下人体组织内水分子的扩散。DKI (diffusional kurtosis imaging,DKI)以非高斯分布模型为基础,创新拓展于DWI技术基础之上[6],相比DWI,能更加真实、准确的把握人体组织微观结构特点,为临床提供更丰富的信息[8-10],目前,已有相关研究显示DKI在肿瘤病理类型鉴别与分级上优于DWI。
1 材料与方法
连续搜集2015年10月至2016年3月我院妇产科、放疗科收治的宫颈癌患者,均为手术病理或宫颈活检初次证实;纳入标准:(1)原发性宫颈癌;(2) MR检查前未经任何治疗;排除标准:(1)磁共振检查禁忌者:如幽闭恐惧症以及体内有金属支架、心脏起搏器、宫内节育器等金属物;(2)病灶最大径小于1.0 cm;(3)宫颈腺鳞癌、小细胞肿瘤等较少见肿瘤。
采用西门子 Magnetom Skyra 3.0 T磁共振扫描仪,线圈为标准体部相控阵8通道。接受扫描前8 h禁食,保持膀胱适度充盈,进床体位为仰卧位、头先进,呼吸保持自然放松状态,使用腹带减小运动呼吸伪影。常规序列:轴面 TSE-T1WI:TR 536 ms,TE 20 ms, FOV 420 mm×420 mm,矩阵 384×269,层厚4.5 mm,层数30,NEX为1;轴面FS-TSE-T2WI:TR 6450 ms,TE 66 ms,FOV 420 mm×420 mm,矩阵320×224,层厚4.5 mm,层数 30,NEX为2;矢状面TSE-T2WI:TR 6630 ms,TE 77 ms,FOV 350 mm×350 mm,矩阵320×224,层厚4.0 mm,层数30,NEX为2;矢状面FS-TSE-T2WI:TR 5172 ms,TE 106 ms,FOV 350 mm×350 mm,矩阵320×224,层厚4.0 mm,层数25,NEX为2;冠状面TSE-T2WI:TR 4000 ms,TE 50 ms,FOV 340 mm×341 mm,矩阵320×182,层厚4.0 mm,层数30,NEX为1。常规DWI序列采用单次激发平面回波(SS-EPI)序列轴面成像,扫描参数:TR 4600 ms,TE 57 ms,FOV 258 mm×420 mm,矩阵160×95,层厚4.5 mm,层数121,NEX为1、6,扩散敏感梯度b值取0、800 s/mm2。DKI序列:采用SS-EPI序列轴面成像,扫描参数:TR 5630 ms,TE 89 ms,FOV 1966 mm ×1885 mm,矩阵160×95,层厚4.5 mm,层数121,NEX为1,扩散敏感梯度b值取0、500、1000、1500、2000 s/mm2,30个均匀分布的弥散方向。
DWI、DKI图像处理及数据测量:通过Siemens Workstation后处理DWI图像得到ADC图;通过DKE、mricron后处理DKI图像得到MK、MD图。对比观察常规T1WI、T2WI图像,在ADC、MD和MK图上沿肿瘤边缘画出感兴趣区,避开病灶内的坏死、出血及囊变区等,且每个感兴趣区面积不小于50 mm2。全部测量层面肿瘤的ADC、MD、MK均值作为该病灶最终值。
通过SPSS 19.0和Graph Pad Prism 5进行统计学分析。通过Bland-Altman分析检测2名测量者DKI与DWI各参数测量的一致性;通过Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验,分析测得各参数值,均满足正态分布,采用独立样本t检验,对不同病理类型宫颈癌的DWI与DKI参数进行比较;采用单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA),对不同分化程度宫颈鳞癌的DWI与DKI参数进行比较,采用LSD检验对组与组两两之间进行比较。对差异有统计学意义的参数,通过ROC曲线比较评价其在鉴别宫颈癌不同病理学特征的能力。差异有统计学意义的标准为P<0.05。
表1 不同病理学类型宫颈癌DWI与DKI各参数对比Tab. 1 DWI and DKImetric of different cervical cancer pathological type
表2 高、中、低分化宫颈鳞癌DWI、DKI各参数对比Tab. 2 DWI and DKI metric of high, medium and low differentiation cervical squamous cell cancer
表3 DWI、DKI参数鉴别宫颈鳞癌与腺癌的ROC曲线对比Tab. 3 ROC curve of DWI, DKI metric indifferentiating cervical cancer pathological type
2 结果
本研究最终入组39例宫颈癌患者,年龄33~79岁[(51.10±11.13)岁],13例在磁共振扫描后10 d内进行手术,术后癌组织送检,病理确诊为宫颈癌,26例通过穿刺活检确诊。
通过Bland-Altman检测发现两位测量者所测ADC、MD、MK值均具有较好的一致性,在95%一致性界限之内的点分别为38/39(97.4%),37/39(94.8%), 38/39(97.4%),将高年资主治医师所测数据作为最终分析评价指标。
3个参数对比,在鉴别宫颈鳞癌与腺癌方面,MK具有最优鉴别能力, ROC曲线下面积AUC最大(0.968),高于ADC与MD,差异具有明显统计学意义(P<0.001),各参数敏感度、特异度见表3(图2)。
3 讨论
图1 宫颈中分化鳞癌。轴面(A)及矢状面(B) T2WI抑脂像癌组织为稍高信号;常规DWI (C)为高信号,ADC图(D)为低信号;MK图(E)为高信号;MD图(F)为低信号Fig. 1 Cervical medium differentiation squamous cell cancer. axial view (A) and sagittal view (B) T2WI-FScancer tissue presents lightly high signal. DWI (C) presents high signal, ADC (D) presents lightly high signal. MK (E) presents high signal. MD (F) presents low signal.
