数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2014-01—2016-03 检索时间:2016-04-12
Psychology, Experimental 实验心理学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Aron, Adam R.; Trends in Cognitive Sciences 152Inhibitrion and the right inferior frontalcortex: One decade onRobbins, Trevor W.;Poldrack, Russell A.2014, 18(4): 177-185British Journal of Mathematical101Statistical mediation analysis with aHayes, Andrew F.;& Statistical Psychology multicategorical independent variablePreacher, Kristopher J.2014, 67(3): 451-470 63 P-Curve: A key to the file-drawer Simonsohn, Uri; Nelson, Leif D.; Simmons, Joseph P. Journal of Experimental Psychology-General 2014, 143(2): 534-547Inzlicht, Michael; Trends in Cognitive Sciences 57Why self-control seems(but may not be)limitedSchmeichel, Brandon J.;Macrae, C. Neil2014, 18(3): 127-133 55 Frontal theta as a mechanism for cognitive control Cavanagh, James F.; Frank, Michael J. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2014, 18(8): 414-421Working memory improvement withBrunoni, AndreBrain and Cognition 47non-invasive brain stimulation of thedorsolateral prefrontal cortex: ARussowsky; Vanderhasselt,2014, 86: 1-9 systematic review and meta-analysisMarie-Anne45 Nonnaivete among Amazon Mechanical Turk workers: Consequences and solutions for behavioral researchers Chandler, Jesse; Mueller, Pam; Paolacci, Gabriele Behavior Research Methods 2014, 46(1): 112-130Sreenivasan, Kartik K.; Trends in Cognitive Sciences 45Revisiting the role of persistent neuralactivity during working memoryCurtis, Clayton E.;D'Esposito, Mark2014, 18(2): 82-89 44 Evaluation of neurofeedback in ADHD: The long and winding road Arns, Martijn; Heinrich, Hartmut; Strehl, Ute Biological Psychology 2014, 95(SI): 108-115Committee report: Publication guidelines Keil, Andreas;Psychophysiology 42and recommendations for studies usingDebener, Stefan;electroencephalography and magnetoence-Gratton, Gabriele;2014, 51(1): 1-21 phalographyet al.
Psychology, Mathematical 数学心理学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物British Journal of Mathematical &101Statistical mediation analysis with aHayes, Andrew F.;Statistical Psychology multicategorical independent variablePreacher, Kristopher J.2014, 67(3): 451-470Nonnaivete among Amazon Mechanical Chandler, Jesse;Behavior Research Methods 45Turk workers: Consequences and solutionsMueller, Pam;for behavioral researchersPaolacci, Gabriele2014, 46(1): 112-130 27 Concreteness ratings for 40 thousand generally known English word lemmas Brysbaert, Marc; Warriner, Amy Beth; Kuperman, Victor Behavior Research Methods 2014, 46(3): 904-911Peer, Eyal; Vosgerau,Behavior Research Methods 25Reputation as a sufficient condition fordata quality on Amazon Mechanical TurkJoachim; Acquisti,Alessandro2014, 46(4): 1023-1031 24 Ward’s hierarchical agglomerative clustering method: Which algorithms implement ward’s criterion? Murtagh, Fionn; Legendre, Pierre Journal of Classification 2014, 31(3): 274-295Van den Noortgate,Wim; Lopez-Lopez,Behavior Research Methods 20Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes: Amultilevel approachJose Antonio;Marin-Martinez,2015, 47(4): 1274-1294Fulgencio; et al.19 Ecological rationality or nested sets? Individual differences in cognitive processing predict Bayesian reasoning Sirota, Miroslav; Juanchich, Marie; Hagmayer, York Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2014, 21(1): 198-204Behavior Research Methods 15A comparative investigation of sevenBar-Anan, Yoav;indirect attitude measuresNosek, Brian A.2014, 46(3): 668-688 13 The frequency of excess success for articles in Psychological Science Francis, Gregory Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2014, 21(5): 1180-1187Behavior Research Methods 13Collecting response times using AmazonSimcox, Travis;Mechanical Turk and Adobe FlashFiez, Julie A.2014, 46(1): 95-111
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 综合心理学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Detection of B-mode polarization at degree Ade, P. A. R.; Physical Review Letters 682angular scales by BICEP2Aikin, R. W.;Barkats, D.; et al.2014, 112(24): 241101First results from the LUX dark matter Akerib, D. S.; Physical Review Letters 675experiment at the sanford undergroundAraujo, H. M.;research facilityBai, X.; et al.2014, 112(9): 091303 274 Cavity optomechanics Aspelmeyer, Markus; Kippenberg, Tobias J.; Marquard, Florian Reviews of Modern Physics 2014, 86(4): 1391-1452Rodin, A. S.; Physical Review Letters 215Strain-induced gap modification in blackphosphorusCarvalho, A.;Castro Neto, A. H.2014, 112(179): 176801 205 The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks Boccaletti, S.; Bianconi, G.; Criado, R.; et al. Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters 2014, 544(1): 1-122Xu, Xiaodong; Nature Physics 205Spin and pseudospins in layered transitionmetal dichalcogenidesYao, Wang;Xiao, Di; et al.2014, 10(5): 343-350 186 Parity-time-symmetric whispering-gallery microcavities Peng, Bo; Oezdemir, Sahin Kaya; Lei, Fuchuan; et al. Nature Physics 2014, 10(5): 394-398Ade, P. A. R.; Physical Review Letters 159Joint analysis of BICEP2/Keck array andplanck dataAghanim, N.;Ahmed, Z.; et al.2015, 114(10): 101301 159 Bell nonlocality Brunner, Nicolas; Cavalcanti, Daniel; Pironio, Stefano; et al. Reviews of Modern Physics 2014, 86(2): 101301Aartsen, M. G.; Physical Review Letters 146Observation of high-energy astrophysicalneutrinos in three years of icecube dataAckermann, M.;Adams, J.; et al.2014, 113(10): 101101
Psychology, Psychoanalysis 分析心理学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Psychoanalytic Psychology 7Moral injuryShay, Jonathan2014, 31(2): 182-1912014, 78(1): 1-156 Imagining fear: Attachment, threat, and psychic experience Slade, Arietta Bulletin of the Menninger Operationalizing the psychodynamic6diagnostic manual: A preliminary studyGordon, Robert M.; Clinicof the Psychodiagnostic ChartStoffey, Ronald W.Psychoanalytic Dialogues2014, 24(3): 253-266Zeitschrift FurNon-response to therapy in acute and Reuter, Laurence;Psychosomatische Medizin 5rehabilitative psychosomatic inpatientBengel, Juergen;Und Psychotherapie care: A systematic reviewScheidt, Carl Eduard2014, 60(2): 121-145 4 Does capitalism cause depression? Dornes, Martin Psyche-Zeitschrift Fur Psychoanalyse Und Ihre Anwendungen 2015, 69(2): 115-160Unmet psychotherapeutic needs of Schaefer, Ingo;Psychotherapeut 4stimulant users. Role of comorbidLotzin, Annett;disorders and traumatic experiencesMilin, Sascha2014, 59(4): 300-305 4 Perceptions about e-cigarette safety may lead to e-smoking during pregnancy Baeza-Loya, Selina; Viswanath, Humsini; Carter, Asasia; et al. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 2014, 78(3): 243-252Bifulco, Antonia; Bulletin of the Menninger4Problem parental care and teenage deliberateClinic self-harm in young community adultsSchimmenti, Adriano;Moran, Patricia; et al.2014, 78(2): 95-114 4 Ever evolving approaches to exploring the human mind Hoffman, Leon Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 2014, 62(1): 125-147Journal of the American4Reliance, or maternal eroticismKristeva, JuliaPsychoanalytic Association2014, 62(1): 69-85
