引用格式:高明,王强,马德胜,刘朝霞,刘皖露. 聚合物驱后注气稳定重力复合驱数值模拟[J].石油钻采工艺,2016,38(4):494-498.
1 聚合物驱后油藏剩余油分布特点Distribution features of residual oil in reservoirs after polymer flooding
图1 聚驱后微观剩余油分布状态Fig.1 Microscopic distribution of residual oil after polymer flooding
2 聚合物驱后注气稳定重力复合驱基本思路Fundamental thought of gas injection for stable gravity flooding after polymer flooding
图2 聚驱后稳定重力复合驱技术思路Fig.2 Thought of stable gravity flooding after polymer flooding
3 聚合物驱后提高采收率技术对比分析Comparison of available EOR techniques after polymer flooding
利用大庆某聚驱后正韵律沉积区块进行了数值模拟研究,区块面积1.51 km,平面网格步长为10 m,油层厚度24 m,模型纵向划分为20个模拟层,聚驱后采出程度51.48%。
Distribution of residual oil
图3 聚驱后剩余油饱和度场Fig.3 Residual oil saturation field after polymer flooding
图4 1~5层平均含油饱和度场(共20层)Fig.4 Average oil saturation field of layer 1-5 (with 20 layers in total)
图5 注气稳定重力复合驱纵向剖面剩余油饱和度场Fig.5 Residual oil saturation field in vertical profile after gas injection for stable gravity flooding
Comparison of predicted EOR performance
表1 聚驱后不同驱替方式提高采收率结果Table 1 EOR performance of different displacement techniques after polymer flooding
4 结论Conclusions
图6 聚驱后不同驱替方式提高采收率预测结果Fig.6 Predicted EOR of different displacement techniques after polymer flooding
图7 聚驱后不同驱替方式含水变化预测结果Fig.7 Predicted changes in water cut of different displacement techniques after polymer flooding
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修改稿收到日期 2016-06-12
〔编辑 李春燕〕
Numerical simulation of gas injection for stable gravity flooding after polymer flooding
GAO Ming1,2, WANG Qiang1,2, MA Desheng1,2, LIU Zhaoxia1,2, LIU Wanlu1,2
1. State Kay Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery, Beijing 100083, China;2. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083, China
Residual oil after polymer flooding is very scattered, and residual oil in top sections of reservoir formations is extremely difficult to develop, yet there is no prevailing technology suitable for development after polymer flooding. Based on analysis of stress on crude oil, the idea of injecting gas at the top section of the reservoir and conducting ASP flooding in bottom section has been proposed in this paper. Performances of different displacement modes have been predicted for some blocks of Daqing Oilfield after polymer flooding. The research results show gas injection for stable gravity flooding has the best performance, with a EOR increment of 13.53%. Comparing residual oil saturation obtained through application of different displacement modes, gas injection for stable gravity flooding can effectively develop low-permeability formations in the top section and reduce residual oil significantly. Vertical distribution of residual oil saturation at different time points was analyzed. After gas injection in the top section, differential pressure in vertical direction may drive residual oil to migrate downward, while ASP flooding conducted in bottom section may drive residual oil by horizontal differential pressure, thus realizing 3-dimensional flooding. Gas injection for stable gravity flooding may provide a viable option for EOR after polymer flooding.
after polymer flooding; gas injection for stable gravity flooding; numerical simulation; residual oil distribution
1000 - 7393( 2016 ) 04- 0494- 05
GAO Ming, WANG Qiang, MA Desheng, LIU Zhaoxia, LIU Wanlu. Numerical simulation of gas injection for stable gravity flooding after polymer flooding[J]. Oil Drilling & Production Technology, 2016, 38(4): 494-498.
高明 (1980-),博士,主要从事油气田开发方面的研究工作,工程师。通讯地址:(100083)北京市海淀区学院路20号中国石油勘探开发研究院采收率所。 E-mail:gaoming010@petrochina.com.cn