图2 DWI、DKI各参数鉴别宫颈鳞癌、腺癌的ROC曲线 图3 DWI、DKI各参数鉴别宫颈低、中分化鳞癌的ROC曲线 图4 DWI、DKI各参数鉴别宫颈中、高分化鳞癌的ROC曲线Fig. 2 ROC curve of DWI, DKI metric in differentiating cervical squamous cell carcinoma, cervical adenocarcinoma. Fig. 3 ROC curve of DWI, DKI metric in differentiating low, medium differentiation cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Fig. 4 ROC curve of DWI, DKI metric in differentiating medium, high differentiation cervical squamous cell carcinoma.
表4 DWI、DKI各参数鉴别宫颈低、中分化鳞癌的ROC曲线对比Tab. 4 ROC curve of DWI, DKI metric in differentiating low, medium differentiation cervical squamous cell carcinoma
表5 DWI、DKI各参数鉴别宫颈中、高分化鳞癌的ROC曲线对比Tab. 5 ROC curve of DWI, DKI metric in differentiating medium,high differentiation cervical squamous cell carcinoma
MK为DKI最关键的参数,代表空间各梯度方向的扩散峰度平均值[23],其与组织复杂程度呈正比,结构复杂度越高(如癌细胞病理分级越高、分布越紧凑) ,水分子运动阻碍则越显著,MK值越高[24]。
部分DKI在胶质瘤的研究结果显示,MK值同肿瘤恶性程度表现为正相关,ROC曲线分析发现,相比于DWI参数以及其他DKI参数,MK 在区分高、低级别胶质瘤中具有最佳诊断效能。这些研究[11,24-25]间接支持了本研究结果。在本研究结果中,与ADC与MD值相比,MK值在宫颈鳞、腺癌、宫颈鳞癌高中低分化鉴别中均具有最优诊断效能,也更加印证了宫颈癌病灶内水分子扩散特点符合非高斯模型。
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The relationship between DKI and pathological features of cervical cancer: a primary study
YAN kun, HU Sha-sha, YANG Pin, LI Jin-kui, ZHAI Ya-jun, LEI Jun-qiang*
Department of Radiology, the First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
*Correspondence to: Lei JQ, E-mail: leijq1990@163.com
Objective: To evaluate and contrast diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) in differentiating cervical cancer pathological type and degree of differentiation. Materials and Methods: Collecting 39 patients with cervical cancer diagnosed by pathological examination, 31 were cervical squamous cell cancer (7 high, 19 medium and 5 low differentiation cervical squamous cell cancer), and the remaining 8 patients were cervical adenocarcinoma. Everyone underwent cervical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination, the sequences included conventional, DWI and DKI. Compared mean value of ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient), MK (mean kurtosis) and MD (mean diffusion) of cervical squamous cell cancer, cervical adenocarcinoma and high, medium and low differentiation cervical squamous cell cancer. Evaluate the discriminability of ADC, MK and MD in cervical squamous cell cancer, cervical adenocarcinoma and high, medium and low differentiation cervical squamous cell cancer by receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves. Results: (1) The mean values of ADC, MD were lower in cervical squamous cell carcinoma contrast to adenocarcinoma (P<0.001), but the mean values of MK in cervical squamous cell carcinoma were higher contrast to adenocarcinoma (P<0.001). When differentiating cervical squamous cell carcinoma from cervical adenocarcinoma, mean value of MK possessed a biggest AUC (0.968), followed MD (0.940) and ADC (0.915). (2) When differentiating poorly from medium , medium from high differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, the mean value of MK had best ability with largest AUC (0.905, P=0.003. 0.940, P<0.001), followed MD (AUC=0.884, P=0.009. AUC=0.887, P=0.002) and ADC (AUC=0.853, P=0.012. AUC=0.842, P=0.003). Conclusions: DKI is better than DWI ondiscriminating cervical squamous cell carcinoma, cervical adenocarcinoma and high, medium and low differentiated subtypes of cervical squamous carcinoma.
Uterine cervical neoplasms; Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging; Pathology
9 Apr 2016, Accepted 26 May 2016
闫坤, 胡莎莎, 杨品, 等. 扩散峰度成像与宫颈癌病理学特征相关性的初步探索. 磁共振成像, 2016, 7(9): 683-688.