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging 放射学,核医学和医学影像学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物127Methods to detect, characterize, and removePower, Jonathan D.; Mitra, Anish; Neuroimagemotion artifact in resting state fMRILaumann, Timothy O.; 2014, 84: 320-341et al.Comparison of PET imaging with a Afshar-Oromieh, Ali; European Journal of Nuclear92Ga-68-labelled PSMA ligand andZechmann, ChristianF-18-choline-based PET/CT for theM.; Malcher, Anna;Medicine and Molecular Imagingdiagnosis of recurrent prostate canceret al.2014, 41(1): 11-20 90 A review on continuous wave functional near-infrared spectroscopy and imaging instrumentation and methodology Scholkmann, Felix; Kleiser, Stefan; Metz, Andreas Jaakko; et al. Neuroimage 2014, 85(SI): 6-27Winkler, Anderson M.;84Permutation inference for the general linearRidgway, Gerard R.; NeuroimagemodelWebster, Matthew A.; 2014, 92: 381-397et al.73 Cluster-extent based thresholding in fMRI analyses: Pitfalls and recommendations Woo, Choong-Wan; Krishnan, Anjali; Wager, Tor D. Neuroimage 2014, 91: 412-419Salimi-Khorshidi,Automatic denoising of functional MM data: 64Combining independent component analysisGholamreza; Douaud,Neuroimageand hierarchical fusion of classifiersGwenaelle; Beckmann, 2014, 90: 449-468Christian F.; et al.64 On the interpretation of weight vectors of linear models in multivariate neuroimaging Haufe, Stefan; Meinecke, Frank; Goergen, Kai; et al. Neuroimage 2014, 87: 96-110Local recurrence after complete clinical Habr-Gama, Angelita; International Journal of Radiation63response and watch and wait in rectal cancerGama-Rodrigues,after neoadjuvant chemoradiation: Impact ofJoaquim; Sao Juliao,Oncology Biology Physicssalvage therapy on local disease controlGuilherme P.; et al.2014, 88(4): 822-828 60 Modern radiation therapy for hodgkin lymphoma: Field and dose guidelines from the international lymphoma radiation oncology group(ILROG) Specht, Lena; Yahalom, Joachim; Illidge, Tim; et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2014, 89(4): 854-862International Journal of RadiationBrown, J. Martin; 58The tumor radiobiology of SRS and SBRT:Are more than the 5 Rs involved?Carlson, David J.; Oncology Biology PhysicsBrenner, David J.2014, 88(2): 254-262
Remote Sensing 遥感学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Roy, D. P.; Wulder,Remote Sensing of Environment 103Landsat-8: Science and product vision forterrestrial global change researchM. A.; Loveland, T. R.;et al.2014, 145: 154-172Isprs Journal of PhotogrammetryGeographic object-based image analysis:Blaschke, Thomas; 86and Remote SensingTowards a new paradigmHay, Geoffrey J.;Kelly, Maggi; et al.2014, 87: 180-191 68 Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change Olofsson, Pontus; Foody, Giles M.; Herold, Martin; et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 2014, 148: 42-57Isprs Journal of PhotogrammetryUnmanned aerial systems for 66photogrammetry and remote sensing: AColomina, I.;and Remote SensingreviewMolina, P.2014, 92: 79-97 50 Early on-orbit performance of the visible infrared imaging radiometer suite onboard the suomi national polar-orbiting partnership(S-NPP) satellite Cao, Changyong; De Luccia, Frank J.; Xiong, Xiaoxiong; et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014, 52(2): 1142-1156Remote Sensing 45A non-stationary 1981-2012 AVHRRPinzon, Jorge E.;NDVI3g time seriesTucker, Compton J.2014, 6(8): 6929-6960 43 MIMO-SAR: Opportunities and pitfalls Krieger, Gerhard IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014, 52(5): 2628-2645IEEE Transactions on Geoscience39Unsupervised feature learning for aerialand Remote Sensing scene classificationCheriyadat, Anil M.2014, 52(1): 439-451 38 Spectral-spatial constraint hyperspectral image classification Ji, Rongrong; Gao, Yue; Hong, Richang; et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014, 52(3): 1811-1824Continuous change detection and Remote Sensing of Environment 37classification of land cover using allZhu, Zhe;available Landsat dataWoodcock, Curtis E.2014, 144: 152-171
Reproductive Biology 生殖生物学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Dunselman, G. A. J.; Human Reproduction 84ESHRE guideline: Management of womenwith endometriosisVermeulen, N.;Becker, C.; et al.2014, 29(3): 400-412Dewailly, Didier; Human Reproduction Update 79The physiology and clinical utility ofanti-Mllerian hormone in womenAndersen, Claus Yding;Balen, Adam; et al.2014, 20(3): 370-385 48 Transgenerational developmental programming Aiken, Catherine E.; Ozanne, Susan E. Human Reproduction Update 2014, 20(1): 63-75Assisted reproductive technology in Europe, Kupka, M. S.; Human Reproduction 452010: Results generated from EuropeanFerraretti, A. P.; deregisters by ESHREMouzon, J.; et al.2014, 29(10): 2099-2113 42 Individualization of controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF using ovarian reserve markers: From theory to practice La Marca, Antonio; Sunkara, Sesh Kamal Human Reproduction Update 2014, 20(1): 124-140IFPA senior award lecture: Making sense Redman, C. W.; Placenta 41of pre-eclampsia Two placental causes ofSargent, I. L.;preeclampsia?Staff, A. C.2014, 35(A): S20-S25 39 Definition and significance of polycystic ovarian morphology: A task force report from the Androgen Excess and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Society Dewailly, Didier; Lujan, Marla E.; Carmina, Enrico; et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014, 20(3): 334-352Broer, Simone L.; Human Reproduction Update 37Anti-Mullerian hormone: Ovarian reservetesting and its potential clinical implicationsBroekmans, Frank J. M.;Laven, Joop S. E.; et al.2014, 20(5): 688-701 35 Clinical outcomes following selection of human preimplantation embryos with time-lapse monitoring: A systematic review Kaser, Daniel J.; Racowsky, Catherine Human Reproduction Update 2014, 20(5): 617-631Use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to produce Whitworth, Kristin M.; Biology of Reproduction 32genetically engineered pigs from in vitro-Lee, Kiho; Benne,derived oocytes and embryosJoshua A.; et al.2014, 91(3): 78
Respiratory System 呼吸系统
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Kirklin, James K.;Journal of Heart and Lung196Sixth INTERMACS annual report: A 10000-patientNaftel, David C.;databasePagani, Francis D.;Transplantationet al.2014, 33(6): 555-564Chung, Kian Fan; 187International ERS/ATS guidelines on definition,European Respiratory Journalevaluation and treatment of severe asthmaWenzel, Sally E.;Brozek, Jan L.; et al.2014, 43(2): 343-373 89 Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in reducing mortality in patients admitted to hospital with influenza A H1N1pdm09 virus infection: A meta-analysis of individual participant data Muthuri, Stella G.; Venkatesan, Sudhir; Myles, Puja R.; et al. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2014, 2(5): 395-404Interagency registry for mechanically assisted Kirklin, James K.;Journal of Heart and Lung 81circulatory support(INTERMACS) analysis ofNaftel, David C.;pump thrombosis in the Heart Mate II leftKormos, Robert L.;Transplantationventricular assist deviceet al.2014, 33(1): 12-22 79 A prospective, molecular epidemiology study of EGFR mutations in asian patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer of adenocarcinoma histology(PIONEER) Shi, Yuankai; Au, Joseph Siu-Kie; Thongprasert, Sumitra; et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2014, 9(2): 154-162Nishimura, Rick A.;Journal of Thoracic and 722014 AHA/ACC guideline for the managementOtto, Catherine M.;of patients with valvular heart diseaseBonow, Robert O.;Cardiovascular Surgeryet al.2014, 148(1): E1-E132 62 Caring for critically Ill patients with ebola virus disease perspectives from west africa Fowler, Robert A.; Fletcher, Thomas; Fischer, William A., II; et al. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014, 190(7): 733-737A CFTR corrector(lumacaftor) and a CFTR Boyle, Michael P.;61potentiator(ivacaftor) for treatment of patientsBell, Scott C.;Lancet Respiratory Medicinewith cystic fibrosis who have a phe508del CFTRKonstan, Michael 2014, 2(7): 527-538mutation: A phase 2 randomised controlled trialW.; et al.59 The registry of the international society for heart and lung transplantation: Thirty-first adult lung and heart-lung transplant report-2014; Focus theme: Retransplantation Yusen, Roger D.; Edwards, Leah B.; Kucheryavaya, Anna Y.; et al. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014, 33(10): 1009-1024Complications of extracorporeal membrane Cheng, Richard;59oxygenation for treatment of cardiogenic shockHachamovitch, Rory;Annals of Thoracic Surgeryand cardiac arrest: A meta-analysis of 1866 adultKittleson, Michelle;2014, 97(2): 610-616patientset al.
