(1. 海军工程大学 科研部, 湖北 武汉 430033; 2. 海军潜艇学院 动力操纵系, 山东 青岛 266042)
(1. 海军工程大学 科研部, 湖北 武汉430033; 2. 海军潜艇学院 动力操纵系, 山东 青岛266042)
磁致伸缩作动器(Magnetostrictive Actuator, MA)具有定位精度高、响应快、频带宽、输出力大等优点,在振动控制、精密定位等领域有广阔应用前景[7-10]。张天飞等建立了超磁致伸缩作动器动力学方程,并研究了比例-积分-微分(Proportion Integration Differentiation, PID)算法的主动控制,结果表明该作动器能有效降低低频振动,但系统自适应能力较弱[11]。Francesco等分析了作动器幅频特性,并对单自由度隔振系统进行了主动控制研究,仿真表明磁致伸缩作动器可明显减小传递至基础的力[12]。王社良等设计出一种磁致伸缩作动杆,并用线性二次型调节器(Linear Quadratic Regulator, LQR)算法研究了系统结构主动振动,结果表明磁致伸缩材料作动杆可有效地减小结构的加速度和位移响应[13]。
1 双层隔振系统描述
图1 双层隔振系统主动控制模型Fig.1 Active control model of double-layer vibration isolation system
2 磁致伸缩作动器模型
MA结构及原理如图2、图3所示,主要由磁致伸缩棒(Giant Magnetostrictive Material, GMM)、驱动线圈、偏置磁场及输出顶杆等组成。
①顶端盖螺钉;②输出顶杆;③顶端盖;④预紧弹簧;⑤外套;⑥驱动线圈;⑦偏置线圈;⑧GMM⑨预紧螺钉;⑩底端盖螺钉底端盖图2 磁致伸缩作动器结构Fig.2 MA structure diagram
图3 磁致伸缩作动器原理Fig.3 MA schematic
3 控制器的设计及分析
图4 柔性神经网络模型Fig.4 Flexible neural network model
4 数值算例
图5 单频f1激励中层位移历程图Fig.5 Time history of middle-layer displacement with f1 excitation
图6 单频f2激励中层位移历程图Fig.6 Time history of middle-layer displacement with f2excitation
图7 多频激励中层位移历程图Fig.7 Time history of middle-layer displacement with
图8 随机激励中层位移历程图Fig.8 Time history of middle-layer displacement with random excitation
图9 中层位移幅频曲线Fig.9 Amplitude frequency curves of middle-layer displacement
由图9可知,被动隔振系统的两个峰值所对应的固有频率与有限元软件计算的固有频率完全吻合,通过主动控制可以改变系统模态,消除系统一阶和二阶共振峰,从而达到隔振目的。由图可知,在复杂激励条件下,SMC算法主动控制在2 Hz之前隔振效果较差,随着激励频率增加控制效果存在一定振荡。而FNNSMC算法则在较宽频段内都有良好的控制效果,特别是10 Hz以内隔振效果特别明显。但是,主动控制和被动隔振的幅频曲线始终有交叉点,这也说明主动控制比较适合于中低频振动控制,可以弥补被动隔振的不足,能有效抑制振动传递并拓宽系统隔振频段,这对研究复杂激励条件下的振动控制有重要意义。
表1 各激励中层位移均方根值
5 结论
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Active control technology using flexible neural network sliding mode algorithm
YANG Qingchao1, YANG Lihua2, ZHU Shijian1, LOU Jingjun1
(1. Office of Research & Development, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China; 2. Power Control Department, Navy Submarine Academy, Qingdao 266042, China)
For solving the vibration control problem in complex excitation, the active control of magnetostrictive actuator of Jiles-atherton model in double-layer vibration isolation system was researched. Based on the traditional sliding mode control, a flexible neural network sliding mode control algorithm was proposed and the controller switching matrix was designed by the regularization method, then the updating formulas of the neural network weights and flexible mapping parameter were also established. Furthermore the control strategy was used for the active vibration control in double-layer vibration isolation system. Finally, the single frequency, multi frequency and random signal excitation were simulated and the results show that the flexible neural network sliding mode controller has a strong robustness and a good control effect.
double-layer vibration isolation; magnetostrictive actuator; sliding mode control; flexible neural network; active control