1 外景/Exterior view
建筑平面基础为对称三角形,转角处倒圆角,就像是花园小径曲线的延伸,这是属于当代建筑的语汇。建筑的一侧悬挑到坡地之上,仿佛想要摆脱地心引力的作用。与此同时,建筑与白色的别墅紧紧毗邻,采用传统的瓷砖贴面。为了顺应外立面的曲面形式,承重混凝土墙采用外保温,并覆以竖向排布的、斑驳反光的面砖,产自比利时工厂。这样的呼应关系也与曲面的墙体相契合。砖立面甚至延续到紧急出口的上方,而且在曲线外墙延伸入室内的部分,也依然采用砖立面。(黄华青 译)
2 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
3 剖面/Section
Kortrijk, in Dutch-speaking West Flanders,Belgium, is not only blessed with various UNESCO World Heritage sites, but also evinces a keen interest in cutting-edge architecture. however, the new build stands alongside the older one as an independent,initially somewhat puzzling artifact. The two buildings are connected via the basement level.
The extension serves as an auditorium for AZ Groeninge, which since the merger of four hospitals in 2003 has become one of the largest health centers in the country, featuring 1066 beds. Its history goes back to 1211, when it was founded as one of many infirmaries in the town. Today it serves as a teaching hospital, which explains the need for an auditorium. While the vast main building of the clinic is characterized by a strict grid with slanted concrete supports, a completely different aesthetic was chosen for the new auditorium. "The building is unambiguous and is characterized by a friendly and optimistic elegance," explain Dehullu Architecten. "It is a retreat for the staff of the clinic. Wonderfully placed into the green surroundings, it is a place where one can get away from the demands of the job for a while."
The existing villa was converted into a meeting center with six fairly small rooms. Next to the old house on the basement level, the new building,which kneels into the sloping ground and sinks into it, features sanitary installations, a catering kitchen and storage facilities. Two fully glazed entrances between the two buildings provide access to the auditorium: from the north to the lower level, from the south to the upper level, so that visitors can reach the 230 seats comfortably. On both levels,those entering are welcomed by foyers connected by a sweeping staircase. Its concrete balustrade obligingly follows the curve of the stair, which ends at a bar upstairs. In the midst of the curve hangs a bouquet of irregularly shaped lamps that evoke drops, a look in keeping with the architecture. They were designed by Dutch designer Pieke Bergmans, who explains the soft contours of the lamps with a play on the English word "light bulbs". His so-called "light blubs" are a humorous take on traditional incandescent bulbs, but their modified pear shape conceals modern LED technology.
The symmetrical triangle of its basic shape,whose rounded walls seem to continue the curves of the garden paths, belongs to contemporary architecture. On one side, it protrudes over the edge of the slope, as if wishing to leave the pull of gravity behind. At the same time, it stands solidly next to the white-rendered villa, sporting a traditional ceramic facade. To be able to follow smoothly the sweep of the exterior, the load-bearing concrete walls, insulated on the outside, were clad in upright,light-flecked bricks from a Belgian brickworks. This bond made sense with the rounded walls; the brick facade continues even over the emergency escape doors. And as the curves of the perimeter walls lead inside, the brick cladding continues there as well.
阿尔佛雷德·蒙科伯克:我们第一眼喜欢上这个项目,就是因为它的平面和可爱的曲线。砖块对于曲线墙体来说是完美的材料,因为砖块如此之小——在竖向排布时更是如此。它可以顺应急转的曲线,而看起来依然平顺。它创造出迷人的质感。礼堂室内也设计得非常优雅,而且还有天光洒入。总之,这是一座细节十分精美的建筑。他们还做了一项杰出的设计,让建筑看起来仿佛真的从地面上升起。地板似乎漂浮起来,就像是轻放而非锚固在地基上。因此,建筑就像一艘曲面的飞船,不知从何处飞来,停在草地上休憩,微微倾斜。这座建筑丝毫没有激进之处,也可以说是建在1960年代,或是1980年代。其设计手法是经典的,一种现代主义式的经典。这是座非常“有聚合力”的建筑,让你觉得好像自己就属于这里。(黄华青 译)
Jury Statement
Alfred Munkenbeck: The thing we liked the most about this, right away, was the plan and the lovely curves. Brick is a perfect material to use for curves, because the pieces are so small–especially when laid vertically. It can go around very tight curves and it all looks very smooth; it provides a lovely texture. The interior of the auditorium is beautifully done and there is this light that comes from above. It’s just a very nicely detailed building. They have done another extraordinary thing that makes the building actually come up over the ground. The floor kind of rise sup – it seems like it has been dropped rather than sitting on foundations, so it looks like a curvy spaceship that comes and rests on the ground, slightly tilted. It is not a radical building at all; it is a building that could have been done in the sixties, that could have been done in the eighties. It is kind of classic, a modern classic approach. It's a very "reinforcing" building,which makes you feel very much like you are in the right place.