Rheumatology 风湿病学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物EULAR recommendations for the management of Smolen, Josef S.;Annals of the Rheumatic317rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biologicalLandewe, Robert;disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2013Breedveld, Ferdinand C.;Diseasesupdateet al.2014, 97(3): 492-509McAlindon, T. E.; 176OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical Osteoarthritis and Cartilagemanagement of knee osteoarthritisBannuru, R. R.;Sullivan, M. C.; et al.2014, 22(3): 363-388 88 Efficacy and safety of the anti-IL-12/23 p40 monoclonal antibody, ustekinumab, in patients with active psoriatic arthritis despite conventional non-biological and biological anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy: 6-month and 1 year results of the phase 3, multicentre, double-blind, placebocontrolled, randomised PSUMMIT 2 trial Ritchlin, Christopher; Rahman, Proton; Kavanaugh, Arthur; et al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014, 73(6): 990-999Efficacy and safety of secukinumab, a fully human Annals of the Rheumaticanti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, inMcInnes, Iain B.;84patients with moderate-to-severe psoriatic arthritis:Sieper, Joachim; DiseasesA 24 week, randomised, double-blind, placebo-Braun, Juergen; et al. 2014, 73(2): 349-356controlled, phase II proof-of-concept trial76 The global burden of hip and knee osteoarthritis: Estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study Cross, Marita; Smith, Emma; Hoy, Damian; et al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014, 73(7): 1323-1330Annals of the RheumaticHoy, Damian; 74The global burden of low back pain: Estimatesfrom the Global Burden of Disease 2010 studyMarch, Lyn; DiseasesBrooks, Peter; et al.2014, 73(6): 968-974 74 Treating spondyloarthritis, including ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis, to target: Recommendations of an international task force Smolen, Josef S.; Braun, Juergen; Dougados, Maxime; et al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014, 73(1): 6-16Efficacy of certolizumab pegol on signs and symptoms of axial spondyloarthritis includingLandewe, R.; Annals of the Rheumatic72ankylosing spondylitis: 24 week results of aBraun, J.; Diseasesdouble-blind randomised placebo-controlledDeodhar, A.; 2014, 73(1): 39-47Phase 3 studyet al.71 Effect of certolizumab pegol on signs and symptoms in patients with psoriatic arthritis: 24 week results of a Phase 3 double- blind randomised placebocontrolled study(RAPID-PsA) Mease, P. J.; Fleischmann, R.; Deodhar, A. A.; et al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014, 73(1): 48-55Kavanaugh, Arthur; Annals of the RheumaticTreatment of psoriatic arthritis in a phase 368randomised, placebo-controlled trial withMease, Philip J.; Diseasesapremilast, an oral phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitorGomez-Reino, Juan J.;et al.2014, 73(6): 1020-1026
Robotics 机器人
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Soft Robotics 25Soft robotics: A perspective-current trendsand prospects for the futureMajidi, Carmel2014, 1(1): 5-11Autonomous soft robotic fish capable of Marchese, Andrew D.;Soft Robotics 24escape maneuvers using fluidic elastomerOnal, Cagdas D.;actuatorsRus, Daniela2014, 1(1): 75-87 23 A resilient, untethered soft robot Tolley, Michael T.; Shepherd, Robert F.; Mosadegh, Bobak; et al. Soft Robotics 2014, 1(3): 213-223Odhner, Lael U.;International Journal of Robotics 21A compliant, underactuated hand for robustJentoft, Leif P.;Research manipulationClaffee, Mark R.;et al.2014, 33(5): 736-752 19 PD with sliding mode control for trajectory tracking of robotic system Ouyang, P. R.; Acob, J.; Pano, V. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 2014, 30(2): 189-200Catalano, M. G.;International Journal of Robotics 18Adaptive synergies for the design and controlResearch of the Pisa/IIT SoftHandGrioli, G.;Farnioli, E.; et al.2014, 33(5): 768-782 16 Interfacial effects of superhydrophobic plant surfaces: A review Wang, Guiyuan; Guo, Zhiguang; Liu, Weimin Journal of Bionic Engineering 2014, 11(3): 325-345Cianchetti, Matteo;Soft robotics technologies to addressSoft Robotics 16shortcomings in today’s minimally invasiveRanzani, Tommaso;surgery: The STIFF-FLOP approachGerboni, Giada;2014, 1(2): 122-131 et al.15 Hierarchical quadratic programming: Fast online humanoid-robot motion generation Escande, Adrien; Mansard, Nicolas; Wieber, Pierre-Brice International Journal of Robotics Research 2014, 33(7): 1006-1028Soft Robotics 15Challenges and opportunities for design,simulation, and fabrication of soft robotsLipson, Hod2014, 1(1): 21-27
Statistics & Probability 统计与概率
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物RAxML version 8: A tool for phylogenetic Bioinformatics 738analysis and post-analysis of large Stamatakis, Alexandrosphylogenies2014, 30(9): 1312-1313Bolger, Anthony M.; Bioinformatics 506Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illuminasequence dataLohse, Marc; Usadel,Bjoern2014, 30(15): 2114-2120 317 HTSeq-a Python framework to work with high-throughput sequencing data Anders, Simon; Pyl, Paul Theodor; Huber, Wolfgang Bioinformatics 2015, 31(2): 166-169Jones, Philip; Binns, Bioinformatics 240InterProScan 5: Genome-scale proteinfunction classificationDavid; Chang, Hsin-Yu;et al.2014, 30(9): 1236-1240 141 Prokka: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation Seemann, Torsten Bioinformatics 2014, 30(14): 2068-2069Aryee, Martin J.;Minfi: A flexible and comprehensiveBioinformatics 121bioconductor package for the analysis ofJaffe, Andrew E.;Infinium DNA methylation microarraysCorrada-Bravo, Hector; 2014, 30(10): 1363-1369et al.120 Causal analysis approaches in Ingenuity pathway analysis Kraemer, Andreas; Green, Jeff; Pollard, Jack, Jr.; et al. Bioinformatics 2014, 30(4): 523-530featureCounts: An efficient general purpose Bioinformatics 106program for assigning sequence reads toLiao, Yang; Smyth,genomic featuresGordon K.; Shi, Wei2014, 30(7): 923-930 101 Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable Hayes, Andrew F.; Preacher, Kristopher J. British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 2014, 67(3): 451-470iNuc-PseKNC: A sequence-based predictorGuo, Shouhui;Bioinformatics95for predicting nucleosome positioning ingenomes with pseudo k-tuple nucleotideDeng, Enze; 2014, 30(11): 1522-1529compositionXu, Liqin; et al.
