

中国经贸聚焦 2016年8期


英国媒体已经开始回顾“首相那些年”。对卡梅伦来说,接下来是该好好考虑在卸任首相后的漫长岁月里做什么了。这是他担任英国首相的最后一天,据说满载新首相特雷莎·梅(Theresa May)物品的搬家车辆已经等在了唐宁街10号的门外。即便是在公投失利后宣布辞职时,卡梅伦都以为自己会继续留任到9月。但随着特雷莎·梅成为保守党内唯一候选人,卡梅伦告别的日子突然一下提前了好几个月。卡梅伦是一个被“脱欧”公投定义了的领导人。6月23日,英国脱欧公投结果公布,52%的英国人支持脱欧。面对这样的结果,一直竭力呼吁英国留在欧盟的卡梅伦选择即刻辞职,他说,英国人已经做出了一个非常清楚、与他所推崇的计划不同的决定,因此他已不再适合“担任船长”。

Yasmin Hyder (网友):Even though he made mistakes, as most people do, its sad seeing him go. Just hope the new PM manages to do better.(即使他犯过错误,但是我们大部分人都会犯错误,看到他离开我很难过,我只能希望新任首相能够做出更好的业绩。)

Chris Horner (网友):A tosser beyond compare. Oversaw some of the most horrific cuts to the great social institutions of our country since they were founded, and then promised a referendum he knew would have dangerous consequences for the sole reason that he didnt want to lose the next general election, so attempted to sway UKIP voters with that promise. Then when he lost, decided to bugger off rather than actually work to mitigate any of the damage he did. Id be happy about his resignation if I didnt know that what comes next is possibly even worse.(真是个无能可以的“二传手”。他知道公投存在危险后果,他不想在下一次大选中失利,因此企图通过公投组动摇英国独立党,公投出来后,他决定辞职,而不是实际去减少他造成的损失。我对于他的离职表示高兴,否则接下来要发生的事情可能会更糟。)

Erika Moya (网友):What I am saying to you, I am saying it as a Mexican, living in London, who has seen many, many men and women in politics, whom have disappointed the concept of democracy, betraying, lying and hurting my country. Mr Cameron promised the UK people, a referendum, and kept his word, despite of his knowledge that it might be the UKs will to abandon the EU, going against his OWN wishes,He is to me and many others, A MAN OF HIS WORD, commited to his nation, and not his personal agenda, or his party, Sadly to me, this is the first time I see a politic man doing this, but its good to know there is still hope for democracy, therefore, my best goes to you and your family Mr. Cameron(我现在作为一个墨西哥人来说这些话,我生活在伦敦,见过许多政界男男女女,他们并没有很好地履行民主概念,只是在背叛、撒谎并伤害我的国家。卡梅伦先生曾经向英国人民承诺会进行公投,也实际履行了诺言,但是他们可能没有意识到,人民会选择离开欧盟,这违背了他的原本意愿。对于我本人和许多其他人来说,他是信守诺言的人,而不是单纯实行个人或政党议程的人。对我来说 ,这是我首次看到有政界人士能像他这样,至少我知道民主还是有希望的,因此我想为卡梅伦和他的家人送上最由衷的祝福。)

Sonia Ball (网友):Im not sorry to see him go. This country is not just divided by politics but also by class. The cuts made are water off a ducks back to the rich but to the working class and vulnerable the decisions have been crippling. The statistics might show that unemployment is at an all time low but they fail to say that most people are part time or on zero hour contracts.(见到他走我不难过,这个国家不仅仅因为政治分裂,而且因为阶级差异分裂。对于富人来说这个决定没什么影响,但是对于工人阶层和脆弱人群来说,这个决定极其有害。数据显示失业率达到最低点,但是没有说的是大部分人是做兼职或零时工合同。)

Amy Farrar(网友): I thought he was great. I thought he was passionate about the UK, he made tough calls but I was better off under his leadership and the U.K. Is economically healthier than it was when he arrived. I wish him well. And if you dont like him fair enough but hes still a person. Does it have to be so offensive.(我觉得他很棒,他对英国充满热情,做出的是艰难的抉择,我更喜欢接受他的领导,在他上任后国家经济也更加健康了,我希望他以后过得好,你不喜欢他也没关系,他是个好人。)


拉里不走 唐宁街10号“捕鼠官”续任
卡梅伦 一时语塞