Smitha Shivshankar ( is a student member of IEEE. She received her PhD degree in Electrical and Information Engineering from The University of Sydney, Australia in 2015. Her research interests include the areas of data dissemination, cooperation and cloud computing in vehicular networks. She was a recipient of the Australian Postgraduate Award during her PhD. She also received the Telstra award for solving an industrial problem in 2012. She is currently holding a casual teaching assistant position with the University of Sydney.
Abbas Jamalipour ( is a Fellow of IEEE, IEICE, and IEAust, an ACM Professional Member, and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He has been with the University of Sydney since 1998 where he currently holds the chair position of professor of ubiquitous mobile networking. He holds a PhD in electrical engineering from Nagoya University, Japan and has adjunct positions and close collaborations with several universities across the Asia?Pacific Region. He is the author of six technical books, eleven book chapters, five patents, and over 400 technical papers in the area of mobile communications.
He was one of the first researchers to disseminate the fundamental concepts of the next generation mobile networks, broadband convergence networks and heterogeneous networks; some of which have been gradually patented and deployed by industry and included in the ITU?T standards. He was the editor?in?chief of IEEE Wireless Communications and has been a technical editor for several journals, including IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Currently he is a member of Board of Governors, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and the editor?in?chief of the VTS Mobile World. He was also the Vice President?Conferences, IEEE Communications Society (2012?13). Professor Jamalipour has authored many invited papers and been a keynote speaker in prestigious conferences. He has chaired many large conferences, most recently IEEE ICC2014, ICT2015, IEEE SmartGridComm2016. He is the recipient of 15 Best Paper Awards and a number of prestigious awards such as IEEE ComSoc Harold Sobol Award, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Contribution to Satellite Communications Award, IEEE ComSoc Best Tutorial Paper Award.