Substance Abuse 药物滥用
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Electronic cigarettes: Review of use, content, Hajek, Peter; Etter,Addiction 67safety, effects on smokers and potential forJean-Francois;harm and benefitBenowitz, Neal; et al.2014, 109(11): 1801-1810Carbonyl compounds in electronic cigarette Kosmider, Leon;Nicotine & Tobacco Research 65vapors: Effects of nicotine solvent and batterySobczak, Andrzej;output voltageFik, Maciej; et al.2014, 16(10): 1319-1326 63 Real-world effectiveness of e-cigarettes when used to aid smoking cessation: A cross-sectional population study Brown, Jamie; Beard, Emma; Kotz, Daniel; et al. Addiction 2014, 109(9): 1531-1540Addictive Behaviors 54A longitudinal study of electronic cigaretteEtter, Jean-Francois;usersBullen, Chris2014, 39(2): 491-494 50 Secondhand exposure to vapors from electronic cigarettes Czogala, Jan; Goniewicz, Maciej L.; Fidelus, Bartlomiej; et al. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2014, 16(6): 655-662Nicotine content of electronic cigarettes, its Goniewicz, Maciej L.;Addiction 50release in vapour and its consistency acrossHajek, Peter;batches: Regulatory implicationsMcRobbie, Hayden2014, 109(3): 500-507 49 An international consensus for assessing internet gaming disorder using the new DSM-5 approach Petry, Nancy M.; Rehbein, Florian; Gentile, Douglas A.; et al. Addiction 2014, 109(9): 1399-1406Intentions to smoke cigarettes among Bunnell, Rebecca E.;Nicotine & Tobacco Research 44never-smoking US middle and high schoolAgaku, Israel T.;electronic cigarette users: National youthArrazola, Rene A.;2015, 17(2): 228-235 tobacco survey, 2011-2013et al.42 Estimating the harms of nicotine-containing products using the MCDA approach Nutt, David J.; Phillips, Lawrence D.; Balfour, David; et al. European Addiction Research 2014, 20(5): 218-225Castaneto, Marisol S.;Drug and Alcohol Dependence 39Synthetic cannabinoids: Epidemiology,Gorelick, David A.;pharmacodynamics, and clinical implicationsDesrosiers, Nathalie2014, 144: 12-41 A.; et al.
Surgery 外科学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of Heart and LungKirklin, James K.; 196Sixth INTERMACS annual report: A 10000Transplantation patient databaseNaftel, David C.;Pagani, Francis D.; et al.2014, 33(6): 555-564American Journal ofBanff 2013 meeting report: Inclusion of 170C4d-negative antibody-mediated rejectionHaas, M.; Sis, B.; Transplantationand antibody-associated arterial lesionsRacusen, L. C.; et al.2014, 14(2): 272-283 119 The effectiveness and risks of bariatric surgery an updated systematic review and meta-analysis, 2003-2012 Chang, Su-Hsin; Stoll, Carolyn R. T.; Song, Jihyun; et al. Jama Surgery 2014, 149(3): 275-287Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Kirklin, James K.; Journal of Heart and Lung81Circulatory Support(INTERMACS) analysisNaftel, David C.;Transplantation of pump thrombosis in the Heart Mate II leftKormos, Robert L.;ventricular assist deviceet al.2014, 33(1): 12-22 72 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease Nishimura, Rick A.; Otto, Catherine M.; Bonow, Robert O.; et al. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2014, 148(1): E1-E132American Journal ofMatas, A. J.; 65OPTN/SRTR 2012 annual data report: KidneySmith, J. M.; TransplantationSkeans, M. A.; et al.2014, 14(S1): 11-44 62 The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology(STROBE) statement: Guidelines for reporting observational studies von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G.; Egger, Matthias; et al. International Journal of Surgery 2014, 12(12): 1495-1499A unified theory of sepsis- induced acuteGomez, Hernando;Shock 61kidney injury: Inflammation, microcirculatorydysfunction, bioenergetics, and the tubular cellInce, Can; De Backer,2014, 41(1): 3-11 adaptation to injuryDaniel; et al.59 The registry of the international society for heart and lung transplantation: Thirty-first adult lung and heart-lung transplant report-2014; Focus theme: Retransplantation Yusen, Roger D.; Edwards, Leah B.; Kucheryavaya, Anna Y.; et al. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014, 33(10): 1009-1024Complications of extracorporeal membrane Cheng, Richard;Annals of Thoracic Surgery 59oxygenation for treatment of cardiogenicHachamovitch, Rory;shock and cardiac arrest: A meta-analysisKittleson, Michelle;2014, 97(2): 610-616 of 1866 adult patientset al.
