

世界建筑 2016年9期









此外同样重要的是,设计团队希望通过使用当地常用材料以及传统建造技术,为当下及未来的居住空间营造带去不同的视角和方法。白蚁穴住宅能够真正“自呼吸”,这源自自然通风及自然采光的设计。更关键的是,我们在最大程度上节约了建筑造价。同样的模式可以应用到岘港市更多的中等收入家庭的郊区住宅,或拓展到全世界气候相似的热带地区。(黄华青 译)

2 立面细部/Detail of the facade

The Termitary House was built in Da Nang,a central coastal city of Vietnam. Da Nang is wellknown for the remains of Champa baked-brick Towers. Inspired by the termites’ special ability to build their nests in the local area, the architect has designed the house with a large sharing space in the center where a cooking counter, a dining table, and an entertaining corner are found. This "lobby" then leads to different functional areas in the house such as the rest room, the living room, and the bedrooms. All are connected artistically and comfortably. The mezzanine is where another bedroom, an altar room, and a small library are found. The attic is an open relaxing area with curtains of vines. Designed for three people, the house does not need a lot of partitions except the ones for the altar room and the bedrooms. Meanwhile, in the sharing areas in the house, the family members can still see and chat to each other through the walls with holes arranged as randomly but scientifically as in an actual termitary.

The house is mainly built with baked bricks, the traditional material in the local area. They are the very material to have been used for the construction of the mysterious ancient Champa towers. The ceilings are casted with original concrete, and the floors are covered with terrazzo in dark colors. All furniture is made with the timber from the roof of the old house, which helps make the total actual cost of the construction a significant saving.

That the walls are entirely built with baked bricks makes the house cool in the summer; for this kind of bricks can function as a certain factor to keep the entire house humid. The special constructing technique of "double skins" with two layers of one brick wall covering outside and one glass-aluminum frame inside creates a space within a wall, which functions as a buffer layer at both gables. Besides,the arrangement of the toilets and the storage rooms along the walls not only helps block the strong winds during the stormy season but also leads them towards and through the gaps straight to the roof. This is due to the remarkable difference in pressure. On the roof, architects use a system of girders and upside down floors to create a small garden for plants – an ideal place for the whole family to relax and enjoy thebreeze during the hot and muggy summer days.

The special design of the baked-brick walls with a lot of holes, together with the large interfloor space, allows breeze and light to get to all the corners of the house, even the hardest-to-access areas. The house owners are also able to enjoy the blue sky during the daytime or the moonlight nighttime from the living room, the dining table or the kitchen. At different times during the day, the variety of the light intensity getting through the inter-floor holes makes the brick wall colors change,from the light red in the morning, red at noon, to dark red in the afternoon and more purple in the late afternoon and early evening.

In the evening and at night, the house looks like a giant lantern with lights here and there from the holes. The surrounding brick walls are decorated with some rough bricks to make shadows. This improve the beauty and charm of every single samelbrick regarding its own shape and color.

Last but not least, the design team wants to bring a different perspective to the process of organizing living space in the present and the future by using local popular materials and traditional construction techniques. The Termitary House can truly "selfbreathing" due to self-ventilation and natural lighting. And most importantly, the cost of construction is maximal saving. This model can be applied to build houses for families in the suburban areas and who have average income in Da Nang City of Viet Nam and tropical climates around the world.

项目信息/Credits and data

客户/Client: 私人/Private

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 独户住宅/Single-family house

责任建筑师/Architect In Charge: Nguyen Hai Long

项目建筑师/Project Architects: Phan Quang Vinh, Tran Thi Ngu Ngon, Trinh Thanh Tu

基地面积/Site Area: 190m2

建筑面积/Usable Floor Area: 80m2

层数/Number of Floors: 2 (1首层,1夹层/1 ground floor, 1 mezzanine)

投资总额/Total Investment Cost: $27,000

施工造价/Construction Cost: $22,000

室内装修造价/Interior Decoration Cost: $5000

砖材类型/Brick Type: 实心砖/Solid bricks

建造周期/Construction Period: 2014.04 – 2014.08

摄影/Photos: Oki Hiroyuki

3 夜景/Night view

4 剖面/Section


劳拉·安德烈尼:白蚁穴住宅是一座为核心家庭设计的住宅。它的结构简单,但对于砖的设计十分独特。建筑师对于砖的使用远远超出了纯粹的审美范畴,是对建筑项目所面临的诸多额外挑战的回应。首先,砖是该地区的传统建筑材料,这体现了对文脉的尊重。其次,它也是对越南气候的恰当回应。建筑师专门设计了由砖墙和铝合金玻璃幕墙组成的双层幕墙体系,形成一个气腔来应对极端的气候变化。最后,砖表皮形成了迷人的光影效果,对于居住者或是晚上走过的路人都是美妙的视觉享受。(黄华青 译)

Jury Statement

Laura Andreini: The Termitary house is designed for a single family. Though it has a simple structure, its focus on bricks is very special, and their use is much more than a purely aesthetic decision. The choice of material is an answer to numerous challenges that must be solved in an architectural project. The house shows respect for the context, as brick is the traditional building material in the region. In addition,brick is used in order to provide an appropriate response to the Vietnamese climate. The purpose-built double facade, comprised of aluminum, glass, and two layers of brick creates a voided space that counteracts the extreme variations in climate. Lastly, the surface brickwork makes for fascinating plays of light that delight not only the residents inside, but also those who happen to pass by from outside at night.

5 内景/Interior view

6 首层平面/Floor 0 plan




HAN Mengzhen: This innovative design is based on discovery and construction. Professional architects have discovered a new design opportunity among the commonly-found vernacular. They utilize low-tech, local materials, hire local craftsmen, and construct to a professional standard, in order to create regionalist architecture in the current age of globalization. This innovation is founded on an international perspective, combined with local material exploration, and can be associated with the growing trend of rural construction in China. However, does this regionally-inspired design really connect to the daily life of local residents?Or does this kind of design provide merely an image of regionalist architecture to others? When the users' life becomes assimilated due to globalization, and the belief in a particular mode of life which was advocated by architects is halted, innovation in residential design inspired from everyday life is certainly more difficult than innovation that is based on discovery of local materials and technology.


QING Feng: The core purpose of this design is to utilize traditional brick materials to meet the challenges of a tropical climate. The flexible usage of masonry offers varying degrees of permeability. When natural light enters through the wall cavities and renders a pattern of lights on the wall, one realizes the brickwork resembles a kind of weaving, simultaneously thick, light and unrestricted. The architect has masterly managed the secondary materials including concrete,wood and glass, which allows this small building to possess clarity, much like Louis Khan's architectural style. However, every coin has two sides. How can we coordinate a neat design with our messy daily life? Furthermore, from a practical standpoint, we would worry that this building, devoid of air-conditioning, could provide a decent living environment in the tropics, as its architect intended. An architects' pursuit of perfection should not be criticized. However, Khan reminded us that a service space ought to be as important as a serviced space. In this case,the Mr. Kahn's view seems to have been disregarded.

Category Winner in Residential Use: Termitary House, Da Nang City, Vietnam, 2014

Architects: Tropical Space