项目信息/Credits and data
客户/Client: 科特赖克AZ格罗宁根公司/ Algemeen Ziekenhuis Groeninge Kortrijk
建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 会议中心,礼堂/Meeting center, auditorium
建筑面积/Usable floor Area: 1200m2
砖材类型/Brick Type: 饰面砖/Facing bricks
建造周期/Construction Period: 2012.05 –2014.01
摄影/Photos: Dennis de Smet
4 入口/Entrance
5 水滴形灯具与楼梯曲线相和谐/The drop-like lamps harmonise with the curve of the stairs
6 从室内看向中庭/View from interior to atrium space
HUA Li: The most interesting part of this project is the relationship between the building and its topography. One end of the interconnected two-story auditorium rests conventionally on the ground, while the other rises slightly from the ground,creating a sense of suspension. This kind of structure illustrates the conscious eye for design in the utilization of bricks. The vertically-oriented bricks have become a decorative feature instead of the structural materials that they conventionally are utilized as. In contemporary architecture, it has become less and less common for bricks to be employed as mere structural elements, rather they can become external visual expressions of design, even if the brickwork is utilized as supporting parts of the main structure. Usually, the span of a window opening and the lintel could present brickwork's non-structural characteristic. However, in the case of this auditorium, part of the building is not resting on the ground. Because of the partial overhang, the brick employed on the building brickwork cannot be regarded as masonry. Masonry structures traditionally delivers its loads to the ground, therefore this building's brickwork presents a false appearance. The vertically oriented bricks have been utilized as a design logic, coordinating both building material and form.袁烽:AZ格罗宁根公司礼堂以一种超越砖的结构性与建构性的方式对这一传统材料进行了批判式再现。在常规认知中,砖结构往往会给人一种材料的厚重感,然而建筑师在形体上的悬挑处理为本应十分沉重的砖构建筑营造了一种轻盈的漂浮状态。整个处理手法通过对传统的砖石结构意义进行反常规的转译,创造了一种对重力的“挑战”与“背叛”。同时,建筑师在对建筑平面轮廓的设计中采用了十分柔和的曲线元素,并通过选用较小尺度的砖石进行竖直的方向砌筑来保证空间的光滑性。这种“柔”的状态一方面强化了悬挑所带来的轻盈感,另一方面打破了砖石的冰冷和坚硬的质感,在砖墙的肌理中建立了一种柔软的感知体验。礼堂在这种“轻”与“柔”之中消解了封闭体量给周围环境所带来的压迫感,在建筑与人之间形成了一种温和的体验关系。
Philip F. Yuan: Auditorium AZ Grogeninge represents a critical representation of brick as a traditional building material, in order to explore brick's new identity in contemporary design. Throughout history, brick was usually utilized as heavy masonry material. However in this project, the architect transforms brick into a light, floating material by adopting a cantilevered form. Through this nonconventional translation, the bricks used in the project become an expression of departure from the forces of gravity. Simultaneously, the architect introduces a soft curvature in designing the boundary of the building, choosing small-dimensional bricks to be assembled vertically to maintain a kind of softness and smoothness in the materialized reality. As a result, on one hand, the softness reinforces the perception of the lightness of the bricks; on the other hand, it breaks the conventional feeling of brick as a "heavy" material, producing a new experience in the curved brick wall. In general, the softness and the lightness of brick resolves the scale of the building, and establishes a calmer relationship between humans and architecture.
Category Winner in Public Use: Auditorium AZ Grogeninge, Kortrijk, Belgium, 2014
Architects: Dehullu Architecten