Telecommunications 电信学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Larsson, Erik G.;IEEE Communications Magazine 185Massive MIMO for next generation wirelessEdfors, Ove;systemsTufvesson, Fredrik;2014, 52(2): 186-195 et al.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas inAndrews, Jeffrey G.;138What will 5G be?Buzzi, Stefano; CommunicationsChoi, Wan; et al.2014, 32(6): 1065-1082 120 Five disruptive technology directions for 5G Boccardi, Federico; Heath, Robert W., Jr.; Lozano, Angel; et al. IEEE Communications Magazine 2014, 52(2): 74-80Scenarios for 5G mobile and wireless Osseiran, Afif; IEEE Communications Magazine 82communications: The vision of the METISBoccardi, Federico;projectBraun, Volker; et al.2014, 52(5): 26-35 78 Millimeter-wave beamforming as an enabling technology for 5G cellular communications: Theoretical feasibility and prototype results Roh, Wonil; Seol, Jiyun; Park, JeongHo; et al. IEEE Communications Magazine 2014, 52(2): 106-113Wang, Chengxiang; IEEE Communications Magazine 74Cellular architecture and key technologies for5G wireless communication networksHaider, Fourat;Gao, Xiqi; et al.2014, 52(2): 122-130 66 Network densification: The dominant theme for wireless evolution into 5G Bhushan, Naga; Li, Junyi; Malladi, Durga; et al. IEEE Communications Magazine 2014, 52(2): 82-89IEEE Communications Surveys andPerera, Charith; 59Context aware computing for the internet ofTutorials things: A surveyZaslavsky, Arkady;Christen, Peter; et al.2014, 16(1): 414-454 57 Power allocation strategies in energy harvesting wireless cooperative networks Ding, Zhiguo; Perlaza, Samir M.; Esnaola, Inaki; et al. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2014, 13(2): 846-860Youssef, Moustafa; Communications Surveys and56Routing metrics of cognitive radio networks:Ibrahim, Mohamed;Tutorials A surveyAbdelatif, Mohamed;et al.2014, 16(1): 92-109
Thermodynamics 热力学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Progress in Energy and81Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass forZheng, Yi; Zhao, Jia;Combustion Science enhanced biogas productionXu, Fuqing; et al.2014, 42: 35-53Vyazovkin, Sergey;ICTAC kinetics committee recommendations forThermochimica Acta58collecting experimental thermal analysis data forChrissafis, Konstantinos;kinetic computationsDi Lorenzo, Maria2014, 590: 1-23 Laura; et al.55 Thermal and flow analysis of microchannel heat sink(MCHS) cooled by Cu-water nanofluid using porous media approach and least square method Hatami, M.; Ganji, D. D. Energy Conversion and Management 2014, 78: 347-358International Journal of HeatSheikholeslami, Mohsen; 51Numerical simulation of MHD nanofluid flowand heat transfer considering viscous dissipationAbelman, Shirley; and Mass TransferGanji, Davood Domiri2014, 79: 212-222 50 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection heat transfer of Al2O3-water nanofluid in a horizontal cylindrical enclosure with an inner triangular cylinder Sheikholeslami, Mohsen; Gorji-Bandpy, Mofid; Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2015, 80: 16-25International Journal of49Natural convective boundary-layer flow of aKuznetsov, A. V.;nanofluid past a vertical plate: A revised modelNield, D. A.Thermal Sciences2014, 77: 126-129 47 Economic-environmental energy and reserve scheduling of smart distribution systems: A multiobjective mathematical programming approach Zakariazadeh, Alireza; Jadid, Shahram; Siano, Pierluigi Energy Conversion and Management 2014, 78: 151-164Ferrohydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic Energy 46effects on ferrofluid flow and convective heatSheikholeslami, Mohsen;transferGanji, Davood Domiri2014, 75(SI): 400-410 45 Alcohol combustion chemistry Sarathy, S. Mani; Osswald, Patrick; Hansen, Nils; et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2014, 44: 40-102Brownian motion and thermophoresis effects International Journal of44on slip flow of alumina/water nanofluid insideMalvandi, A.;a circular microchannel in the presence of a Ganji, D. D.Thermal Sciencesmagnetic field2014, 84: 196-206
Toxicology 毒理学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Gliga, Anda R.;Particle and FibreSize-dependent cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles 106in human lung cells: The role of cellular uptake,Skoglund, Sara;Toxicologyagglomeration and Ag releaseWallinder, IngerOdnevall; et al.2014, 11: 11Environmental HealthAn integrated risk function for estimating theBurnett, Richard T.; 83global burden of disease attributable to ambientPope, C. Arden, III;Perspectivesfine particulate matter exposureEzzati, Majid; et al.2014, 122(4): 397-403 72 A brief overview of the potential environmental hazards of ionic liquids Bubalo, Marina Cvjetko; Radosevic, Kristina; Redovnikovic, Ivana Radojcic; et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2014, 99: 1-12Magdolenova, Zuzana;Nanotoxicology 68Mechanisms of genotoxicity. A review of in vitroCollins, Andrew;and in vivo studies with engineered nanoparticlesKumar, Ashutosh;2014, 8(3): 233-278 et al.67 Nanotoxicity of graphene and graphene oxide Seabra, Amedea B.; Paula, Amauri J.; de Lima, Renata; et al. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2014, 27(2): 159-168Annual Review ofPharmacology and 50Small-molecule allosteric activators of sirtuinsSinclair, David A.;Guarente, LeonardToxicology2014, 54: 363-380 48 Oxidative stress induced by inorganic nanoparticles in bacteria and aquatic microalgae: State of the art and knowledge gaps von Moos, Nadia; Slaveykova, Vera I. Nanotoxicology 2014, 8(6): 605-630Environmental HealthTemporal trends in phthalate exposures: FindingsZota, Ami R.; 47from the national health and nutrition examinationCalafat, Antonia M.;Perspectivessurvey, 2001-2010Woodruff, Tracey J.2014, 122(3): 235-241 47 Triggering of suicidal erythrocyte death by penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose Alzoubi, Kousi; Honisch, Sabina; Abed, Majed; et al. Toxins 2014, 6(1): 54-65Peretz, Jackye;Environmental Health46Bisphenol A and reproductive health: Update ofVrooman, Lisa;Perspectives experimental and human evidence, 2007-2013Ricke, William A.;et al.2014, 122(8): 775-786
Transplantation 移植
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of Heart and LungKirklin, James K.; 196Sixth INTERMACS annual report: A 10000Transplantation patient databaseNaftel, David C.;Pagani, Francis D.; et al.2014, 33(6): 555-564Banff 2013 meeting report: Inclusion of American Journal of Transplantation 170C4D-negative antibody-mediated rejectionHaas, M.; Sis, B.;and antibody-associated arterial lesionsRacusen, L. C.; et al.2014, 14(2): 272-283 81 Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support(INTERMACS) analysis of pump thrombosis in the Heart Mate II left ventricular assist device Kirklin, James K.; Naftel, David C.; Kormos, Robert L.; et al. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014, 33(1): 12-22American Journal of Transplantation 65OPTN/SRTR 2012 annual data report:Matas, A. J.; Smith, J.KidneyM.; Skeans, M. A.; et al.2014, 14(S1): 11-44 59 The Registry of the international society for heart and lung transplantation: Thirtyfirst adult lung and heart-lung transplant report-2014; Focus theme: Retransplantation Yusen, Roger D.; Edwards, Leah B.; Kucheryavaya, Anna Y.; et al. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014, 33(10): 1009-1024An analysis of pump thrombus events in Najjar, Samer S.; Journal of Heart and Lung58patients in the heart ware ADVANCESlaughter, Mark S.;Transplantation bridge to transplant and continued accessPagani, Francis D.;protocol trialet al.2014, 33(1): 23-34 54 A new classification system for chronic lung allograft dysfunction Verleden, Geert M.; Raghu, Ganesh; Meyer, Keith C.; et al. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014, 33(2): 127-133American Journal of Transplantation 52OPTN/SRTR 2012 annual data report:Kim, W. R.; Smith, J. M.;LiverSkeans, M. A.; et al.2014, 14(S1): 69-96 51 The registry of the international society for heart and lung transplantation: Thirty-first official adult heart transplant report-2014; Focus theme: Retransplantation Lund, Lars H.; Edwards, Leah B.; Kucheryavaya, Anna Y.; et al. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014, 33(10): 996-1008Spasovski, Goce; Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 40Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis andtreatment of hyponatraemiaVanholder, Raymond;Allolio, Bruno; et al.2014, 29(S2): 1-39
Transportation 运输学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Containership routing and scheduling Meng, Qiang; Transportation Science 37in liner shipping: Overview and futureWang, Shuaian;research directionsAndersson, Henrik;2014, 48(2): 265-280 et al.Coelho, Leandro C.;Transportation Science 31Thirty years of inventory routingCordeau, Jean-Francois;Laporte, Gilbert2014, 48(1): 1-19 22 Constraint reformulation and a Lagrangian relaxation-based solution algorithm for a least expected time path problem Yang, Lixing; Zhou, Xuesong Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 2014, 59: 22-44Brouer, Berit D.;A base integer programming model andTransportation Science 20benchmark suite for liner-shipping networkAlvarez, J. Fernando;designPlum, Christian E. M.;2014, 48(2): 281-312 et al.19 A meta-analysis of the effects of texting on driving Caird, Jeff K.; Johnston, Kate A.; Wiliness, Chelsea R.; et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 2014, 71: 311-318Transportation Research PartCacchiani, Valentina; 19An overview of recovery models andB-Methodological algorithms for real-time railway reschedulingHuisman, Dennis;Kidd, Martin; et al.2014, 63: 15-37 18 Macroscopic fundamental diagrams: A cross-comparison of estimation methods Leclercq, Ludovic; Chiabaut, Nicolas; Trinquier, Beatrice Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 2014, 62: 1-12O’Brien, Oliver;Journal of Transport Geography 17Mining bicycle sharing data for generatinginsights into sustainable transport systemsCheshire, James;Batty, Michael2014, 34: 262-273 16 Safety evaluation for expressways: A comparative study for macroscopic and microscopic indicators Qu, Xiaobo; Kuang, Yan; Oh, Erwin; et al. Traffic Injury Prevention 2014, 15(1): 89-93Accident Analysis and16ADHD and relative risk of accidents in roadPrevention traffic: A meta-analysisVaa, Truls2014, 62: 415-425
Transportation Science & Technology 交通科学与工程
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Comparison of three electrochemical energy Hu, Xiaosong;IEEE Transactions on Intelligent45buffers applied to a hybrid bus powertrainMurgovski, Nikolce;Transportation Systems with simultaneous optimal sizing and energyJohannesson, LarsmanagementMardh; et al.2014, 15(3): 1193-1205Transportation Research PartTransit network design based on travel timeYao, Baozhen; Hu, 38C-Emerging TechnologiesreliabilityPing; Lu, Xiaohong;et al.2014, 43(SI): 233-248 37 Containership routing and scheduling in liner shipping: Overview and future research directions Meng, Qiang; Wang, Shuaian; Andersson, Henrik; et al. Transportation Science 2014, 48(2): 265-280Coelho, Leandro C.;Transportation Science 31Thirty years of inventory routingCordeau, Jean-Francois; Laporte,2014, 48(1): 1-19 Gilbert27 A macro model for traffic flow on road networks with varying road conditions Tang, Tieqiao; Caccetta, Lou; Wu, Yonghong; et al. Journal of Advanced Transportation 2014, 48(4): 304-317Duarte, Melissa; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular27Design and characterization of a full-duplexSabharwal, Ashutosh;Technology multiantenna system for wifi networksAggarwal, Vaneet;et al.2014, 63(3): 1160-1177 26 Short-term traffic forecasting: Where we are and where we’re going Vlahogianni, Eleni I.; Karlaftis, Matthew G.; Golias, John C. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 2014, 43(SI): 3-19IEEE Transactions on IntelligentEnvelope level crossing rate and average fadeCheng, Xiang; 25duration of nonisotropic vehicle-to-vehicleWang, Chengxiang; Transportation Systemsricean fading channelsAi, Bo; et al.2014, 15(1): 62-72 25 Charging infrastructure planning for promoting battery electric vehicles: An activity-based approach using multiday travel data Dong, Jing; Liu, Changzheng; Lin, Zhenhong Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 2014, 38: 44-55Ieee Transactions on IntelligentMilanes, Vicente; 24Cooperative adaptive cruise control in realTransportation Systems traffic situationsShladover, Steven E.;Spring, John; et al.2014, 15(1): 296-305
Tropical Medicine 热带医学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Hotez, Peter J.;The global burden of disease study 2010:Plos Neglected Tropical 62Interpretation and implications for theAlvarado, Miriam; Diseasesneglected tropical diseasesBasanez, Maria-Gloria;et al.2014, 8(7): e2865Plos Neglected Tropical 53Outbreak of ebola virus disease in guinea: WhereBausch, Daniel G.;Diseases ecology meets economySchwarz, Lara2014, 8(7): e3056 42 Arrival of chikungunya virus in the new world: Prospects for spread and impact on public health Weaver, Scott C. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014, 8(6): e2921Burden of disease from inadequate water,Pruess-Ustuen, Annette;Tropical Medicine & 34sanitation and hygiene in low- and middle-International Health income settings: A retrospective analysis ofBartram, Jamie;data from 145 countriesClasen, Thomas; et al.2014, 19(8): 894-905 34 Geographical variation in Plasmodium vivax Relapse Battle, Katherine E.; Karhunen, Markku S.; Bhatt, Samir; et al. Malaria Journal 2014, 13: 144Sougoufara, Seynabou;Biting by Anopheles funestus in broad daylightMalaria Journal 27after use of long-lasting insecticidal nets: A newDiedhiou, Seynabouchallenge to malaria eliminationMocote; Doucoure,2014, 13: 125 Souleymane; et al.27 Estimating the annual entomological inoculation rate for Plasmodium falciparum transmitted by Anopheles gambiae s.l. using three sampling methods in three sites in Uganda Malaria Journal Malaria Journal 2014, 13: 111Malaria Journal 26Characterizing, controlling and eliminatingresidual malaria transmissionKilleen, Gerry F.2014, 13: 330 26 Harnessing mosquito-Wolbachia symbiosis for vector and disease control Bourtzis, Kostas; Dobson, Stephen L.; Xi, Zhiyong; et al Acta Tropica 2014, 132(SI): S150-S163Lee, Soo Ching;Plos Neglected Tropical 25Helminth colonization is associated withTang, Mei San;Diseases increased diversity of the gut microbiotaLim, Yvonne A. L.;et al2014, 8(5): e2880
Urban Studies 城市研究
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Urban green space, public health, andWolch, Jennifer R.; Landscape and Urban Planning 49environmental justice: The challenge ofByrne, Jason;making cities ‘just green enough’Newell, Joshua P.2014, 125(SI): 234-244Landscape and Urban Planning 34Urban ecology and sustainability: Thestate-of-the-science and future directionsWu, Jianguo2014, 125(SI): 209-221 30 Current trends in smart city initiatives: Some stylised facts Neirotti, Paolo; De Marco, Alberto; Cagliano, Anna Corinna; et al. Cities 2014, 38: 25-36International Journal of Urban25The ‘urban age’ in questionBrenner, Neil;and Regional Research Schmid, Christian2014, 38(3): 731-755 21 Matlab software for spatial panels Elhorst, J. Paul International Regional Science Review 2014, 37(3): 389-405Landscape and Urban Planning 21Methods for identifying land use conflictBrown, Greg; Raymond,potential using participatory mappingChristopher M.2014, 122: 196-208 19 Impact of urban form and design on mid-afternoon microclimate in Phoenix Local Climate Zones Middel, Ariane; Haeb, Kathrin; Brazel, Anthony J.; et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 2014, 122: 16-28Critical research on eco-cities? A walk Cities 18through the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Caprotti, FedericoEco-City, China2014, 36(SI): 10-17 17 Green justice or just green? Provision of urban green spaces in Berlin, Germany Kabisch, Nadja; Haase, Dagmar Landscape and Urban Planning 2014, 122: 129-139The concept of ecosystem services in Ahern, Jack; Landscape and Urban Planning 16adaptive urban planning and design:Cilliers, Sarel;A framework for supporting innovationNiemela, Jari2014, 125(SI): 254-259
Urology & Nephrology 泌尿外科和肾内科
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物EAU guidelines on prostate cancer. Part 1:Heidenreich, Axel; 317Screening, diagnosis, and local treatmentBastian, Patrick J.;European Urologywith curative intent-update 2013Bellmunt, Joaquim; et al.2014, 65(1): 124-137EAU guidelines on prostate cancer. Part II: Heidenreich, Axel; 203Treatment of advanced, relapsing, andBastian, Patrick J.;European Urologycastration-resistant prostate cancerBellmunt, Joaquim; et al.2014, 65(2): 467-479 116 EAU guidelines on muscle-invasive and metastatic bladder cancer: Summary of the 2013 guidelines Witjes, J. Alfred; Comperat, Eva; Cowan, Nigel C.; et al. European Urology 2014, 65(4): 778-792Schrader, Andres Jan;Enzalutamide in castration-resistant prostate 98cancer patients progressing after docetaxelBoegemann, Martin;European Urologyand abirateroneOhlmann, Carsten-H.;2014, 65(1): 30-36 et al.80 Prospective study of diagnostic accuracy comparing prostate cancer detection by transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy versus Magnetic Resonance(MR) imaging with subsequent mr-guided biopsy in men without previous prostate biopsies Pokorny, Morgan R.; De Rooij, Maarten; Duncan, Earl; et al. European Urology 2014, 66(1): 22-29Value of targeted prostate biopsy using Sonn, Geoffrey A.;74magnetic resonance-ultrasound fusion inChang, Edward;European Urologymen with prior negative biopsy andNatarajan, Shyam;2014, 65(4): 809-815 elevated prostate-specific antigenet al.73 Long-term risks for kidney donors Mjoen, Geir; Hallan, Stein; Hartmann, Anders; et al. Kidney International 2014, 86(1): 162-167Long-term study of patients with type 2diabetes and moderate renal impairmentKohan, Donald E.; 86shows that dapagliflozin reduces weightFioretto, Paola; Tang,Kidney Internationaland blood pressure but does not improve Weihua; et al.2014, 65(4): 962-971glycemic control64 Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of prostate cancer Loeb, Stacy; Bjurlin, Marc A.; Nicholson, Joseph; et al. European Urology 2014, 65(6): 1046-1055Ljungberg, Borje; 62EAU guidelines on renal cell carcinoma: European Urology2014 updateBensalah, Karim;Canfield, Steven; et al.2015, 67(5): 913-924
Veterinary Sciences 兽医学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Annual Review of AnimalAmino acid nutrition in animals: ProteinWu, Guoyao; 48Biosciencessynthesis and beyondBazer, Fuller W.;Dai, Zhaolai; et al.2014, 2: 387-417Vincent, A.;Zoonoses and Public Health 39Review of influenza a virus in swine worldwide:A call for increased surveillance and researchAwada, L.;Brown, I.; et al.2014, 61(1): 4-17 38 Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus(H5N8) in domestic poultry and its relationship with migratory birds in South Korea during 2014 Jeong, Jipseol; Kang, Hyun-Mi; Lee, Eun-Kyoung; et al. Veterinary Microbiology 2014, 173(3-4): 249-257Ontogeny and water temperature influences Green, Timothy J.; Fish & Shellfish26the antiviral response of the Pacific oyster,Montagnani, Caroline; ImmunologyCrassostrea gigasBenkendorff, Kirsten;et al.2014, 36(1): 151-157 25 Investigation into the role of potentially contaminated feed as a source of the firstdetected outbreaks of porcine epidemic diarrhea in canada Pasick, J.; Berhane, Y.; Ojkic, D.; et al. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2014, 61(5): 397-410Lungworms of the genus Troglostrongylus Brianti, E.;Veterinary Parasitology 25(Strongylida: Crenosomatidae): NeglectedGiannetto, S.;parasites for domestic catsDantas-Torres, F.; et al.2014, 202(3-4): 104-112 25 Discovery and mode of action of afoxolaner, a new isoxazoline parasiticide for dogs Shoop, Wesley L.; Hartline, Eric J.; Gould, Brandon R.; et al. Veterinary Parasitology 2014, 201(3-4): 179-189Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus Alexandersen, S.; Transboundary and25 2014, 61(2): 105-108 22 Genetics and genomics of reproductive performance in dairy and beef cattleantibody reactors among camels in dubai, unitedKobinger, G. P.; Emerging Diseasesarab emirates, in 2005Soule, G.; et al.Berry, D. P.; Wall, E.; Pryce, J. E. Animal 2014, 8(1): 105-121Factors associated with morbidity, mortality, Windeyer, M. C.; Preventive Veterinary22and growth of dairy heifer calves up to 3 monthsLeslie, K. E.; Medicineof ageGodden, S. M.; et al.2014, 113(2): 231-240
Virology 病毒学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Gevers, Dirk;Cell Host & Microbe 182The treatment-naive microbiome in new-onsetcrohn’s diseaseKugathasan, Subra;Denson, Lee A.; et al.2014, 15(3): 382-392The present and future disease burden of Journal of Viral Hepatitis 77hepatitis C virus(HCV) infection with today’sRazavi, H.; Waked, I.;treatment paradigmSarrazin, C.; et al.2014, 21(SI): 34-59 73 Successful treatment of advanced Ebola virus infection with T-705(favipiravir) in a small animal model Oestereich, Lisa; Luedtke, Anja; Wurr, Stephanie; et al. Antiviral Research 2014, 10: 17-21Ho, Brian T.; Dong,Cell Host & Microbe 65A view to a kill: The bacterial type VI secretionsystemTao G.; Mekalanos,John J.2014, 15(1): 9-21 64 Histone deacetylase inhibitor romidepsin induces HIV expression in CD4T cells from patients on suppressive antiretroviral therapy at concentrations achieved by clinical dosing Wei, Datsen George; Chiang, Vicki; Fyne, Elizabeth; et al. Plos Pathogens 2014, 10(4): e1004071-e1004071Retention in care under universal antiretroviral Tenthani, Lyson; Haas,Aids 59therapy for HIV-infected pregnant andAndreas D.; Tweya,breastfeeding women(‘Option B+’) in MalawiHannock; et al.2014, 28(4): 589-598 57 The family parvoviridae Cotmore, Susan F.; Agbandje-McKenna, Mavis; Chiorini, John A.; et al. Archives of Virology 2014, 159(5): 1239-1247Wedemeyer, H.;Journal of Viral Hepatitis 56Strategies to manage hepatitis C virus(HCV)disease burdenDuberg, A. S.; Buti,M.; et al.2014, 21(SI): 60-89 56 Microbes, microbiota, and colon cancer Sears, Cynthia L.; Garrett, Wendy S. Cell Host & Microbe 2014, 15(3): 317-328Hraber, Peter; Seaman,Aids 55Prevalence of broadly neutralizing antibodyresponses during chronic HIV-1 infectionMichael S.; Bailer,Robert T.; et al.2014, 28(2): 163-169
Water Resources 水资源
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Lackner, Susanne; Water Research 81Full-scale partial nitritation/anammoxexperiences: An application surveyGilbert, Eva M.; Vlaeminck,Siegfried E.; et al.2014, 55: 292-303Lutchmiah, Kerusha; Water Research 64Forward osmosis for application inwastewater treatment: A reviewVerliefde, A. R. D.;Roest, K.; et al.2014, 58: 179-197 50 The sweet spot of forward osmosis: Treatment of produced water, drilling wastewater, and other complex and difficult liquid streams Coday, Bryan D.; Xu, Pei; Beaudry, Edward G.; et al. Desalination 2014, 333(1): 23-35Oxidative treatment of bromide-containing Heeb, Michele B.;Water Research 44waters: Formation of bromine and its reactionsCriquet, Justine;with inorganic and organic compounds: AZimmermann-Steffens,2014, 48: 15-42 critical reviewSaskia G.; et al.42 Carbon nanotube membranes for water purification: A bright future in water desalination Das, Rasel; Ali, Md Eaqub; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee; et al. Desalination 2014, 336: 97-109A novel magnetic Fe@Au core-shellGupta, Vinod Kumar;Water Research 41nanoparticles anchored graphene oxiderecyclable nanocatalyst for the reductionAtar, Necip; Yola,2014, 48: 210-217 of nitrophenol compoundsMehmet Lutfi; et al.39 Uncertainty in evapotranspiration from land surface modeling, remote sensing, and GRACE satellites Long, Di; Longuevergne, Laurent; Scanlon, Bridget R. Water Resources Research 2014, 50(2): 1131-1151Shaffer, Devin L.;Desalination 38Forward osmosis: Where are we now?Werber, Jay R.;Jaramillo, Humberto;2015, 356(SI): 271-284 et al.38 Heteroaggregation and sedimentation rates for nanomaterials in natural waters Quik, J. T. K.; Velzeboer, I.; Wouterse, M.; et al. Water Research 2014, 48: 269-279Vereecken, H.; Journal of Hydrology 36On the spatio-temporal dynamics of soilmoisture at the field scaleHuisman, J. A.;Pachepsky, Y.; et al.2014, 516(SI): 76-96
Women’s Studies 妇女研究
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Creanga, Andreea A.;Journal of Women’s Health 22Maternal mortality and morbidity in theunited states: Where are we now?Berg, Cynthia J.;Ko, Jean Y.; et al.2014, 23(1): 3-9Gender & Society 15Normalizing sexual violenceHlavka, Heather R.2014, 28(3): 337-358 13 Prevalence and risk factors for early, undesired weaning attributed to lactation dysfunction Stuebe, Alison M.; Horton, Bethany J.; Chetwynd, Ellen; et al. Journal of Women’s Health 2014, 23(5): 404-412Gender Place and Culture 1321 Years of gender, place and culture bodies,Longhurst, Robyn;gender, place and culture: 21 years onJohnston, Lynda2014, 21(3): 267-278 13 A very “gay” straight? Hybrid masculinities, sexual aesthetics, and the changing relationship between masculinity and homophobia Bridges, Tristan Gender & Society 2014, 28(1): 58-82Kling, Juliana M.;Journal of Women’s Health 12Osteoporosis prevention, screening, andtreatment: A reviewClarke, Bart L.;Sandhu, Nicole P.2014, 23(7): 563-572 12 Influence of patient sex and gender on medication use, adherence, and prescribing alignment with guidelines Manteuffel, Marie; Williams, Sophy; Chen, William; et al. Journal of Women’s Health 2014, 23(2): 112-119Life history models of female offending: DeHart, Dana;Psychology of Women Quarterly 11The roles of serious mental illness andLynch, Shannon;trauma in women’s pathways to jailBelknap, Joanne; et al.2014, 38(1): 138-151 10 Intimate terrorism and situational couple violence in general surveys: Ex-spouses required Johnson, Michael P.; Leone, Janel M.; Xu, Yili Violence Against Women 2014, 20(2): 186-207Implementing a prospective study ofDobkin, Loren M.;Women’s Health Issues 10women seeking abortion in the unitedstates: Understanding and overcomingGould, Heather;2014, 24(1): E115-E123 barriers to recruitmentBarar, Rana E.; et al.
Zoology 动物学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物When and where does mortality occur in Klaassen, Raymond H. G.;Journal of Animal Ecology 48migratory birds? Direct evidence from long-Hake, Mikael; Strandberg,term satellite tracking of raptorsRoine; et al.2014, 83(1): 176-184Wu, Guoyao; Annual Review of Animal48Amino acid nutrition in animals: ProteinBiosciences synthesis and beyondBazer, Fuller W.;Dai, Zhaolai; et al.2014, 2: 387-417 46 Anatomy of hierarchy: Feedforward and feedback pathways in macaque visual cortex Markov, Nikola T.; Vezoli, Julien; Chameau, Pascal; et al. Journal of Comparative Neurology 2014, 522(1): 225-259Zootaxa44Biogeographical regionalisation of theNeotropical regionMorrone, Juan J.2014, 3782(1): 1-110 42 Temperature dependence of trophic interactions are driven by asymmetry of species responses and foraging strategy Dell, Anthony I.; Pawar, Samraat; Savage, Van M. Journal of Animal Ecology 2014, 83(1): 70-84Phillips, Donald L.;Canadian Journal of Zoology 32Best practices for use of stable isotopemixing models in food-web studiesInger, Richard;Bearhop, Stuart; et al.2014, 92(10): 823-835 32 The dynamics of animal social networks: Analytical, conceptual, and theoretical advances Pinter-Wollman, Noa; Hobson, Elizabeth A.; Smith, Jennifer E.; et al. Behavioral Ecology 2014, 25(2): 242-255Sillero, Neftali;Amphibia-Reptilia 29Updated distribution and biogeography ofamphibians and reptiles of EuropeCampos, Joao;Bonardi, Anna; et al.2014, 35(1): 1-31 28 Paleogene land mammal faunas of south america; A response to global climatic changes and indigenous floral diversity Woodburne, Michael O.; Goin, Francisco J.; Bond, Mariano; et al. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 2014, 21(1): 1-73Taxonomic classification of the reef coral Huang, Danwei; Zoological Journal of the27families merulinidae, montastraeidae, andBenzoni, Francesca;Linnean Society diploastraeidae(Cnidaria: Anthozoa:Fukami, Hironobu;Scleractinia)et al.2014, 171(2): 277-355